Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C956 Jealous of a Man's Dirty Tricks

C956 Jealous of a Man's Dirty Tricks

It was Gong Moyi who flew the plane this time. Xiyan Cheng guided her by her side. He was very close to her and would reach out from time to time. He was clearly teaching her how to fly the plane, but his arm seemed to wipe Gong Moyi's arm.    


A few minutes later, they arrived near the ore mine.    


At the moment, there were still some lights on that side. Looking from afar, Beiming Shen was in the middle. It was fine, but there were workers around. Everyone was just wasting their time, as if they were doing some kind of tug of war.    


At this moment, the engine roared, and it got closer and closer.    


Everyone heard it. They raised their heads and looked at the helicopter.    


Xiyan Cheng went to the cabin and asked Beiming Yumo: "The one in the middle?"    


Beiming Yumo nodded. "Yes."    


"Little Moyi, come closer." Xiyan Cheng said to Gong Moyi, who was sitting in the driver's seat.    


"Okay." Gong Moyi replied.    


The plane was getting closer and closer to the ground. Because of the plane's interference, those people on the ground also noticed that something was wrong. They stood up one after another, as if they could throw the tools in their hands at the propellers at any time.    


At this moment, Xiyan Cheng appeared at the cabin door.    


He took two steps along the ladder and directly shot at the sky.    


The people who were about to move suddenly stopped and looked at him vigilantly.    


Xiyan Cheng said a few words in English, then jumped off the plane and approached Beiming Shen step by step.    


Beiming Shen narrowed his eyes.    


Xiyan Cheng quickly said to him in Mandarin: "Your son asked me to come. Cooperate with him."    


After that, he suddenly exerted his strength and turned around, arriving behind Beiming Shen.    


After that, his spear was pointed at Beiming Shen's temple.    


Everyone looked at each other in dismay. They had no idea what was going on.    


At the same time, someone seemed to have realized that he was aiming the gun at Beiming Shen, so they could do something to the plane.    


However, at that moment, Gong Moyi, who was sitting in the cockpit, aimed her gun at the foreman.    


In the silence of the scene, Xiyan Cheng had already taken Beiming Shen to the plane.    


After that, the plane quickly rose up and disappeared from everyone's sight.    


"Thank you, both of you." Beiming Shen thanked Xiyan Cheng and Gong Moyi seriously.    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. He said faintly: "It's fine. I have offended you just now."    


Only then did Beiming Shen have the time to look at his son. When he saw that Beiming Yumo had gauze on his legs, he could not help but ask, "Yumo, what's wrong?"    


"A little light injury. Let's talk about it when we go back." Beiming Yumo said, "Dad, what exactly is their attitude?"    


"There is someone behind this ore mine." Beiming Shen furrowed his brows. "I can already confirm that this person has been planning for a long time. I'm afraid that this isn't the only thing he wants."    


Beiming Yumo was also a little shocked. "Against our family?"    


Beiming Shen nodded. "I will go back and analyze it properly. We will not talk about the Maritime Department for the time being."    


After all, if they really wanted money, they would not have that kind of attitude.    


As for the local workers, they did not ask for money. What did they ask for?    


So it wasn't because he predicted failure, It's because there's someone behind him, and that person... Obviously, it wasn't because he wanted money.    


Both of them fell silent until they flew away from this area. Gong Moyi asked, "Yumo, our volunteers all live in the collective dormitory. Where do you live with uncle?"    


"I live in the urban area of the capital, but planes are not allowed to fly and land at will, so you can just send us to the dock." Beiming Shen said, "Little girl, thank you for saving me and Yumo today. May I ask your name?"    


Gong Moyi hesitated for a moment and then said, "My name is Guan Moyi."    


"Yes, thank you, Miss Guan." Beiming Shen said.    


At this moment, Beiming Yumo, who was next to him, suddenly felt relieved.    


He was indeed nervous just now. He was nervous about whether Gong Moyi would say his real name or how his father would react when he heard her name.    


Fortunately, everything was just a false alarm.    


At least, they maintained the calm on the surface.    


It wasn't far from the dock. In addition, Beiming Shen's mobile phone had a signal when it was far away from the ore mine, so they quickly arranged for someone to pick them up.    


The plane landed. Gong Moyi took off her helmet and handed it to Xiyan Cheng. "Mr Cheng, it is still a little difficult for me to drive at night. You can do it next. I will learn from the side."    


"Okay." Xiyan Cheng nodded.    


Beiming Yumo got off the plane and saw that Gong Moyi did not seem to want to come down. He suddenly thought of something and said to her, "Moyi."    


Gong Moyi heard it and walked over and jumped off the cabin. "Huh?"    


"Help me tell Brother Cheng to give me a card number or see how to transfer the fuel money to Brother Cheng." Beiming Yumo said.    


"It's fine, there's no need." Gong Moyi smiled. "Our job is to rescue people. It was also our job just now."    


Beiming Yumo's lips. His lips moved. "Thank you all very much this time."    


Gong Moyi waved her hand. "It is really my job. You are welcome."    


She seemed to have thought of something and asked, "So you are not angry about your previous identity?"    


Beiming Yumo was startled, and then his expression became somewhat unnatural. "Yes."    


Gong Moyi smiled even more brightly. "Then we have an agreement!"    


After saying that, she waved goodbye to him. "I wish you safety. Bye bye!"    


He nodded and looked at her and Xiyan Cheng, who was half-leaning against Gong Moyi waiting for her at the entrance of the cockpit. He said, "Have a safe journey."    


Gong Moyi nodded and walked into the cabin.    


Xiyan Cheng reached out to her. She grabbed his hand and pushed it upwards.    


However, she did not know whether it was because she used too much force just now or because he used too much force to pull her. Under the force, she actually fell into Xiyan Cheng's arms.    


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