Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C579 Her Brothers Supported Her!

C579 Her Brothers Supported Her!

Although Luo Tianqi had already known the whole story from the secretary, when he heard the doctor's words, he once again felt as if his heart was being dismembered.    


Yes, at the beginning, he only felt that he was slightly moved by Lieh Xiaoruan.    


However, for some reason, after Fu Xiner appeared and Fu Xiner was found pregnant that day, he had no choice but to take responsibility. In his mind, it was all Lieh Xiaoruan.    


After that, he kept thinking about her. When he was at work, he thought about her. When he went home, he also thought about lying on the bed by himself.    


Until that day, they met again.    


In the end, he couldn't help but kiss her.    


At that time, he knew that perhaps he wasn't just a little bit moved by her.    


But everything was so good. They were both moved by each other. If it wasn't for that mistake, they should be together now, right?    


Would she be his bride in the blink of an eye?    


It was obviously summer, but Luo Tianqi felt that every breath he took seemed to be covered in ice, causing his lungs to hurt.    


However, he really wanted to know why she left at that time.    


Why didn't she respond when he probed her the next day?    


Just as he was leaving the hospital in a daze, Luo Tianqi received a call from Gong Lingye.    


He answered the call. "Mr Ye."    


Gong Lingye's voice seemed to contain uncontrollable anger. "Where are you?"    


"I just got out of the hospital." "Did Fu Xiner get the results?" Luo Tianqi asked.    


"Yes." Gong Lingye said, saying, "I will go home now. You go to my house to find me."    


Luo Tianqi could clearly hear that Gong Lingye seemed to be controlling his emotions, but he still immediately responded, "Okay."    


He drove straight to Gong Lingye's villa.    


Soong Yiren went back to the villa first and was about to call Gong Lingye to have dinner with her when she saw the man's low pressure.    


She was a little puzzled. "Lingye, did something happen?"    


Gong Lingye's low pressure still did not dissipate. But facing Soong Yiren, his voice was much softer. "It's fine. It's about Tianqi. Don't worry."    


"Oh." Soong Yiren nodded. Seeing that he did not want to say anything, she did not force him. Instead, she pulled him to the table. "Let's eat first. After we finish eating, we will deal with it."    


On the other side, just as Gong Lingye finished eating and put down his chopsticks, Luo Tianqi arrived.    


"Follow me to the shooting range at the back." Gong Lingye looked at the red mark on Luo Tianqi's face and said faintly.    


Luo Tianqi was confused. On the way to the shooting range with Gong Lingye, he suddenly had a guess. "Mr Ye, don't abuse your power! Although Fu Xiner deserved to die, she was still pregnant. " Besides, we don't need to be stained with blood because of her hands. "    


When Gong Lingye heard this, he turned his head and looked coldly at Luo Tianqi. "Is that so?"    


Luo Tianqi was scared by his look. To be honest, he had known Gong Lingye for so many years, but Gong Lingye had never looked at him like that.    


It looked like he had bullied Gong Lingye's daughter, and Gong Lingye, the father-in-law, had come to settle the score with him.    


While Luo Tianqi was making wild guesses, Gong Lingye had already brought him to the shooting range.    


There were only the two of them in the shooting range. There was not a single person. There was no Fu Xiner at all.    


Luo Tianqi looked at Gong Lingye. "Mr Ye, this..."    


Gong Lingye walked to the side and took two guns. He then set up a moving target and a fixed target before turning them back. He handed a gun to Luo Tianqi. "You hit the fixed target."    


Luo Tianqi took the gun. He was even more uncertain. "Mr Ye, are you training me to hit the target?"    


Gong Lingye turned his head and said slowly, "There are ten bullets in total, and the final number is the total number of rounds. I am already letting you hit the moving target. "    


Luo Tianqi did not know what Gong Lingye was thinking at all, but he had a guess in his mind: he seemed to have made Gong Lingye angry.    


He picked up the gun, but before he could open it, Gong Lingye had already opened fire beside him.    


Every time he held the gun, he was very calm, but he gave people a shocking explosive force.    


It was as if the person in front of him was his enemy.    


Gong Lingye's target was a moving target, and it was very difficult to hit. However, Luo Tianqi heard three consecutive scores of ten.    


He jumped between his eyebrows, loaded the bullet, and aimed.    


Luo Tianqi had been trained differently from Gong Lingye since he was young. However, shooting, riding, and playing cards were the entertainment that rich young masters were very familiar with.    


Even if he did not shoot many real guns, they were mostly the same. Therefore, after he picked up the gun, he aimed and scored ten points.    


Next to him, Gong Lingye continued to shoot.    


Luo Tianqi looked at Gong Lingye's tightened jaw line. He didn't know why, but he had the illusion that he really pissed Gong Lingye off this time.    


Therefore, Luo Tianqi performed abnormally in the two spear strikes that he had recorded down. One was seven rings, and the other was eight rings.    


Beside him, Gong Lingye had already finished ten rounds of bullets.    


Ten consecutive rounds of ten rounds, and each shot hit the bullseye. He was like a human-shaped killing machine.    


Usually, Luo Tianqi would praise Gong Lingye in front of others for being so handsome. But at this moment, he felt cold sweat on his forehead.    


Luckily, Luo Tianqi performed well in the next few shots. Only one shot was nine rings, and the rest were all ten rings.    


He put down the pistol, but his heart was still trembling.    


Next to him, Gong Lingye took the gun and dismantled it almost in the blink of an eye.    


Very quickly, both of their guns were dismantled by him, and the bullet shells made loud noises.    


He walked to the side without saying a word and put away the things. Then, he came to Luo Tianqi. "Tianqi, you lost to me with six rings."    


Luo Tianqi pursed his lips. "Mr Ye, what do you want to say?"    


"I am thinking about how to teach you a lesson." Gong Lingye said faintly, his gaze lingering on Luo Tianqi's cheek, as if he was looking for a way to attack.    


Luo Tianqi was really scared. "Mr Ye, what happened to you?" he asked. Are you angry with me? I don't know what I did wrong..."    


You don't know? " Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo Tianqi's swollen face that was scratched by Fu Xiner. He said lightly, "When I sent Xiaoruan to your company, what did I say to you?"    


Luo Tianqi's heart suddenly thumped.    


That's right. Gong Lingye had caught Fu Xiner. If Fu Xiner gave instructions, she would definitely say that she had taken over the magpie's nest.    


Even if Fu Xiner did not know Lieh Xiaoruan, Gong Lingye was so smart. How could he not guess?    


"Mr Ye." He looked at Gong Lingye and said in a serious and heavy tone, "It is my fault. I am sorry."    


"You should tell Xiaoruan that you are sorry." "I just informed Lieh Yuanchen," Gong Lingye said.    


Luo Tianqi's pupils shrank.    


"I originally thought that if you can beat me at the target, or even tie, I can not inform him." Gong Lingye shrugged helplessly. "Unfortunately, you gave up your chance."    


The author said, "Haha, Xiaoruan's brothers are going to support her! In other words, the new readers can pay attention to my public account, 'Palace of Han'. Mwah!    


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