Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C562 Can You Not Have a Boyfriend First Wait a Minute

C562 Can You Not Have a Boyfriend First Wait a Minute

Ever since Hee Wanshuang was caught and released that day, she had never returned to Ear City.    


She did not know how to face the Lady Boss. Although she was also a victim, she had also suffered an undeserved calamity.    


However, because she was thinking about Little Orange, she had Gong Lingye help her find out a few times.    


However, Little Orange was just a kitten. Everyone searched for a long time but still could not find it, so they could only give up.    


After that, she had originally planned to go to another city and continue recording people's culture. However, she had received an invitation from Xiao Cheng.    


At that time, she happened to be the one who planned to go to the city he was in, so she agreed.    


However, later on, they were short of people, so she occasionally went to the top. Just like that, she gradually became reluctant to part with the band.    


So, at the end, as long as the band needed it, she would go up, even if it was because of this that she went out on a business trip to other places.    


Therefore, when Xiao Cheng finally prepared the concert, Hee Wanshuang did not say anything and went to Imperial City with them.    


Tonight, the construction concert ended perfectly. Hee Wanshuang knew that it was close to home and also because she did not go home for a long time, so she planned to stay at home for a day or two.    


Her parents knew that she was back and had prepared supper for her.    


Xiao Cheng sent her to the basement of the neighborhood. He said he would see her tomorrow, and then left.    


Hee Wanshuang walked into the elevator and was about to enter when she suddenly realized that there was someone behind her.    


She was shocked and almost cried out, but she found that the person was tall and had a mixed-blood figure in the dark corridor. It was still so clear.    


It was Lieh Yuanchen.    


She looked at him in shock. She could not understand why he was here.    


Lieh Yuanchen opened his mouth first, "Shuang."    


Hee Wanshuang's pupils tightened and said vigilantly, "Why are you here?"    


"I went to listen to your concert." He stared into her eyes and said, "You sang very well."    


Hee Wanshuang was even more shocked, but then she forced a smile. "Thank you."    


"Do you remember the last time I called you and you accidentally picked up? It was your first time going on stage." Lieh Yuanchen said.    


Of course Hee Wanshuang remembered. She did not understand. Why did he suddenly say this again? He only responded. "Yes."    


"At that time, I felt that you sang very well and really wanted to hear it live, so I drove to Yi City to look for you that day." Lieh Yuanchen paused for a moment and said, "But there was a car accident that day."    


Hee Wanshuang did not expect that Lieh Yuanchen had a car accident because of this. She lowered her eyes. "Sorry."    


He held his breath and shook his head. "Shuang, this has nothing to do with you. I drove myself drunk. I'm only telling you about this. I'm not asking you to take responsibility for other people's mistakes. "    


Hee Wanshuang was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted.    


That's right. Previously, her depression relapsed because she always felt that it was her fault.    


And after these days, perhaps because she had diverted her attention, she gradually walked out.    


In total, she had not taken medicine for more than half a month.    


"Yes." "I see," she said.    


Lieh Yuanchen said again. "That day, I hit my head and lost my memory of you. However, the explosion of the Er City Inn reminded me of everything. "    


Hee Wanshuang widened her eyes, clearly very shocked.    


However, she still did not know what he wanted to express.    


These few days, although she had never taken the initiative to search for information about him, there were still some things that would occasionally jump out and let her see.    


For example, his marriage with the eldest daughter of the Phil family, for example, he re-took control of the L Group...    


Her gaze landed on his left hand.    


There, a ring of broken diamonds on the ring was particularly dazzling under the light.    


Lieh Yuanchen followed Hee Wanshuang's gaze and looked over. Instantly, he felt as if his heart had been struck by a heavy blow.    


He instinctively retracted his finger and said, "Shuang, are you alright now?"    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. "Yes, pretty good."    


She thought for a while, "If there is nothing else, I will go upstairs."    


Lieh Yuanchen's hands suddenly clenched into fists and he finally asked. "Will you consider marrying someone recently?"    


Hee Wanshuang was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"    


"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked again.    


When she thought of his ring, she felt a sense of rejection in her heart for no reason. There was also displeasure in her tone. "Does that have anything to do with you?"    


Lieh Yuanchen instantly fell silent.    


Hee Wanshuang waited for two seconds and did not greet him anymore. She directly pressed the button and walked into the elevator.    


However, before she even got close, her hand was pulled by someone.    


She struggled but he brought her into his embrace.    


She wanted to resist with all her might, but she heard Lieh Yuanchen ask very quickly, "Shuang, can you not have a boyfriend first? Wait for me."    


Wait for him to finish his plan before coming to find her.    


She suddenly felt a burst of sarcasm, so she struggled and said: "Why? Besides, aren't you already engaged? "    


"I..." Lieh Yuanchen's words were stuck in his throat.    


"Let go of me!" Her eyes turned red. "Why do you always bully me!"    


Lieh Yuanchen felt a stab in his heart and a pain came. He immediately let go of Hee Wanshuang.    


She was finally free. She ignored him and quickly entered the elevator and pressed the button on her floor.    


The door between them closed. Lieh Yuanchen stood outside the elevator and watched Hee Wanshuang disappear. Then, he took a few steps back and slowly leaned against the wall.    


In the next few days, Lieh Yuanchen was even busier. It seemed that all his experiences were devoted to his work.    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan found that the project of L Group seemed to be stable, as if the things Lieh Yuanchen was busy with had nothing to do with L Group.    


She even saw the bidding documents of another company when she was cleaning up the room.    


When Lieh Xiaoruan saw the company's name, she finally understood.    


That company was the company that Lieh Yuanchen had 100% control over!    


So, her brother was secretly doing it...    


Thinking of this, Lieh Xiaoruan could not help but think of the recent projects in Heavenly Palace Group.    


On the other side, it seemed like they were looking for partners.    


Her heart was beating fast. She knocked on Gong Lingye's office door.    


Gong Lingye looked up and saw Lieh Xiaoruan, so he said, "Xiaoruan, what is it that you are looking for me for?"    


"Yes." It was the first time Lieh Xiaoruan used her work for personal gain, so she could not help but feel nervous. She hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "It's like this... Brother. Recently, we are not looking for a supplier, and then I saw that my brother's company's project is very suitable, so..."    


Gong Lingye instantly understood and a smile appeared on his lips. "Xiaoruan, are you helping him?"    


"He doesn't know." Lieh Xiaoruan lowered her eyes. "I know. This is not right, but only I can help him."    


"Hearing you say that, he doesn't seem to have the glory he imagined?" Gong Lingye said.    


"Yes, and I have a feeling that he might want to use such a method to save sister-in-law," Wang Yao said. Lieh Xiaoruan took a deep breath. "Brother, can you help him? Or, for sister-in-law's sake?"    


Gong Lingye rubbed the space between his eyebrows. "Xiaoruan, this is just your guess."    


"I know it's just my guess, and he didn't say anything." Lieh Xiaoruan smiled at Gong Lingye in an ingratiating manner, "But whether or not we can help him is actually not a loss to us..."    


"I will investigate the quality of his products." Gong Lingye said, "If he is the same as other competitors, I will give priority to his family."    


"Really? That's great!" Lieh Xiaoruan immediately rushed over and hugged Gong Lingye's arm happily. "Brother, you are so good! I love you to death!"    


"You still need to keep a distance from me." Gong Lingye smiled faintly. "I'm married."    


Lieh Xiaoruan smiled but still withdrew her arm. She curled her lips. "Always showing off your affection in front of a single dog like me!"    


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