Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C575 A Man's Petty Schemes

C575 A Man's Petty Schemes

Hence, Beiming Mo opened her WeChat and sent a message to Soong Yiren.    


She was too lazy to type, so she spoke through voice chat. As she spoke, she laughed, "Yiyi, why do you think he is so funny? When I heard him throw it again, I was completely shocked."    


Soong Yiren's side quickly replied. "So, you should hurry up and collect the certificate with someone in the afternoon! After all, if you miss out on such a national treasure, there will be no next store!"    


Beiming Mo was still smiling. "I think it is true. The next store will not be so funny. Sigh, let me laugh for a while... "    


She laughed so hard that tears almost came out of her eyes.    


So, after Xuanyuan Che threw away the trash, he came back and saw that Beiming Mo's eyes were a little moist.    


His heart suddenly skipped a beat and he hurriedly said, "Momo, do you have a bit of pre-marriage phobia? I heard that many men and women would have it before getting married. But don't worry, even after getting married, it will be the same as now."    


In fact, after he threw away his high heels and went into the elevator, he went online to search for pre-marriage phobia.    


He took a seat and felt that Beiming Mo's situation was very similar to what was described inside.    


Some people even said that the reason there was pre-marital fear was actually because one side felt that after marriage, the other half might change.    


That was why they enjoyed everything at this moment, and some of them didn't dare take that final step.    


"Did I not give you enough sense of security?" Xuanyuan Che asked again.    


Beiming Mo shook her head and did not want to laugh anymore.    


Because the man in front of her looked like he was seriously reflecting on himself. When he talked to her, he was actually a little nervous and careful.    


He definitely loved her a lot. That was why he was worried about personal gains and losses in such a relationship.    


Actually, there were thousands of different kinds of marriage, although she felt that Gong Lingye's EQ was very high, and he was very charming to be able to take care of his wife's emotions at all times.    


However, the man in front of her, who was sometimes in a daze, was also moved by her wholeheartedly.    


Beiming Mo no longer had the intention of teasing Xuanyuan Che. Instead, she stretched out her arm and wrapped it around his neck.    


She met his light brown eyes and said seriously, "I don't have premarital phobia. You also did very well and gave me a full sense of security."    


Xuanyuan Che was stunned and a little puzzled.    


"Momo, then why did you -"    


He wanted to ask her why she suddenly got angry and said that she was not getting married today.    


However, before he could finish speaking, his lips were blocked by someone.    


Beiming Mo had always been very good at flirting. At this moment, she kissed Xuanyuan Che and stretched out her hand to circle his chest.    


His whole body tensed up. If it wasn't for the doubts in his heart, he might not have been able to control himself.    


Beiming Mo moved to his ear and smiled lightly. "Then now should be the time for me to give you a sense of security. Hmm, my fiancé?"    


Her voice was a little soft, especially the last half of the sentence. She deliberately dragged the end of the sentence, like a kitten reaching out its little paw and scratching his ear.    


That kind of itch started from his ear and spread straight to his heart.    


Thus, he threw that question to the back of his mind and unconsciously followed her rhythm.    


But she seemed to be very bad. Just as he was about to lose control, she wanted to leave.    


However, how could there be a reason to take down an arrow on the bow?    


Xuanyuan Che finally became passive and took the initiative. He began to grasp the initiative.    


Therefore, the original conversation had completely changed.    


The air was filled with warmth. A vague fragrance.    


It was almost 12: 30 when it ended. Beiming Mo was a little hungry and could not be bothered to get up. She only lazed in Xuanyuan Che's embrace and said: "Shall we order takeout?"    


However, the man who usually was obedient to her was especially persistent at this moment. "No, takeout is not good. Momo, let's go out and eat."    


How could Beiming Mo not know about Xuanyuan Che's little scheme?    


Usually, it was not like he had never eaten takeout with her. But at this moment, he insisted on getting her out of the house so that he could take her to get the certificate.    


She saw through it and didn't say anything. She just stretched her body: "I don't have any strength left. Then help me put on my clothes."    


Xuanyuan Che's eyes lit up. He put on his own clothes and went to help Beiming Mo put them on.    


Similar situations in the past were not uncommon. Sometimes, when he put on his clothes, he could not resist the temptation when he helped her. And so, he repeated the sports scene from before.    


However, at this moment, he clearly had integrity. He helped her dress properly, picked her up, and put her on the sofa to wear a pair of shoes.    


Beiming Mo was still lying on the corpse. "Che, I can't walk. You carry me!"    


Xuanyuan Che did not look like he had just ran past 800 meters. He squatted down in front of Beiming Mo in high spirits.    


Beiming Mo covered her mouth and laughed. She felt that this man had used all kinds of methods to get the certificate.    


She did not go up but said, "We are neighbors here and there. It is too embarrassing for them to carry someone as big as me!"    


After saying that, she stood up herself: "Let's go, let's go eat!"    


Xuanyuan Che was afraid that she would go back on her words, so he immediately stood up and held Beiming Mo's hand as they walked out.    


He had put their household register in the car in advance.    


When they got in the car, Xuanyuan Che pretended to take the entrance and exit card from the garage, but in reality, he checked that the household register was still there. Only then did he feel relieved.    


Beiming Mo pretended not to see it. She picked up her phone and sent a message to Soong Yiren, throwing the dog food back.    


On the way out of the neighborhood, Xuanyuan Che chose a restaurant across from the Civil Affairs Bureau.    


He had seen the parking lot a long time ago. There were still a lot of parking spaces there. He parked the car and pulled Beiming Mo's hand towards the hotpot restaurant.    


Beiming Mo smiled, "Che, don't you like hot pot in the summer?"    


Xuanyuan Che thought in his heart. Unfortunately, there was only one restaurant near the Civil Affairs Bureau that could eat.    


However, he said, "We have been eating too lightly recently, so we should change our tastes. And last time, didn't you tell Ruonuan that you want to eat hotpot?"    


There really was no more money.    


Beiming Mo pointed at the courtyard opposite," I just took off my contact lenses and now I can't see the words at the door clearly. Where is this place? It seems to be a mechanism unit? "    


Xuanyuan Che pursed his lips and did not know how to answer.    


Coincidentally, they had already arrived at the entrance of the hotpot restaurant. The waiter asked if they wanted a smokeless area, which could be considered as a way to relieve Xuanyuan Che.    


The two of them sat down in the smokeless area. Beiming Mo looked out the window.    


Opposite them, the words "Civil Affairs Bureau" were particularly striking.    


She was only about 200 degrees of myopia. Even if she really did not have invisibility, it was not to the extent that she could not see clearly even with such a large number of words.    


She found it funny. She only felt that the man in front of her was getting cuter and cuter.    


In order to hide her expression that was about to collapse, Beiming Mo lowered her head and looked at the menu to order dishes.    


Hotpot had always been slow to eat, so when it was 1: 10, Beiming Mo discovered that Xuanyuan Che was frequently looking at the time on his phone.    


When she looked at the time, she did not forget to look at the machine on the other side.    


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