Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C814 They Were Jealous of Their Daughter

C814 They Were Jealous of Their Daughter

Lieh Yuanchen shrugged. "I don't know, and I don't want to know."    


Lieh Cheng'an, on the other hand, seemed to have completely gotten rid of his anger. He sighed. "I can't entrust my future to a two-year-old child."    


Lieh Yuanchen smiled. "What if my wife still can't give birth to a child?"    


"If that's the case, I'll admit it." Lieh Cheng'an looked at Lieh Yuanchen, and his eyes suddenly turned red. "But now, at least for the next twenty years, I can only count on you."    


If it was in the past, Lieh Yuanchen would be excited, happy, and expectant when he heard this.    


However, thirty years had worn out all of his expectations and exhausted all of his enthusiasm.    


He just listened quietly and then said, "Thank you."    


He was extremely angry.    


Lieh Cheng'an nodded and did not say anything.    


This father and son pair... Even though one of them had almost reached the end of his life, he realized that his past was too pale, and he had nothing to say now.    


Lieh Yuanchen flew back to Imperial City that afternoon. There were still too many things that he needed to deal with in his company.    


Lieh Cheng'an's situation in Country G was getting worse and worse day by day.    


Two months later, Lieh Yuanchen received a call from Country G saying that Lieh Cheng'an was in critical condition. It should be the last two days.    


Thus, he flew to Country G.    


At this moment, Lieh Xiaoruan's stomach was already very big. So, she stayed in Hua Country and did not go there.    


In Country G, Lieh Cheng'an requested to go home from the hospital. Traditionally, he felt that even if he died, he would die at home.    


The villa was as beautiful as a palace, but it was rotten like a cage. Lieh Yuanchen stood beside Lieh Cheng'an's bed and looked at the man who used to yell at him with his neck red.    


After a long time, Lieh Cheng'an opened his eyes. His muddy eyes fell on Lieh Yuanchen and slowly focused.    


He had almost lost his strength to speak, but when he saw Lieh Yuanchen, he suddenly became excited. "Little Chen. I will accompany you to participate in the competition."    


Lieh Yuanchen was stunned and did not know what Lieh Cheng'an was talking about.    


"I will go with you..." Lieh Cheng'an mumbled and reached out his hand as if he wanted to grab something.    


Finally, he grabbed Lieh Yuanchen's hand.    


"Dad will play basketball with you..." When he said this, he seemed to smile. His hand that was holding Lieh Yuanchen suddenly loosened and fell down.    


Lieh Yuanchen stood where he was and suddenly knew what Lieh Cheng'an was talking about.    


It was a parent-child basketball game in primary school. That time, he begged Lieh Cheng'an for a long time and Lieh Cheng'an finally agreed. But on the day of the match, he waited for a long time and did not see anyone. Later, he found out that Lieh Cheng'an was busy and forgot about it.    


On that day, other children had parents accompanying them, but he thought that Lieh Cheng'an would accompany him, so he did not call Mia over. That was why there were so many children in the school. He was the only one standing alone under the tall basketball rack.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not know if it was because of his final failure that Lieh Cheng'an finally remembered. Back then, he owed his son a basketball match.    


However, he was no longer the boy from before. The things he had been waiting for, even if he did not get them, were no longer important.    


The complicated emotions in his heart were overwhelming. Lieh Yuanchen took a deep breath and said softly, "Unfortunately, it's too late."    


Lieh Cheng'an's funeral was very grand. In the end, he and his wife Mia were buried together according to the custom.    


This couple was almost always separated when they were alive, but after they died, they were together for a long time, which made people sigh.    


After the funeral, Lieh Yuanchen went through the inheritance procedures. After that, he flew back to Hua Country.    


Anna and Joe had also inherited a lot of savings. Although they didn't have any shares, it was enough for them to live without worries.    


When Lieh Yuanchen returned home, it was late at night. Hee Wanshuang had just finished bathing and came out.    


He walked quickly to the front of Hee Wanshuang and stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms.    


He buried his head in her hair and sniffed the fragrance of her hair and her breath. After a long time, he said, "Shuang, I have nothing to do with the past now."    


Hee Wanshuang knew that Lieh Cheng'an had passed away. Seeing Lieh Yuanchen's current appearance, she also knew that although he hated his father, there were some things that could not be erased from his bones and blood. So, she also stretched out her arms and hugged him. "Don't be sad."    


"I'm not sad. It's just that I suddenly feel a little empty." Lieh Yuanchen did not know how to describe the feeling of suddenly falling empty. That place that originally held resentment and disappointment was now empty. For a while, there were no other emotions to fill it up.    


He lowered his head and raised her chin. "Stay with me from now on. Don't leave me."    


Hee Wanshuang looked at Lieh Yuanchen. There was a rare confusion and weakness in the depths of his eyes. It made her feel an astringent pain in her heart.    


She nodded. "Okay."    


Lieh Yuanchen's kiss was suddenly pressed down.    


He seemed to be very anxious. He urgently pried open her teeth and anxiously forced her to entangle with him. He eagerly slid his hand into her clothes.    


That night, he did not know how many times he asked her to go from the living room to the bedroom on the second floor. Finally, Hee Wanshuang fell asleep in his arms, but he was still very energetic.    


After that, Lieh Yuanchen calmed down the chaos in the L Corporation and regained control of the company. At the same time, his own company was also flourishing.    


On the day Lieh Xiaoruan gave birth to the baby, Lieh Yuanchen and Hee Wanshuang had been keeping watch in the hospital.    


Lieh Xiaoruan gave birth smoothly. She liked to exercise and her health was good. She gave birth very quickly and could get down on the same day.    


"Nanxiao!" Luo Tianqi held his daughter in his arms. His eyes were full of pampering.    


On the side, Hee Wanshuang also could not help but want to reach out and hug, but just as her hand reached over, Luo Nanxiao opened her eyes.    


Everyone was stunned and were especially surprised because it was rare for a newborn to open their eyes on the first day they were born.    


Lieh Yuanchen could not help but say in surprise, "Shuang, the first thing Nanxiao saw when she was born was you!"    


Luo Tianqi could not accept it. "It was clearly me who saw it!"    


On the side, Lieh Xiaoruan was dissatisfied, "All of you only want the baby. Don't want me anymore. I'm so pitiful!"    


Luo Tianqi quickly turned back and smiled at Lieh Xiaoruan. "Softy, do you think Nanxiao looks like me?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan was still angry and pouted but did not reply.    


Previously, she was still thinking of giving birth to a baby girl and wanted to grab it. But now, it seemed that it was really hot!    


Gong Lingye did not say that he would leave Soong Yiren aside after giving birth to his son and daughter, but why was she ignored here?    


It was just that Luo Nanxiao only opened her eyes for a moment. The little fellow had already closed his eyes again and slept soundly.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was angry at the side and Luo Tianqi was still teasing the baby. He seemed to have completely turned into a daughter's slave.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was even more furious. After the fire was ignited, her heart suddenly felt sour, and tears rolled out.    


Soong Yiren was more careful. She carried her eldest son, Gong Moxiu, and was about to go and see Nanxiao's younger sister when she noticed that something was wrong with Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Hence, she quickly went over and placed Gong Moxiu in Lieh Xiaoruan's arms. "Come, our little Xiu will play with aunt!"    


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