Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C637 Have You Not Completely Given up on Me?

C637 Have You Not Completely Given up on Me?

When Lieh Yuanchen heard her, he quickly defended himself. "Shuang, that was deliberately said to my father! Yes, I married you back then only because of the child. But after marrying you, I fell in love with you!"    


And divorce - "He sighed in a low voice: "At that time, I forgot about you, which was why I made such a wrong decision, to the point where I'm regretting it now."    


Hee Wanshuang listened to him and did not speak for a long time.    


She had been with Lieh Yuanchen for a long time, but she had never sat down and talked to him like this.    


Therefore, sometimes, she really couldn't tell the truth from the lies in his words. She also didn't know if he really had any feelings for her.    


However, at this moment, although she still couldn't completely let go of it, at this moment, she believed that what he said was all true.    


She didn't pull her hand away, but she didn't know how to answer.    


Actually, how could she have any chance to find a boyfriend? Although her friends in the band often teased her and Xiao Cheng, she really did not have any extra thoughts about Xiao Cheng.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not plan to let Hee Wanshuang go. He decided to pretend to be pitiful. "Shuang, I have been waiting for your answer..."    


"I..." Hee Wanshuang only felt her throat tighten and her heart began to inevitably beat faster.    


However, Lieh Yuanchen's eyes were burning. He firmly locked onto her and did not give her any room to escape.    


Just as Hee Wanshuang could not withstand the pressure, Just as she was about to answer, the door of the room suddenly opened and Lieh Xiaoruan walked in carrying the food. "Eh, brother is also awake?"    


The previous intimacy. Lieh Yuanchen's heart surged with a sense of disappointment when the ambiguous situation was broken in an instant. Hee Wanshuang finally felt relieved in her heart.    


How could Lieh Xiaoruan not notice the unusual situation in the room?    


She was somewhat vexed in her heart. So, after putting the things away, she opened her mouth and said: "I just received a call from my colleagues when I was shopping, I need to go"    


Lieh Yuanchen's eyes darkened as he looked at his sister with relief.    


Lieh Xiaoruan understood and said, "Brother, the doctor said you need to stay in the hospital for a few days. I will go back later and bring you something."    


"Yes." Lieh Yuanchen replied.    


"Then I'll be leaving." Lieh Xiaoruan said and quickly slipped away.    


In the room, following the closing of the door, everything returned to silence.    


And so, the warmth that had dissipated earlier... Samadhi returned once again.    


Hee Wanshuang's gaze turned and saw the things Lieh Xiaoruan had bought. So, she hurriedly went over and opened the bag to look at Lieh Yuanchen. "Are you hungry? But the doctor said that you can only eat light food now."    


"Okay," Wang Yao said. Lieh Yuanchen saw that she was trying to find an excuse to escape, so he did not want to push her too hard.    


His eyes followed Hee Wanshuang until she took the bowl and chopsticks and came to his side.    


She slowly lifted Lieh Yuanchen's bed and then handed the bowl over. "I just saw it. It's not hot anymore, but you have to blow it too..."    


"Shuang," Lieh Yuanchen interrupted her. "I'm hurt."    


Hee Wanshuang was stunned and immediately realized that Lieh Yuanchen's wound had just been stitched up. The doctor said that he could not use force.    


His waist was injured, so he could not use force on his hand. His other hand had a hanging bottle. Indeed, he could not eat by himself.    


Her eyelashes drooped, and under the man's burning gaze, she opened her mouth: " Then I'll feed you!"    


The corners of Lieh Yuanchen's lips curled up slightly, and he quickly retracted his smile, so fast that Hee Wanshuang did not catch it.    


Hee Wanshuang had really never fed anyone like this before. Especially when she scooped a spoonful and fed it to Lieh Yuanchen's mouth, her gaze would inevitably meet his gaze.    


His gaze seemed to have substance, making it impossible for her to ignore it. It seemed to be even hotter than the porridge in her hand.    


After feeding a bowl of porridge, Hee Wanshuang asked, "Do you want to eat more?"    


"Yes." Lieh Yuanchen nodded.    


Hee Wanshuang took the milk again and continued to feed Lieh Yuanchen.    


He saw that she had inserted a straw into her mouth and her fair and slender wrist was right beside his lips. His heart slightly moved and he said, "Shuang, lift it up a little."    


Hee Wanshuang did not suspect him and gave him a few more points.    


However, the warm and slightly wet feeling landed on the back of her hand.    


She suddenly raised her eyes and met Lieh Yuanchen's gaze.    


And his lips. Because he had deliberately lowered his head, he was still less than a centimeter away from the back of her hand.    


The place that he had kissed just now could not be brushed off.    


Hee Wanshuang's lips. Her lips moved and she did not know what to say.    


But the man did not seem to have any psychological burden at all. He directly drank the rest of the milk with her hand.    


"Shuang, thank you." He stared at her. "Is your hand sour or not?"    


Hee Wanshuang quickly retracted her hand, "It's fine."    


Even though she said so, her ears were red.    


She walked to the side and ate her meal before getting up, "I'll go and pack up."    


"Okay" Lieh Yuanchen replied.    


When Hee Wanshuang finished packing and did not know how to face Lieh Yuanchen, there was a knock on the door of the ward.    


The policeman said, "Hello, we just received a report. Is this Miss He? We would like to ask you to cooperate to make some statements..."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded, "I am."    


After she finished speaking, she first helped Lieh Yuanchen lower the bed a little before walking to the outer room to cooperate with the statement.    


When she finished her statement, Lieh Yuanchen who was inside had already fallen asleep.    


Originally, the police still needed to record some things, but seeing that Lieh Yuanchen had fallen asleep, they agreed to wait for Lieh Yuanchen to be discharged from the hospital, then let the two of them go to the police station to cooperate and sign.    


That day, Lieh Xiaoruan only brought some things over at night. Other than Lieh Yuanchen's things, there were also some things like face wash and skincare products and so on.    


"Sister-in-law, I brought everything over. I don't know what brand you are used to using, so I casually brought some." Lieh Xiaoruan put the things down and the corner of her mouth twitched. "I'm going back. I have to get up early tomorrow. My brother will be counting on you!"    


She did not wait for Hee Wanshuang to respond and left quickly like before.    


Coming out of the surgical inpatient department, Lieh Xiaoruan walked into the elevator. When she saw the jumping numbers on the elevator, she suddenly pressed a number 9.    


Coincidentally, Luo Tianqi was also staying in this hospital on a few floors below Lieh Yuanchen.    


With a 'ding' sound, Lieh Xiaoruan took a deep breath and took a step forward.    


The light in the corridor was bright. The moment she stepped out of the elevator, she felt something and turned her head.    


Luo Tianqi was wearing a hospital gown and a black windbreaker. He was standing less than two meters away from her.    


Time seemed to have frozen. She looked at him, who was obviously going downstairs. For a moment, she could not make a sound.    


It was not just Luo Tianqi who wanted to go downstairs. Someone walked past him and had already entered the elevator.    


She was still standing at the door, maintaining the same posture.    


She clearly saw the expression in Luo Tianqi's eyes change from shock to surprise. His pitch-black eyes looked at her, as if he was saying, "Xiaoruan, have you not completely given up on me?"    


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