Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C811 She Could Inherit Billions of Assets

C811 She Could Inherit Billions of Assets

It wasn't that Gong Mochen didn't know that Helian Qing would faint once in a while.    


However, it was different at this moment.    


She said that she was pregnant. Then would there be any problem with suddenly fainting?    


Before his heart could be occupied by the joy of her pregnancy, Gong Mochen's heart had already been replaced by worry.    


He immediately made a phone call and contacted the doctor. He arranged for the driver to wait at the door and directly carried Helian Qing to the hospital.    


At the hospital, it was still the usual routine check-ups.    


It was only because Helian Qing was pregnant that the check-up, in addition to the heart rate and other data, also drew blood.    


Very quickly, the results showed that Helian Qing was indeed pregnant, while the other indices were all normal. Other than the heart rate being slightly lower, it was as if she was sleeping.    


Gong Mochen did not dare to go home. Instead, he opened a VIP ward and stayed with Helian Qing for the night.    


Deep in the night, he hugged her in his arms, and fear slowly surged in his heart.    


Previously, she had told him that this problem was brought up in her mother's womb. There was no root and there was no way to treat it.    


At that time, he had no other thoughts about her, as if he was listening to a story. Furthermore, every time she woke up, she did not feel any discomfort, so he did not take it to heart too much.    


But now, she was his wife. Now that he had his baby, she became the most important person in his life.    


He couldn't imagine what he would do if she slept like this in the future.    


Gong Mochen One. He did not sleep at all at night. He hugged the person in his arms, afraid that she would not open her eyes again.    


Helian Qing woke up the next morning.    


When she opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar room. Behind her, a man was hugging her in a warm embrace. She could still feel the breath he was breathing on top of her head and his heartbeat when he landed on her back.    


Her memories from before slowly returned. When she regained her senses, she fainted for no reason.    


As if sensing her movements, Gong Mochen opened his mouth behind her. His voice was a little hoarse. "Qingqing, you're awake?"    


Helian Qing turned around and met Gong Mochen's eyes.    


His eyes were a little red and there was also some blue under his eyes. It seemed that he had not slept at all.    


Helian Qing could not help but ask, "Hubby, Did you not sleep well?"    


"Qingqing, you are pregnant." After Gong Mochen finished speaking, he seemed to feel that his expression was a little heavy, so he lowered his tone. "But you suddenly fainted yesterday."    


Helian Qing immediately understood his worry.    


She held Gong Mochen's hand. "Hubby, I am already much better!"    


Gong Mochen did not say anything. He only felt that Helian Qing was deliberately comforting him.    


Unexpectedly, Helian Qing's eyes were full of light. "I calculated. The frequency of me fainting is decreasing!"    


After saying that, she began to explain excitedly, "When I met you, I fainted about once a month. Towards the end, the highest frequency was 18 days once. However, ever since we got married, I found that the cycle has become longer. This time, it's 37 days apart! "    


Gong Mochen's breathing became somewhat nervous." Qingqing, what do you mean? "    


"I have checked the medical book uncle gave me before. Although it did not mention any similar symptoms, there are some medical cases that say that there is a lack of innate Yang energy, which is why there is some Yin-Yang imbalance. " Once the balance is slowly balanced, the previous chronic illnesses may gradually heal themselves. "    


Gong Mochen immediately understood, and his eyes became deep. "So, after our marriage, you replenished your Yang energy?"    


Helian Qing did not blush at all. She only felt that it was an academic question, so she answered very seriously, "Yes, especially during the period when we started to want the baby. You did not take any measures, so you replenished it better."    


Gong Mochen's Adam's apple rolled. He felt that if it was not for the fact that this was a hospital, he would not be able to control himself.    


His voice became even more hoarse. "Then you are pregnant now. We can't do it. How should I make it up to you?"    


Helian Qing thought for a while, "After a month, I will take my pulse to see if it is a boy or a girl. If it is a boy, then there is no need to make it up specifically. If it is a girl, you should be able to move slightly and only once a day."    


She thought, she knows her body. For example, she knew whether the fetus was stable or not, whether Gong Mochen and her 'exercise' would affect the fetus, and so on.    


As long as he controlled it, it was not impossible.    


Gong Mochen looked at the woman in front of him and felt his heart rise and fall. He felt joy, touched, and indescribable warmth.    


He stretched out his arm and held her in his arms.    


Having you in my life, how fortunate I am.    


Therefore, after Helian Qing's pregnancy was confirmed, she, who was used to reporting in the group, directly threw out this heavyweight news.    


Immediately, everyone congratulated Gong Mochen. Now that Beiming Mo could play with her phone, she even cut off the chat map when Helian Qing said she was going to have a baby. She then expressed her thoughts that Gong Mochen was very efficient, had good seeds, and had good land.    


Therefore, her phone was confiscated again.    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan and Lieh Yuanchen did not speak on this topic every time.    


Hee Wanshuang had started to make her own public account and signed some media contracts. She specialized in the direction of urban culture and the traffic was getting better and better.    


At the same time, Lieh Yuanchen was also busy with work all day long. He only wanted to bring up his business.    


First, he wanted Gong Lingye's 100 million investment to have some returns. At the same time, he also hoped to save enough money as soon as possible to redeem his and Hee Wanshuang's marriage.    


On this day, Lieh Yuanchen and Ling Shaofeng had just finished their meeting when they received a phone call. The caller ID showed that it was from Country G.    


This was the first time he received a phone call from Country G after he broke off relations with Lieh Cheng'an.    


He ignored it.    


Very soon, Ling Shaofeng's phone rang.    


He hesitated for a moment and asked Lieh Yuanchen, "What is it?" Third Brother asked, "Do you want me to answer it?"    


Lieh Yuanchen thought for a moment. "Tell him I'm not here."    


Ling Shaofeng nodded and answered.    


There was a woman's voice on the other end of the phone. "Hello, I am Anna."    


Ling Shaofeng's pupils shrank. He knew the other party's identity. It was Lieh Cheng'an's love. The woman gave birth to Lieh Cheng'an's youngest son. His youngest son should be two years old now, right?    


Anna's voice seemed to be pleading, "Can you let Lieh Yuanchen answer the phone? I have something to say to him."    


"Anna, I'm sorry. Third Brother is not with me." Ling Xiaofeng said, "I'm busy too. I'm sorry, I'm hanging up -"    


However, before he could hang up, Anna hurriedly said, "Cheng'an has liver cancer. It's already terminal stage!"    


Ling Shaofeng was startled and immediately said, "But Uncle has already said that he has nothing to do with Third Brother, and there is no problem with the allocation of property, right?"    


"No, he has made a will and is planning to let Yuanchen come back!" Anna said.    


Ling Shaofeng turned on the hands-free and listened to Lieh Yuanchen in the office.    


"Lieh Yuanchen said he would give up his property. Now he should keep his promise." Anna choked. "Joe and I have nothing left. Can you give up your property?"    


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