Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C632 Sneaking Around to See Him

C632 Sneaking Around to See Him

In the central hospital, Luo Tianqi was receiving an infusion. He had been working overtime at the company a few days ago. After working overtime, he was supposed to go to Lieh Xiaoruan's neighborhood. However, his car had been mobbed on the road, so he was sent to the garage for maintenance.    


As for the other two cars at home, they had been lent to his friends. Therefore, Luo Tianqi really did not have any means of transportation these two days.    


Therefore, after work, he didn't go anywhere. He just stayed in the company's lounge for two days.    


However, during the day, he suddenly had abdominal pain for some unknown reason. He was sent to the hospital and said that it was gastroenteritis. It was a little sticky and needed surgery.    


Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren ate dinner first before they went to the hospital.    


When they reached the ward, Luo Tianqi had already been pushed out.    


After the surgery, his face was still exceptionally pale. Although he was awake, he did not have the strength to speak.    


Gong Lingye gestured to him to not speak. Then, he sat down and said, "Tianqi, just listen to me. There's no need to answer."    


"I asked your assistant today, even though you told him not to say anything. "What?"    


"I heard that ever since you came back from Country J, you often stay up late and work overtime. Sometimes, even in the middle of the night when you work in the group chat, you're still online."    


"Also, I heard that you eat more and more casually, as if you don't take your body seriously at all."    


"That's why, your sudden acute gastroenteritis today is actually related to your three months of work and rest."    


He changed the topic: "Tianqi, think about it carefully. Do you think you let Xiaoruan down and wanted to deliberately torture yourself? Or is it because of something that makes you joke about your own health?"    


As Gong Lingye spoke, his eyes locked onto Luo Tianqi's face.    


When Luo Tianqi heard this, his lips... He didn't say anything.    




He didn't even seem to have an answer for himself.    


Perhaps it was because of his self-torture, or perhaps, after he found out that her heart was no longer in his body that day, he had somewhat banished himself.    


Moreover, he couldn't sleep, and he didn't know why, but he just couldn't sleep.    


It seemed that half a month at the entrance of her neighborhood, he could sleep for a while in a small car.    


A sense of disappointment rose in Luo Tianqi's heart.    


"Tianqi, you're not young anymore. Think about what you want when you're in the hospital these few days." Gong Lingye said.    


He got up and went to ask the doctor what Luo Tianqi needed to pay attention to. Then, he asked the two nurses to take good care of him.    


At this time, Soong Yiren's phone rang. She saw that it was Lieh Xiaoruan who sent the message, so she replied, "Your brother and I are at the Central Hospital to see Tianqi."    


As if she did not realize anything, she sent a location to Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Oh, the main thing was that she originally supported Chi Jingyu, but perhaps the pregnant woman's heart changed day by day. When she saw Luo Tianqi's appearance now, she began to support Luo Tianqi again.    


After all, she had known Chi Jingyu for many years. It was not like she had never been in a relationship before, and it was not like the kind of relationship where one could not walk out after being in a relationship.    


In the beginning, Luo Tianqi gave her the same feeling as Chi Jingyu. However, after being in contact with Soong Yiren, she realized that Luo Tianqi was not as bright and cheerful as he looked on the surface.    


Thinking about it, she started to miss the playboy Gong Lingye had introduced to her when they first met.    


Soong Yiren attributed her thoughts to the mental state of a pregnant woman. The mother's love had come earlier than expected and she could not bear to feel sad about it.    


Therefore, she also said to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Tianqi feels that he has lost weight again. He was scolded by your brother just now and now he is obedient. We are planning to go back in a while."    


Lieh Xiaoruan replied, "Why is my brother scolding people?"    


"He often stays up late to work overtime and does not sleep all night. No matter how good his body is, it cannot be like this." Soong Yiren sighed, "I hope that after he gets sick this time, he will learn a lesson!"    


Lieh Xiaoruan typed a few words and then deleted it. She went back and forth and did not know what to say in the end.    


At this time, Soong Yiren's news came again. "Your brother and I are going home. I am also a little tired from the check-up today. I plan to go home and sleep."    


"Okay, sister-in-law, take good care of yourself! I'll go and see you when I have time." Lieh Xiaoruan replied.    


On the other side, Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren left the hospital. Soong Yiren thought about the message that she had just sent and was very curious if Lieh Xiaoruan would go.    


Indeed, Lieh Xiaoruan was currently in the midst of a war between heaven and earth.    


Seeing the clock on the wall walk by the grid, she finally made the decision and took the car keys out.    


When she arrived at the hospital, Soong Yiren had just sent a message that showed the floor and ward number, so she did not waste any effort and arrived at the door of Luo Tianqi's ward.    


It was already late at night. There was only a small night light left in the ward, and the room was very quiet.    


Lieh Xiaoruan walked to the door and gently pushed the door.    


In the outer room, the caregiver heard the noise and opened his eyes. He saw Lieh Xiaoruan walking in.    


The two of them had heard Gong Lingye's words earlier and said that they could let a mixed-blood girl in. It seemed that this girl had really come.    


Although they were obeying the orders of their boss, they knew that they should listen to the words of their boss. Therefore, they hurriedly nodded at Lieh Xiaoruan and pointed at the inside of the room, indicating that Luo Tianqi was there.    


How could Lieh Xiaoruan not guess Soong Yiren's meaning now?    


But since she was here, she did not need to leave immediately.    


On the hospital bed, Luo Tianqi was already sleeping soundly. His eyes were tightly shut and his breathing was calm.    


However, his abdomen should still be uncomfortable. Therefore, even though he was sleeping, his brows were still furrowed.    


There was only a faint light in the room. Lieh Xiaoruan walked to the bedside and adapted to it for a while before she saw Luo Tianqi's outline clearly.    


It was also at this time that she seemed to be able to size him up so brazenly.    


It seemed that he had lost weight again compared to the day when they met in the corridor of her house. There was no flesh on his face at all. Even though he was sleeping quietly, he still looked angular and distinct.    


Her hand unconsciously reached out to his cheek.    


He did not wake up. He did not move.    


When he touched it, it felt exceptionally clear.    


She thought of that. The touch he gave her that night. And now, even his face seemed to be much smaller.    


She sighed softly and only withdrew her hand after a long time.    


Outside the window, the night sky dyed the entire world in silence.    


Lieh Xiaoruan thought that there were some things that were really like this. Even if she set up more flags and told herself how much she cared about it, at this moment, she realized that she did not forget at all.    


That's right, the feelings that she had devoted her heart and soul to. How could she forget them just like that?    


She sat down beside the bed and quietly looked at him.    


She didn't know how much time had passed. Lieh Xiaoruan also gradually became tired. Finally, she laid down beside Luo Tianqi's bed and fell asleep.    


In the night, Luo Tianqi did not feel well because of a sleeping position, so he turned around.    


Beside the bed, Lieh Xiaoruan suddenly woke up and hurriedly shrank her body.    


In the darkness, it was fortunate that he did not notice her.    


But at this moment, her phone suddenly rang!    


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