Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C823 He Had a Big Mouth and a Cold Mouth

C823 He Had a Big Mouth and a Cold Mouth

This action shocked everyone so much that they looked over there. Some of the students even forgot to cry and just watched the boy get stabbed by the plane.    


A paper plane naturally wouldn't hurt people. So the boy did not feel pain. He just stopped crying and looked at Gong Moyi before looking at the paper plane on the ground.    


"The plane is for you. Don't cry. It's so noisy that my ears hurt." After Gong Moyi said that, she directly walked down.    


If she didn't cry, then why did those boys cry? Shame on them.    


Teacher Chen and Teacher Wang were stunned by the series of actions of the Gong Family's three babies. They only smiled again after a few seconds and invited the other students to speak.    


In the first row. There were a few students who were crying and didn't go up at all until a little girl in the corner was invited up.    


The little girl's eyes were big and there was obvious redness in them. It was obvious that she had just cried for a while.    


She stood on the stage and her voice was soft and soft: "My name is Su Zimeng. I'm two and eight months old. I still have an elder brother who went to the big class. His name is Su Zixi and he is also in our kindergarten."    


Gong Moyi looked at the girl on the stage who was a few months younger than her and suddenly felt that she was a little cute.    


She lowered her head and folded another paper plane, preparing to send the little girl that she had just taken a fancy to.    


At that moment, Xuanyuan Yov was invited up. There was still a little red flower on his face that Gong Moxuan had pasted on him, and the other flower was stuck to his neck. Because the last time he had watched a movie, one of the big shots in the movie had a tattoo on the side of his neck. He felt that it was the most handsome.    


He looked at the crowd below the stage for a while and then said, "My name is Xuanyuan Yov. I have a brother called Xuanyuan Chen. He was the one who didn't like to talk. We look alike, right? Oh, no, I should still be a bit more handsome than him! You can call me Brother Yu Yu... Hmm, no, that's not right. Actually, I still have two older brothers and one older sister, which are the three in front of me. "Sigh, shouldn't I also talk about my personal interests and worldview?"    


The corners of Teacher Chen and Teacher Wang's lips twitched, but they continued to encourage him," Un, Little Lin, you can continue. "    


Xuanyuan Yov received the teacher's affirmation, so he continued, "I have a wide range of hobbies, and my favorite is photography. I helped my mom take pictures when I was two years old. My mom said that my dad's photography skills are better than mine, so everyone relies on talent!"    


"Besides photography, I also like drawing and seasoning. I wonder if anyone has seen a very old film called 'Smelling Women With Fragrance'? " My mother showed me before. There was an old man in it. "Sigh, I wonder why my mother likes to watch that film. That old man wasn't as handsome as my father... "    


"I think I went off topic?" Xuanyuan Yov did not care that there were children crying so hard that their throats were almost hoarse. He looked at a child who was using his clothes to wipe his snot and continued to be beaming with joy. "As for the worldview, I don't think we need to talk about it here. After all, this is something that we can slowly feel when we get along. What do you guys think?"    


Gong Moyi saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she took the lead to applaud her brother.    


Gong Moxuan stood up straight and patted the table with his big hand. His expression was as if Hua Country had entered the World Cup. He said excitedly, "Little Lin, well said. Let's applaud! Bang, bang, bang!    


Xuanyuan Yov was very satisfied with the interaction below. He clapped his hands and returned to his seat.    


The two teachers suddenly felt that they probably could not control the children in this class anymore.    


Teacher Chen's temple twitched. His gaze landed on Xuanyuan Chen. His voice carried some uncertainty as he said, "Little Chen, it's your turn to introduce yourself."    


Xuanyuan Chen's attire today was somewhat similar to Gong Moxiu's. When he walked onto the stage, he had a cold and aloof expression on his face, as though he did not want any strangers to enter. His words were as valuable as gold. "Xuanyuan Chen."    


After saying that, he went back to his seat without waiting for his teacher's comment.    


The two teachers looked at each other in dismay. They looked almost identical. However, their personalities were completely opposite, and they secretly sighed at the mysteriousness of genes in their hearts.    


After that, a few other students introduced themselves, until the last one came up.    


The boy seemed to have just been sent to class. Just as he put down his schoolbag, he was invited by the teacher to come up. Thus, he was still somewhat confused.    


"Teacher, am I here to perform a show for everyone?" His handsome face had a bit of a mischievous and eccentric look. He had clearly just been separated from his parents, but he didn't seem to be upset at all.    


The teacher explained, "Today is the first day of school. All the children have to introduce themselves to everyone!"    


Thus, the little boy nodded and said naturally, "My name is Xiyan Chi, and I like fighting. If anyone refuses to accept it, we can spar after class!"    


Teacher Chen:... "" She felt that this batch of students really could not be taught!    


Other than those who had been crying, all the other children introduced themselves and the teacher began to teach.    


However, because the classroom was too noisy, the teacher could only send a painting brush to the children and let them draw on the paper as they pleased.    


Gong Moxiu's speed was very fast. He quickly drew a robot and then took out a small model from his bag and started to assemble it according to the blueprint.    


On the side, Gong Moxuan drew a cool car and carefully painted it. It was rare for him to be serious.    


Gong Moyi still drew her plane. This time, the plane looked like a science fiction movie with many strange elements.    


Behind her, Xuanyuan Yov, who claimed to like painting, had already finished drawing a few paintings.    


One of them was a Q version of Teacher Wang, another was a Q version of Teacher Chen, and the last one was the little sister sitting at the same table.    


In front of Xuanyuan Chen, there was a drawing of a house. The structure of the house was exquisite, but there was not a single person.    


Behind him, a child suddenly cried. Teacher went over. It turned out that the child wanted to take the painting that Xiyan Chi had just drawn, but was beaten up in the end.    


The morning passed just like that. At noon, everyone waited in the classroom for the teacher to distribute the food.    


The few crying children also cried and felt hungry. Thus, the classroom finally had a short moment of silence.    


Gong Moyi made a good friend today, it was that little, soft Su Zimeng.    


Gong Moyi was the elder brother at home, and Beiming Mo's two children were also boys. Her only girl, Gong Suhe, was a year younger than her and was not very good at playing together.    


So now that there was a girl of the same age, she was very happy.    


The two of them sat together and ate together. Su Zimeng also said that she wanted to bring her to get to know her elder brother, Su Zixi, who was in kindergarten class.    


After lunch, the teachers arranged for everyone to take an afternoon nap.    


Perhaps because they had eaten their fill, they had the strength to cry again. So after Gong Moxiu laid down, they heard the sounds of crying again and again.    


He laid on the bed for a few minutes and finally walked to the middle of the afternoon class without saying a word. Then he said to everyone: "Look here!"    


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