Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C834 I will Take Good Care of My Brother

C834 I will Take Good Care of My Brother

The little friend asked again, "What is a hero against the flood? What do you mean by sacrificing your life for the country? "    


On the side, Pei Shangyu frowned impatiently.    


Chiang Yubai was still explaining seriously, "The heroes who resist the flood block the flood wherever there is a flood. This way, everyone's houses will not be destroyed!"    


After saying that, she was a little sad. "Mother said that sacrificing one's life for the country means that I might not be able to see Father anymore in the future. Because he has been blocking the flood and cannot return home."    


The children were very kind and quickly comforted Chiang Yubai, "It's alright. We are your good friends. We will play with you!"    


Chiang Yubai smiled happily. Sure enough, her mother said that kindergarten was very good. There were also many little friends who were true.    


On the side, Pei Shangyu had completely lost his patience. He didn't say anything, but turned around and walked out.    


Chiang Yubai saw this and quickly chased after him. "Mr Shangyu, don't run around."    


Pei Shangyu curled his lips. A little girl still bothered about him?    


He ignored her and continued walking out.    


Chiang Xiaoxi also hurriedly carried Chiang Yubai and quickly caught up.    


Along the way home, Chiang Yubai occasionally looked at Pei Shangyu beside her and wanted to talk to him. But this brother was clearly not easy to get along with, and was different from kindergarten children.    


But before coming to Heng City, her grandmother had told her to be a good child that would not let her mother worry about.    


She also said that her mother had to work and that she could not ruin her mother's work.    


She had heard what her mother and Aunt Pei had said that day. Aunt Pei had said that she wanted her mother to take good care of her brother.    


Therefore, her mother's job was to take care of her brother, and she also had to take care of her brother.    


When they entered, Chiang Yubai came to Pei Shangyu's side and handed her a piece of milk candy that the kindergarten child had given her. She went over. "Mr Shangyu, I'll treat you to sugar."    


She was reluctant to eat this piece of sugar. In the past, she had eaten fruit sugar in the village, but she had never eaten such wrapped and beautiful milk sugar.    


However, the little boy only slightly raised his eyes. There was only irritation on his beautiful face. He took Chiang Yubai's candy and directly threw it out.    


The sugar just so happened to slide under the cabinet. Chiang Yubai was stunned and hurriedly ran over to pick it up.    


But her short arms were completely unable to reach the sugar.    


She turned her head to look at the boy who lowered his head to play with the car. She did not understand why he had to throw away the sugar properly. Did he hate her?    


Chiang Xiaoxi was cooking in the kitchen while Chiang Yubai was sitting three meters away from Pei Shangyu. She looked at him as if she wanted to get closer but did not know how to get closer.    


Until the boy finally noticed her line of sight, so he drove the car in his hand out and raised his chin at Chiang Yubai.    


Chiang Yubai reacted and hurriedly ran over. She picked up the car and passed it to Pei Shangyu.    


Pei Shangyu lazily looked at her and then drove the car out again.    


Thus, he drove the car and she ran over to pick it up. She was so obedient that she was like a puppy that had picked up a sandbag for its owner.    


When Chiang Xiaoxi finished cooking and called the two children to eat, Chiang Yubai was already drenched in sweat.    


So this dinner, even though Chiang Yubai had already eaten some food in the kindergarten, she still ate a full bowl of rice.    


At night, Chiang Xiaoxi went to the study room. There was a computer in the room that Ms Pei did not want.    


She turned on the computer and started to search for professional information.    


She previously studied software design. Although she had not touched professional stuff for a few years, it was still easier for her to slowly recover her feelings now than not knowing anything.    


She had thought about it. It was too difficult to find a formal job. After all, she didn't have the qualifications to be an undergraduate student in a university. However, it was easier for her to take on some temporary jobs.    


She could be Pei Shangyu's nanny while taking on private jobs to save some money. After all, Chiang Yubai would need to spend money to go to school in the future.    


Outside, the living room was silent.    


Chiang Yubai still wanted to play the game with Pei Shangyu, but Pei Shangyu was no longer interested in this.    


He took a tool and started to disassemble the car.    


She had no place to help, and she did not dare to get too close to him. She could only watch from two meters away.    


He ignored her and ignored her gaze. He was still looking at her.    


Until it was time to sleep at night, Chiang Xiaoxi called the children to take a bath.    


Pei Shangyu knew how to wash himself, so he did not need Chiang Xiaoxi's help.    


So, Chiang Xiaoxi brought Chiang Yubai to another bathroom.    


This was the first time Chiang Yubai saw a bathtub, and her eyes were filled with excitement. She carefully asked her mother if she could swim in it.    


Chiang Xiaoxi nodded and poured water for her daughter.    


Chiang Yubai soaked in the water and thought in her heart, she had to take good care of her brother so that her mother would not lose her job. This way, she could stay here and play with the swimming pool.    


However, when she thought of her grandma in her hometown, Chiang Yubai felt a little sad.    


It would be great if she could bring her grandma back. However, they did not seem to have invited her to work...    


Just like that, they stayed at the Pei family's residence. Everything seemed to be the same as the first day.    


In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.    


On this day, Chiang Xiaoxi still picked up Pei Shangyu first before bringing Pei Shangyu to pick up Chiang Yubai.    


On the way, Chiang Yubai said that her teacher asked her children to paint today. The topic was "My Father.    


She drew a very tall man and showed it to Chiang Xiaoxi as if he was presenting a treasure. "Mom, does my painting look like it?"    


Chiang Xiaoxi looked and said with a smile, "It looks like it. It's just that there should be an epaulet on Dad's shoulder. Mom will go home tonight and help you add it."    


Chiang Yubai was happy and turned to ask Pei Shangyu, "Mr Shangyu, where is your dad?"    


Chiang Xiaoxi was also stunned when she heard that.    


She had been here for a month and had never heard Ms Pei mention Pei Shangyu's father.    


Furthermore, Pei Shangyu followed Ms Pei's surname and it seemed like...    


She understood something and looked at the boy again. A malicious expression appeared on his face, as if he was extremely averse to this question.    


At this moment, Chiang Xiaoxi also realized another problem.    


Previously Ms Pei said that she was usually busy so she let Chiang Xiaoxi take care of the child.    


But even if she really had a lot of work to do every day, It was not to the extent that she did not even have time to make a phone call in such a month's time, right?    


Pei Shangyu did not have a phone, nor did he have a landline at home. So if Ms Pei wanted to find Pei Shangyu, she could only call Chiang Xiaoxi.    


However, in this month, Chiang Xiaoxi had received a call from Ms Pei's secretary once, saying that she had transferred the living expenses over. There was nothing else.    


She did not even ask what kind of courtesy Pei Shangyu had.    


She lowered her head to look at the boy beside her and suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful.    


It was also at this moment that she suddenly understood why Pei Shangyu's personality was like this.    


A boy whose father was unknown and whose mother did not love, probably felt that the entire world had abandoned him. He was still a five-year-old child!    


As for Chiang Xiaoxi and her, although they did not have money, they still had love.    


Thinking of this, Chiang Xiaoxi felt that she should be more patient with Pei Shangyu.    


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