Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C577 His Brother Had Bullied His Own Sister!

C577 His Brother Had Bullied His Own Sister!

Suddenly, in a few minutes, she couldn't help rubbing the chair.    


Gong Lingye said lightly, "Fu Xiner, think about it. We will come back in half an hour."    


"Wait!" Fu Xiner quickly said,, "Don't go! I will say anything!"    


Because her chin had been dislocated. Therefore, her voice was like a big tongue, and it was especially difficult for her to speak.    


Gong Lingye stopped in his tracks and asked, "Who sent you?"    


"It's Carmel." Fu Xiner immediately said, "Carmel felt that Tianqi's company had threatened them, so..."    


Gong Lingye called Aa Mian. "Let's go."    


Hehe, although Carmel was a competitor for Luo Tianqi's company, he did not think that a competitor would start planning half a year in advance. Furthermore, he had placed a woman beside Luo Tianqi.    


This woman's skills were not ordinary.    


Fu Xiner saw that Gong Lingye and Aa Mian really wanted to leave, but at this moment, she was itching to scratch her skin.    


But her hands had been removed, so she could not scratch them. She could only rub the back of the chair hard to relieve the pain at this moment.    


As time passed, her heart began to waver. She began to wonder if she could still hold on.    


And Gong Lingye was obviously a devil. He didn't even need to use the so-called torture, but just this kind of torture was enough to make her unable to resist.    


She couldn't help but think of the man that Beiming Kun sent out. That man was a man of iron and steel in J Country. However, in Gong Lingye's hands, he still gave her everything.    


As for her...    


She was merely her younger sister being held in someone else's hands. But that pervert, with a girl by his side, how could he possibly not do anything?    


Therefore, if she did not confess now, it would probably be very difficult for her younger sister to survive!    


Thinking of this, Fu Xiner basically gave up.    


So, five minutes later, her voice of sincerity sounded exceptionally sincere. "Mr. Gong, I will speak! I'll tell you everything!"    


Half a minute later, Gong Lingye and Aa Mian slowly walked in.    


Gong Lingye looked down at Fu Xiner. "I don't like to waste time. This is your last chance. Take it. "I want to know everything."    


Fu Xiner's heart sank. Facing Gong Lingye, she dispelled the little thoughts that she had hidden earlier.    


"Alright, I will tell you everything that I know."    


"I am from China. More than half a year ago, I was chosen by a man from J Country. He looked at the mole on my face and told me to protect it well."    


" After that, my simple life suddenly changed. "He took my sister away, and I was also taken to J Country."    


"I received training in J Country. That kind of training was too scary. I was chased to a forest by him, and that place was filled with lunatics. He gave me a knife and left immediately."    


"That was the first time I killed someone."    


"For the next three months, I had been suffering like this until he brought me to Hua Country. Then, he arranged for me to be a hotel waiter and arranged for someone I didn't know to be my parents."    


"Other than him coming to me every few days and emphasizing that I'm a dog under him, I actually only work as a waiter every day. There's nothing special about it."    


"So, every time he hasn't contacted me for more than a month, I've been thinking: "Did he forget about me? " After all, he trained me on those things, but he never let me do any missions "    


Until a month ago, he came to me and said that he would raise an army for a thousand days for a short period of time "    


"He told me the plan. He told me to find a way to get Tianqi a cup of water with extra ingredients when he went on a business trip. " Then, let me climb onto his bed. "    


"But something unexpected happened that day. The one who climbed into his bed in the end wasn't me, but a female colleague in his company. But luckily, that female colleague left halfway. "So I found an opportunity, Li Dai."    


"After that, you all will know. I pretended to be carrying Tianqi's child and asked him to take responsibility for me. "    


"Whose child is yours?" Gong Lingye asked.    


"My child, after I worked in the hotel. The man I met in a bar after drinking. " Fu Xiner said, "That man kept pestering me after one night with me. He was taken away and thrown into the river. But I don't know how he was saved. He even saw that Tianqi and I were getting married. "That's why he came to me to ask for money."    


When she said this, she became angry. If it wasn't for that man, her plan wouldn't have lost!    


"Who is the one who had a relationship with Tianqi in their company?" Gong Lingye asked again.    


"I don't know either, because to prevent them from suspecting me, I only appeared at their party that day." Fu Xiner recalled, "But that girl is very beautiful, she is a mixed-blood beauty."    


Gong Lingye's heart suddenly sank.    


Suddenly, everything that he could not figure out and had a premonition could be linked together.    


However, he still maintained his composure and continued, "Alright, you can tell me who the person above you is."    


"I don't know his name, but I heard his subordinate call him Third Young Master" Fu Xiner said, "Oh right, half a month ago, it was not him who came to find me, but the person beside him. " Then, they told me that after I marry Tianqi, they will tell me what to do next. "    


At this moment, Gong Lingye finally understood.    


Fu Xiner was sent by Shangguan Xun, and he was afraid that Shangguan Xun had already started to plan in all aspects a long time ago.    


He had targeted the brakes of Heavenly Palace Group two years ago. More than half a year ago, he had even attacked the people around him. He wondered how many of Shangguan Xun's chess pieces were scattered around.    


Because he had provided evidence of Shangguan Xun's crime in Y Country, so half a month ago, the one who could come to find Fu Xiner was naturally not Shangguan Xun.    


And Shangguan Xun obviously held the fate of many people. So, even if something happened to him, his previous plan was still being carried out loyally.    


Furthermore, after he was escorted to J Country, his people also helped him find a scapegoat and successfully escaped!    


Gong Lingye never had any sympathy for people, especially the woman who almost wanted Luo Tianqi's life.    


However, Fu Xiner was a pregnant woman after all. He could not do anything to a pregnant woman.    


Therefore, he instructed Aa Mian to feed Fu Xiner the antidote and then waved his hand. "Send her overseas. I don't want her to come back and act like a demon again."    


Aa Mian received the order and directly brought people out.    


Gong Lingye, on the other hand, picked up his phone and called Luo Tianqi.    


Today, he even saved him, but he never thought that his brother would actually bully his own sister!    


Very good!    


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