Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C845 I'm Leaving

C845 I'm Leaving

However, Soong Ziheng didn't spend much time in Hua Country during this vacation. After all, there was still something going on in Haisheng, and there would be a press conference on the Spring Festival. Therefore, he flew to Ningcheng on New Year's Eve.    


Gong Moyan was also very busy during this holiday. She was going to be in her second year of high school soon. She had too many things to prepare, and she had to choose a direction in the future.    


On the first day of school, the atmosphere in the class was obviously not as relaxed as before. Everyone realized that the seats in the class had been rearranged. It was obvious that they were arranged according to the grades.    


Gong Moyan was ranked third in the class and fifth in the grade this time. It was considered a very good result. Next to her was the fourth in the class, a girl who ate books all day long.    


During class, some students said that they planned to go abroad in their third year of high school. Some people said that he should still participate in the college entrance exam honestly.    


Every student at this stage had different choices. Gong Moyan had already made her choice long ago. She was twelve years old.    


She would still participate in the smart design of the resort every weekend. However, in the next few months, she did not meet Xiao Pei again because the person in charge of them had changed to another group. Gong Moyan had heard from the senior who led the team that day.    


The senior also said that at the end of last week, Xiao Pei and the others were no longer responsible, but she did not know why the last time it was Xiao Pei.    


When Gong Moyan heard this, she couldn't help but think of that night when he walked side by side with her.    


However, why did he go over? She could only think about it in her heart but could not find an answer.    


During the summer vacation, the school organized a preparation class for the college entrance exam. Therefore, Gong Moyan was busier than usual. Until the start of the semester in September, she received a piece of news.    


At this moment, many students who wanted to go abroad had already started to prepare various materials, and she had always planned to enter Imperial City University.    


It was just a phone call that suddenly made her waver.    


Old Wu was Soong Yiren's teacher before, but after he was suspended from the Ningcheng University, he went to Heavenly Palace Group and engaged in the research and development of the TG series.    


After all, he was the oldest in Soong Yiren's team. In these two years, his body was not as healthy as before, and he could not move the laboratory anymore.    


He made an appointment with Soong Yiren and called Gong Moyan. The three of them went to a coffee shop near the school.    


Old Wu went straight to the point. "Moyan, I heard from Nuan that you have always wanted to learn artificial intelligence. I have also specially understood your performance in the Heavenly Palace Group's artificial intelligence resort. Very good."    


"I am looking for you today because I want to tell you that I am old and should go home to accompany my parents and my wife and children. I plan to return to the Ningcheng University next month."    


"I've always been teaching AI courses. If you were to enroll in Ninghai University, I would take your classes. You can also choose my graduate course after graduating from your undergraduate course. " I wonder if you're interested? "    


How could Gong Moyan not know about Old Wu?    


She had heard from Soong Yiren that Old Wu's academic ability was very strong and his practical ability was also the best in the country. He was an upright person and was a rare teacher.    


Although Imperial City University also had an AI major, Soong Yiren was at Imperial City University at that time. She also knew that there were no teachers there who were more outstanding than Old Wu.    


Now that Old Wu could take her undergraduate course to graduate, how could she not be moved?    


Gong Moyan was very touched and said, "Professor Wu, thank you. I also want to study with you. But if I want to go to Ning Country, I need to discuss with my mother."    


Old Wu naturally understood. After all, Gong Moyan had never left her home. Although Ningcheng was not far from Hua Country, it was still abroad. Naturally, he needed to discuss it with his family.    


"Alright, then I will wait for your news." Old Wu said, "If you are willing, you can go at any time during this semester."    


He had seen Gong Moyan's results. In addition, most of the high school curriculum was revision. It was not difficult for her to directly go to a major course.    


"Okay, thank you, Professor Wu!" Gong Moyan bowed sincerely.    


Soong Yiren smiled at the side. "If Moyan went over, she wouldn't be worried. Ziheng can take care of her there."    


Everyone chatted for a while longer before Gong Moyan returned to the classroom for class.    


That night, she returned home and told her mother about this matter.    


It was not that her mother did not know how Gong Moyan learned these few years. She also knew her daughter's dream. It was just that she was still a little worried when she went overseas, so she called Gong Lingye.    


After hanging up, her mother said, "Moyan, uncle said that you are almost 18, so you decide your own life. Think about your own direction, and then walk in that direction firmly and unwaveringly. "    


Gong Moyan thought for a while and nodded, "Mother, I want to go to Ningcheng University."    


"Okay, what procedures do you need to go through? I will prepare it with you tomorrow." Mother said.    


That night, Gong Moyan sent a message to Old Wu, saying that she wanted to go.    


Old Wu was very efficient. The next day, he sent a form to Gong Moyan.    


After Gong Moyan filled in the form and submitted all her results and materials, it was time to wait for the other side to notify her.    


In the past few days, she went to the resort of Heavenly Palace Group as usual during the weekend. She handed the project to her classmates and said goodbye to the other students in the project team.    


A few days later, the Ningcheng University sent her an invitation. They officially informed her that she would become a freshman of the Ningcheng University and that she should report there as soon as possible.    


The day Gong Moyan received the letter, her eyes started to burn.    


This was the reward for her hard work, and it was also the beginning of her stepping into another stage of life.    


That day, she bid farewell to the teachers and classmates in the class and left the school.    


It was just that she didn't go home, but went to the entrance of Xiao Pei's family estate.    


She accidentally found out where Xiao Pei's house was. At this moment, there was still some time before he got off work. She sat on a bench at the entrance of the community and looked outside.    


Time passed by slowly. She was constantly paying attention to the cars coming and going to the community until she finally saw the license plate.    


As the car approached, Gong Moyan felt her heart tighten bit by bit, and even her breathing became somewhat difficult.    


This was the second time she took the initiative to look for him, not for any reason, just to tell him that she was going to Ning Country to go to school. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to see him for a year or two in the future.    


She somewhat wanted to see his current appearance. It was fine as long as she saw him. Otherwise, after leaving for a few years, she was afraid that she would not be able to remember him anymore.    


The car drove into the neighborhood and Gong Moyan jogged in. She did not wave at the people in the car. She was afraid that he would see her and also wanted him to see her.    


When they passed by the entrance of the underground parking garage, the security door scanned the license plate and automatically reported the parking area.    


Gong Moyan heard the area code and did not chase after them. Instead, she went to the corresponding elevator in the area.    


When she just went from the ground to the B2 floor, Xiao Pei also happened to walk over from the parking area.    


Program trailer: Something will happen tomorrow ~    


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