Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C820 Formal Proposal of Marriage

C820 Formal Proposal of Marriage

Hee Wanshuang was carried by Princess Lieh Yuanchen and only then did she react. She quickly buried her face in his chest.    


There were so many people in the hospital and he carried her out just like that. It was too...    


"Put me down. I can walk by myself!" She was a little annoyed.    


"Wife, you're pregnant. Didn't the doctor say that you can't exercise intensely?" Lieh Yuanchen carried her and walked out openly under everyone's gazes.    


He did not care about other people's gazes at all. He did not feel burdened at all. The smile on his face slowly spread.    


Although he said that he could adopt, who didn't want to have their own flesh and blood?    


Furthermore, he knew that although Hee Wanshuang did not say it, he often saw her secretly sad. She was sad and his heart felt even more uncomfortable and guilty.    


The reason why she could not give birth was because of him. It was because he had caused her a lifetime of regret. Even if she killed him, she would not be able to make up for it!    


And now, they finally had a baby. Their lives would no longer have any regrets. How could he not be happy?    


Until Lieh Yuanchen placed him in the front passenger seat. Hee Wanshuang still felt uneasy.    


When the two of them went to Gong Family, they went to the Western Medicine Hospital for a blood test. After confirming the pregnancy, they went straight to Gong Family.    


At this moment, it was already time for dinner. The arrival of the two people clearly surprised everyone. Immediately, Yue Wenqing called Hee Wanshuang and Lieh Yuanchen to eat together.    


After Helian Qing got pregnant, she moved back to Gong's Mansion. Because there were many people there to take care of her and talk to her, after Gong Mochen went to work, she had people to take care of everything.    


Her eldest daughter, Gong Suhe, was already one year and eight months old. The little girl was quite familiar with Hee Wanshuang, so she ran over and stretched out her arms to let Hee Wanshuang carry her.    


However, she was intercepted by Lieh Yuanchen halfway.    


"Mixed blood uncle, didn't you like carrying children?" Gong Suhe spoke early. She had spoken when she was one or two months old. Now, she could express it simply.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at the little girl. No matter how he looked at it, he liked her. He thought that his and Hee Wanshuang's children would definitely be as cute as well.    


He explained, "Uncle likes it now. Also, your seniority is wrong. You should call me grandpa."    


He was Lieh Xiaoruan's older brother, the same generation as Lieh Xiaoruan and Gong Lingye. Then wouldn't he be a higher generation?    


The little girl glanced at him and did not take him seriously at all. "Oh."    


"What do you mean by 'oh'?" Lieh Yuanchen pretended to be serious. "Call me grandpa."    


The little girl turned her head and ignored him, leaving only the back of his head.    


On the side, Gong Mochen extended his arm to take Gong Suhe from Lieh Yuanchen's arm and said, "Suhe, the mixed-blood uncle had a car accident before and his brain was hit."    


Gong Suhe opened her eyes wide and looked like she had just realized something.    


On the other side, everyone laughed.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at Gong Mochen, who was hugging his daughter, and didn't get angry. Anyway, he was in a good mood today, so it didn't matter even if he was attacked and mocked by Gong Mochen.    


He walked to Helian Qing and said seriously, "Qingqing, Shuang is pregnant..."    


Helian Qing was also a little surprised. Although she had been helping Hee Wanshuang recuperate for the past few years, after all, it was not something that could be done in a day or two. Even healthy people might need one or two years to have a child.    


She knew how low Hee Wanshuang's chances of getting pregnant were. Now that she knew that the other party was pregnant, Helian Qing did not say anything and sat down to take Hee Wanshuang's pulse.    


She had always known about Hee Wanshuang's physical condition, so after taking her pulse, Helian Qing immediately prescribed a prescription and let people prepare the corresponding medicine.    


Following which, she told Hee Wanshuang about some precautions before everyone sat down and ate.    


After leaving Gong Family, Lieh Yuanchen drove Hee Wanshuang downstairs and parked the car. He ignored her objections and took the elevator with her to her house.    


"Shuang, go home and confirm if my parents are at home to give me news tomorrow." Lieh Yuanchen said seriously, "I officially came to propose marriage."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. After a few seconds, she asked again, "I really am going to have a baby, right?"    


Lieh Yuanchen nodded. "Yes, we are going to have our baby."    


Hee Wanshuang finally smiled. Her eyes were full of light. "I am so happy!"    


Lieh Yuanchen saw her smile at that moment. His heart felt a little sour. He stretched out his arm and hugged her in his arms.    


After a long time, he finally let go and kissed her on the cheek. Then he said gently, "Go in, I'll come over tomorrow."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded.    


That night, Hee Wanshuang had a dream and dreamt of a cute little child calling her mother. She was very happy and hugged the baby. The night was sweet and sweet.    


The next evening, Hee's father returned from the company and Hee's mother also prepared dinner.    


The family of three had just finished eating dinner when the doorbell rang outside.    


Hee Wanshuang was a little nervous but Hee's mother did not know the situation and directly went to open the door.    


When she saw Lieh Yuanchen outside wearing a suit and carrying big and small bags in his hands, she saw him. At that moment, Hee's mother was about to close the door.    


However, Lieh Yuanchen was even faster. He took a step forward and entered.    


"Mom." Lieh Yuanchen called out, and with a smile on his face, he walked straight in.    


"Don't shout, we can't afford it!" Hee's mother's tone was cold. She was very angry that she was unable to chase him away.    


In the room, Hee's father also heard the noise and came over. When he saw Lieh Yuanchen, his expression also changed.    


Lieh Yuanchen, however, did not seem to notice the hostility between the two. He smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, I am here today to formally propose marriage."    


Upon hearing this, Hee's father became angry. "Our family does not welcome you! My Shuang will never marry you even if she is an old lady for the rest of her life!"    


When Hee Wanshuang saw her family behaving like this, she wanted to go up but did not know what she could do.    


Lieh Yuanchen continued, "I know that I have let Shuang down previously but I will not do it again in the future. I will love and take care of her. Please trust me once!"    


He put down the gift in his hand and said, "Furthermore, Shuang has my baby."    


Hearing that, Hee's father, who was about to kick the thing on the ground, stopped in his tracks. Hee's mother's angry expression also froze on her face.    


In the hall, it was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.    


In such a strange silence, Lieh Yuanchen finally had the chance to finish his lines. "Dad, Mom, I hurt Shuang because of my personality and caused her depression to relapse. At that time, I wasn't mature enough, nor was I rational enough. Or rather, I didn't recognize my feelings for her. "    


"But it's been more than four years. I'm no longer the me I was before. In these four years, I realized that I only wanted to be with her for the rest of my life"    


"I know that whatever I say now is an empty cheque, but when I came today, not only did I bring these things, I also brought enough sincerity."    


"Money is the most vulgar sincerity, but it is also suitable for me to prove in front of you that I do not have a good impression of you"    


After saying that, Lieh Yuanchen placed a document bag on the coffee table in the living room.    


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