Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C594 Nice Flip!

C594 Nice Flip!

Before the reporter could finish, Shangguan Yan, who was sitting backstage, was about to rush out. "F * ck, it was obviously drawn by me in the morning and in the dark. Why should I say it's theirs?"    


He had been a spoiled brat for more than 20 years. This was the first time he had taken the initiative to work so hard to improve himself. In the end, he was splashed with a bucket of dog blood by reality!    


How could he tolerate it?!    


On the side, Chi Jingyu pulled him back. "Calm down, don't be impatient. If you jump out now, other than letting others see you as a joke, what else can you do? Do you know that whatever you do, you have to talk about evidence?"    


"I, he... Mom is evidence!" Blue veins could be seen on Shangguan Yan's forehead.    


"Fine, go if you want to. Don't say that I didn't pull you." Chi Jingyu let go of his hand. "But if you rush out and make your sister-in-law's plan fail, then you should bear all the responsibility alone."    


Shangguan Yan paused for a moment. He had already given up on the idea of going out, but he still said: "Tsk, what about my sister-in-law? She's younger than me."    


Chi Jingyu ignored him and lowered his head to look at the notification on the mobile game.    


He had sent Lieh Xiaoruan a few messages recently, but she had not replied, be it on WeChat or in the game.    


He had asked Soong Yiren before and Soong Yiren said that Lieh Xiaoruan had gone overseas to relieve her boredom.    


That day, when he heard the conversation between Lieh Xiaoruan and Helian Qing in the forest and saw the hidden conflict between Lieh Xiaoruan and Luo Tianqi, Chi Jingyu had already guessed it.    


Later, Luo Tianqi got married and Lieh Xiaoruan went abroad.    


Although he did not know why Luo Tianqi's wedding was canceled later on, However, he also knew that Lieh Xiaoruan must have left because she was sad.    


Putting away his phone, Chi Jingyu took a deep breath and stood up.    


Now was not the time to think about these things. Today's press conference, he still had a lot of things to do.    


On the stage, facing all the questions from the reporters, Soong Yiren only smiled faintly and said, "Everyone, can we finish watching our press conference before asking questions? In a while, we will definitely give everyone the time to answer their questions."    


Although the reporters still wanted to ask, since Soong Yiren said so, they did not force it anymore. Instead, they suppressed their temper and continued to watch.    


Today, Soong Yiren invited a few heavyweight singers to stand on the stage.    


As soon as the singer came up, the eyes of many players who were invited lit up.    


Actually, for some of the players, they had already downloaded Galaxy Fate just now. Then, they realized that whether it was smooth or controllable, Galaxy Fate was much better than Dancing Flower.    


Even if it was the same scene design, the Galaxy Fate was much more detailed and exquisite than the other party's.    


Therefore, the hardcore fans of the Starry Night Game firmly believed that it was the plagiarized Starry Night. In short, they supported Starry Night to the end.    


On the stage, the atmosphere was enthusiastic, and the Internet was also very interesting.    


Star Night's New mobile game was caught up in the plagiarized topic, and very quickly, it climbed to the top of the search list.    


Obviously, Hua Yan had hired a water army, so the comments on the Internet were all one-sided. They were all saying that Xing Ye was shameless.    


Some even mentioned Soong Yiren, saying that Soong Yiren did not even care about her face because her husband was Gong Lingye. She was clearly just a university student who had just graduated, yet she still insisted on being a domineering female president and causing a mess in the company.    


In short, under the situation of the spamming of the spammers, Starry Night's reputation seemed to have plummeted all of a sudden.    


This was an era that encouraged innovation. The scenes of the game were plagiarized, just like how novels and television dramas were plagiarized, a lifetime of darkness.    


Thus, almost everyone on Star Night's side shouted for it.    


However, the press conference didn't seem to be affected at all, and continued on.    


Until, after the finale event, it finally welcomed the reporters' Q & A session.    


At this moment, Soong Yiren looked at the download data and found that because of the hot topic, the download count of Galaxy's Edge had exceeded the download count of the previous press conference.    


No wonder celebrities liked to create topics, and sometimes they even blacklisted themselves. Indeed, topics and attention were the traffic, and it was money!    


At this moment, facing the questions one by one, Soong Yiren stood up with a faint smile. "Regarding the matter of plagiarism, why don't all of you take out ten minutes to take a look at our video."    


After saying that, she pressed the remote control.    


Instantly, on the big screen, a scene appeared. It was the meeting between the people on Hua Yan's side and the Great God 'caviar'...    


Although the scene was silent, one could still see that the caviar had taken out a USB drive and handed it over to the other party.    


After that, there was a recording. The voice was very familiar. It was the voice of the caviar live broadcast. "The game scene is for you guys. Don't worry, we'll do it this way. The press conference will be held a week ago. "    


"Why should I give it to you? Hehe, didn't you guys want to destroy Star Night? " What, you still don't dare to use a good opportunity in front of you? "    


Caviar, why are you helping us? "    


"Have you heard of this saying? The enemy of an enemy can also be a friend."    


"Is it because of Chi Jingyu? I heard that a few years ago, you were defeated by him in the game."    


"Du du -"    


After that, it was the video of Wang Feng quietly entering the scene design office. Then, he clearly saw that he had copied something from Chi Jingyu.    


Then, someone found out... Wang Feng and caviar lived in the same district and rented the same apartment.    


After the matter was exposed, Wang Feng was nowhere to be found.    


When the video reached here, the truth was revealed.    


Soong Yiren looked at the reporters. "Everyone, thank you for helping us advertise today. It was still the same sentence. Everyone, thank you for your hard work. Please have some tea at night. "    


Chi Jingyu walked out as well. "Everyone, I did fight with caviar a few years ago."    


He took out a video of the game and said, "I found the video of my previous game and recorded it."    


Just as everyone was lamenting how terrifying this person was with caviar, It was just a small matter. After all, victory and defeat were common occurrences in the military. Xuanyuan Che had Aa Mian bring out the caviar from the basement when he was so scheming to harm a company.    


Even though he was an assassin, after being locked up for a week and could only drink water every day, he still could not take it.    


When Xuanyuan Che saw the message Soong Yiren sent him, the corners of his lips curled up.    


The matter was settled. Although he knew that these things were made by Country J, he could not tell the truth now.    


Perhaps, he could only wait for Gong Lingye and him to officially take over the country before gradually cleaning up the filth in J Nation!    


Backstage, Shangguan Yan saw Soong Yiren enter and could not help saying, "When did you find the evidence? Why don't I know anything?"    


Soong Yiren smiled, "You don't need to know. Just treat it as a silly sweet thing."    


Who is silly sweet? " Shangguan Yan was dissatisfied. "People on the internet say that the scene designer is a genius!"    


Soong Yiren opened a Weibo post for him. "Take a look."    


When Shangguan Yan saw the content, he was stunned.    


He saw that Guan Wei from Hua Yan's side took the initiative to apologize. " Sorry, Starry Night! I'm even more sorry, Star Night's original scene designer! "We were wrong!"    


Below, countless keyboard warriors who had been misled by the Internet trolls earlier also came out to apologize." I'm sorry, Star Night! "I'm even more sorry, the scene designer of Star Night! You guys are the best! "We really like your work, we pay our respects to the original!"    


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