Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C555 I also Eat Meat and Meat

C555 I also Eat Meat and Meat

"Brother, can you help me down?" Gong Moyan looked at Xiao Pei and asked.    


Xiao Pei had a headache, but after hesitating for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay."    


So he jumped down first, then stretched out his arm to carry Gong Moyan down and put her on the ground.    


She had just reached the ground when she ran towards the little rabbit.    


Although the little rabbit's leg was injured, when it saw a person, it still instinctively ran away.    


However, it dragged its broken leg and obviously could not run. It was caught by Gong Moyan in a few seconds.    


As she hugged it, she said, "Little rabbit, don't run. Your leg is injured. If you run again, you will be even more injured!"    


As she spoke, she carefully picked it up and lowered her head to check where it was injured.    


Xiao Pei stood five meters away from Gong Moyan. He looked at the girl who felt sorry for the little bunny and felt a little helpless and understanding.    


Gong Moyan placed the little rabbit on her lap and took out a tissue from her pocket to help her massage the wound and stop the bleeding.    


After a while, she saw that it really did not bleed anymore. She then let out a sigh of relief. She stood up and said to Xiao Pei, "Brother, let's take it home!"    


At this moment, her hair was covered with a few strands of grass, and there was a little rabbit's blood mark on her body. She looked a little dirty, but her eyes were especially bright. Even the surrounding greenery and sunlight became her background.    


Xiao Pei was swayed by the light in Gong Moyan's eyes. After a moment, he reacted and nodded. "Yes, if you like it, take it home and raise it!"    


"So I carry it and follow us. You don't want to eat it?" Gong Moyan confirmed again and again.    


Xiao Pei was a little helpless. He lifted his hand and took off the wild grass on Gong Moyan's hair. "Yes, I am not going to eat it."    


She saw his slender fingers holding the grass. His tall figure blocked the sunlight in front of her. Instantly, the quietly rolling emotions in her heart grew again.    


She looked at him and said: "Brother, do you think I've grown taller?"    


"How can it be so fast? The last time I saw you was less than two months ago, right?" Xiao Pei said casually, but he still got closer to Gong Moyan. Then, he stretched out his hand to touch the top of her head.    


"It seems to be a little longer." He recorded the position on his body and compared it to the last place, he said, "1.5cm?"    


"I grew up fast, right?" Gong Moyan smiled at Xiao Pei, "I don't know where I can go to when I go to college."    


"Mouth? Or nose?" Xiao Pei asked, "How tall do you want to grow?"    


"Can I reach the tip of your nose?" She felt that it seemed to be the cutest height difference between them.    


"Okay, then work hard to eat." He didn't know why, but he subconsciously rubbed her soft hair.    


She nodded. "I will work hard to eat!"    


Seeing how obedient she was, Xiao Pei could not help but think that if his sister was still alive, she would also be at this age, right?    


"Let's get on the horse!" Xiao Pei said.    


Gong Moyan responded. She held the little bunny with one hand and grabbed the saddle with the other.    


Seeing this, he could only reach out his arm and hug her waist. "You have to hold on tightly with one hand. In a while, we will go down the hill. The horse runs fast."    


"Okay, big brother." Her face was red, but because her back was facing him, he could not see it.    


When the two of them came to the stream, everyone was already there, except for Helian Qing.    


Gong Lingye saw this and called Helian Qing.    


It took a long time before they answered. Helian Qing said lightly, "Mr. Gong, I might be a little late because I found a few herbs."    


Gong Lingye said, "Okay, then we will do the preparation work here. When you are done, come to the stream."    


Because of Gong Lingye's prior arrangements, the staff had already transported the kitchen utensils and seasoning over.    


Someone specifically dealt with the prey. Then, after washing it clean, he helped everyone put it on the grill.    


The ones who got the most this time were Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren, followed by Lieh Xiaoruan. She had one more than Luo Tianqi's.    


Gong Mochen and Luo Tianqi were the same, while Soong Ziheng, Chi Jingyu and Xuanyuan Che were the same.    


Finally, everyone looked at the little rabbit that Gong Moyan was holding.    


She quickly reached out and hugged it tightly, as if she was protecting her calf. "My little rabbit is not allowed to eat!"    


Everyone laughed, "Moyan, don't worry, we won't eat it. You can take it home and raise it."    


Gong Moyan finally let out a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to pack her prey, the sound of horse hooves could be heard from afar.    


Everyone raised their eyes and saw Helian Qing riding on her thin horse and galloping towards them at high speed.    


Her ponytail danced in the wind, but the green clothes and white pants she wore made her look even more elegant and otherworldly.    


Although there were so many pairs of eyes looking at her, there was still a calm expression between her brows.    


When she was in front of everyone, she pulled the reins, pulled the horse back, jumped down, and tied the reins. Her movements were smooth and natural.    


Gong Mochen looked at her doubtfully. He already had a bad feeling in his heart.    


So, the reason why she led the horse away earlier wasn't because she didn't know how to ride it?    


"Did Miss Helian gain anything?" Lieh Xiaoruan was very curious.    


"Miss Helian is a doctor, how can she hunt?" Chi Jingyu said.    


Helian Qing had already taken the basket backpack off her horse. Her tone was so indifferent that she did not care about it. "I beat two pheasants and a snake. Snake gallbladder can be used as medicine. Pheasants should be good for stewing soup."    


Everyone:... ""    


Luo Tianqi had already stood up and went over to take a look. Sure enough, he saw the prey inside. It was still warm!    


Gong Mochen also glanced at it suspiciously. He remembered that he had been near her previously and had not seen her hunting.    


But now, in just a short 20 minutes, not only did she come from the depths of the valley, she even hunted?    


"Miss Helian, you really kill?" Chi Jingyu said in shock.    


"I am a doctor, not a nun. Why can't I eat meat and kill people?" Helian Qing looked confused.    


Chi Jingyu was silent and did not know what to say.    


On the side, Lieh Xiaoruan held back her laughter. "Haha, Great God, did you find an expert?"    


"He is indeed an expert!" Chi Jingyu couldn't help but praise.    


On the other side, Gong Moyan had already carried the little bunny over. "Auntie Qing, I saw that this little white rabbit was injured. Can you help treat it?"    


Helian Qing's gaze fell over and only took a glance before nodding her head, "Yes."    


After saying that, she took out a herb from another basket backpack and used a stone to grind it. Then, she applied it on the spot where the little white rabbit was injured.    


Then, she took out a scarf from her bag and carefully wrapped it around the little rabbit's leg. Then, she said to Gong Moyan: "After two days, directly disassemble it and it will be fine."    


"That's great. Thank you, Auntie Qing!" Gong Moyan said happily.    


Helian Qing nodded lightly and then took out a few herbs from the basket backpack and said, "These few herbs, when you put them in your stomach when you roast a wild rabbit, will smell very fragrant."    


Everyone,... ""    


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