Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C976 She Secretly Followed Me

C976 She Secretly Followed Me

Gong Moyi went upstairs and felt her lips. The touch on the petal did not last long.    


This was her first kiss, so it should be counted, even though it was about to be separated after a touch.    


Her heart was still beating fast. Gong Moyi took off her skirt and changed into her pajamas before lying down. On the bed, she began to look at the jewelry that Xiyan Cheng gave her.    


It was really beautiful. She looked at it over and over again.    




Gong Moyi then remembered that Xiyan Cheng had also paid Beiming Yumo for the bracelet!    


She and Beiming Yumo were clearly classmates, and that represented friendship and consultation fees, but he had also confiscated it!    


Furthermore, was his possessive desire too strong, too overbearing? She did not agree to anything, and he actually said that she was his future girlfriend!    


Gong Moyi was vexed. Why did she not refute just now?    


It must be because she could not accept losing her first kiss. So she forgot everything and her brain was rusty!    


She was angry but also wanted to laugh. Gong Moyi tossed and turned on the bed for a long time before she fell asleep.    


As a result, during Lin Zexuan's class the next morning, she began to yawn.    


Soon, it was afternoon training. Gong Moyi found that Xiyan Cheng was really ruthless because he increased the workload again.    


However, for her and the other girl, he reduced part of the training program.    


Gong Moyi found that Xiyan Cheng's estimation of her and the other girl's physical fitness was quite accurate.    


Every time that girl completed it, she would almost reach her limit.    


As for her, even if she had a strong will and a heart that refused to admit defeat, she would still lose to her physical strength in the end.    


And Xiyan Cheng would always wait for her near the finish line. Seeing that she could not walk anymore, he would either hug her or carry her on his back. In short, Gong Moyi did not want him to succeed several times, but in the end, she still compromised.    


She swore to herself that after this half month of training ended, she must train hard and never let this guy find an opportunity again!    


After the training ended, the boys were so tired that they directly fell to the ground. They didn't even have the strength to say a word.    


Xiyan Cheng glanced around and was very satisfied with the result.    


At least, these brats no longer had the spirit to ask Gong Moyi all kinds of questions.    


It was rare that he was in a good mood to care about everyone. "Today I will tell the canteen to give everyone an extra drumstick. The cost will be on me!"    


Everyone was grateful. Although they did not have the strength to stand up and express their thanks, they looked at Xiyan Cheng with more admiration.    


An outstanding instructor needed both kindness and authority, and he even paid for it himself. It was simply too good!    


Xiyan Cheng continuously trained for ten days in the Nice Guy Card given to him by the students.    


Ever since that day, he often took Gong Moyi to eat, but he did not mention the confession from that day again.    


Gong Moyi was also happy and relaxed, pretending that nothing had happened. What should be done, what should be done, what should be done.    


It was already the end of the month. Gong Moyi had just finished training that day when she received a call from Gong Moxuan.    


She slid to answer the call and heard her own Second Elder Brother say, "Moyi, I will go to T City tomorrow and bring you the rice wine that you like!"    


Gong Moyi loved the handmade rice wine in Imperial City the most. That family was a craftsmanship passed down from an old lady. They did not brew much every year and often sold out.    


She was especially excited when she heard that. "Okay, then I will fight for it after tomorrow's training!"    


"Yes, that's right. I came here this time. " There are two other people you know. " Gong Moxuan said, "Mu Wan and Beiming Yumo."    


Gong Moyi was puzzled, "Why are they here too?"    


"I am here to participate in the race. I saw Beiming Yumo also participate when I saw the list of the contestants today. The results of the preliminary round are about the same as mine, and the result will be decided the day after tomorrow. " I'll contact him later and see if he wants to come out. " Speaking up to this point, Gong Moxuan said again, "As for Little Night, he naturally secretly followed me here."    


Gong Moyi was speechless. "Mu Wan's high school studies are heavy. She should start school in a few days, right? Do her parents know that you kidnapped her?"    


"Even if they know, it's still called stealing?" Gong Moxuan said. "She admired my driving skills, so she said she wanted to follow me... Sigh, women are troublesome, what if I don't agree to let her cry for me to see?"    


Gong Moyi did not comment on this and only said, "Alright, I'll tell the instructor tomorrow and fight to find you guys after the training ends."    


After Gong Moyi sent the message, she knew that she must find Xiyan Cheng this time.    


When she thought of the kiss that day, her cheeks were still slightly dry, but she tried her best to hold it in. She pretended as if nothing had happened and sent a message to Xiyan Cheng. "Mr Cheng, do you have time now? Let me discuss something for you."    


Xiyan Cheng quickly replied, "Where are you?"    


Gong Moyi replied, "Under the library."    


"Stand there and don't move. I'll go over immediately." Xiyan Cheng said.    


In less than ten minutes, Gong Moyi looked up and saw Xiyan Cheng striding over.    


He must have gone back to take a shower, changed into casual clothes, and had short hair. There were also some water droplets on his short hair.    


The water droplets slid down his angular face. There was some moisture on the chest area of his T-shirt, which outlined the contours of his muscles.    


He stood in front of her and asked: "Not tired? Why didn't you go back to the dormitory to rest?"    


"I think the place Instructor Lin taught me this morning is interesting. That's why I'm going to the library to see if there are any books related to it. " Gong Moyi said.    


"Little Moyi is really a good student who likes to study." After Xiyan Cheng said that, his big hand landed on Gong Moyi's head and gently rubbed it. "But Instructor Xi Yan does not only know martial arts but also literature, so he wants to go up and pick a book. I will accompany you."    


Gong Moyi smiled generously. "Then I will thank Instructor Xi Yan in advance! But I have one more thing..."    


She looked at him with bright eyes. "I, Second Elder Brother, will come tomorrow. After my afternoon training, can I go out to see him?"    


After all, she could not go out of the school. If she wanted to go out, she could only take Xiyan Cheng's car.    


"Yes, I will send you there tomorrow." Xiyan Cheng agreed readily. He then looked at Gong Moyi meaningfully. "It's a good time to meet you, Second Elder Brother."    


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