Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C390 Gong Lingye's Plan Was to Go with the Flow

C390 Gong Lingye's Plan Was to Go with the Flow

Soong Yiren heard the news that no one was alive and felt a chill all over her body.    


However, she still didn't believe it. She didn't believe that something would really happen to Gong Lingye.    


In her heart, he had always been omnipotent. Even if he was really in danger, he could still escape from danger!    


"Continue fishing!" Pei Jun ordered.    


Their speedboat ran out of fuel, so they drove to the cruise ship in the distance to replenish their supplies.    


Pei Jun and Soong Yiren stayed on the cruise. There was a receiver there that could let them know everything at once.    


The sky started to darken. Once the sky turned dark, Then, the difficulty of fishing was just what level.    


In the distance, the helicopter was circling at a low altitude, searching in a carpet manner.    


At this moment, an exciting message came from a speedboat. "Assistant Pei, We found a survivor!"    


Pei Jun was shocked. "Send him to the cruise immediately for emergency treatment!"    


"Help Pei Te, we also found one here!" Someone on the helicopter spoke to the speaker.    


Soong Yiren only felt as if she saw a ray of light, until, before the last ray of the setting sun disappeared, the survivors opened their eyes.    


It was Gong Lingye's people. "Pei Te help, we were scattered!"    


"Prince was long prepared. Every one of us has an explosion-proof vest on us! But Gu Chiyun's bomb was too powerful. The ship we hid behind the cruise was also destroyed! "    


"Prince and we broke up. We don't know where he and Aa Mian are!"    


"At that time, the ocean current was heading towards J Country. We don't know if they were rushing over there or not!"    


Soong Yiren's heart was still hanging when she heard the man's words, but her body began to warm up.    


She knew that he was prepared!    


However, Gu Chiyun was indeed too crazy. Even though Gong Lingye was fully prepared, he still encountered an accident!    


Thus, 80% of the speedboats drove towards the border of J Country. White waves were flying on the surface of the sea for ten thousand miles.    


That night, it was destined to be another sleepless night.    


As more and more people were fished up, out of the fifteen people on Gong Lingye's side, ten were scooped up and two died. Apart from Aa Mian and Gong Lingye, another person also went missing.    


Time seemed to have been deliberately slowed down, and every frame became filled with anticipation and suffering.    


Night began to fall, and the entire ocean turned from blue to black. The waves in one's sight seemed to be able to swallow a person's soul.    


Soong Yiren had been standing guard on the deck. She had already put on a thick coat but when the wind blew, she still felt very cold.    


At the end, she felt more and more uncomfortable. Her whole body was cold and sore.    


She held onto the fence and wanted to stand up, but she found that her legs could not use any strength and even silver flying cotton began to fly in front of her eyes.    


Her head became heavier and heavier, and her vision in front of her gradually became blurred. Until someone called out to her by her ear: "Madam, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"    


Before Soong Yiren could answer, she heard Pei Jun's voice on the other side of the phone. "I found Brother Chu! Brother Chu was shot! We need to take out the bullet immediately! "Prepare for surgery!"    


Soong Yiren panicked and was about to rush over, but her body tilted and she completely lost consciousness and fell down...    


At this moment, on the shore 30 nautical miles away from where Soong Yiren was, Gong Lingye threw the underwater propellers and air bottles to the side and was breathing heavily.    


It was late at night. There were no stars and no moon tonight, and there was only darkness in his sight.    


He sat by the beach, stretching his stiff limbs. Then, he took out his phone from the waterproof bag.    


His movements were still a little slow. Clearly, he had suffered some minor injuries. However, for the sake of safety, he quickly hid in a forest.    


On the side of Country J, his phone network could not be used at all. He could not even make phone calls. The only thing he could do was to send a signal.    


He quickly opened a software on his phone and entered the password. Very quickly, a signal was sent out.    


That was a signal to tell everyone that he was safe. It indicated that everything was fine and that everyone should not act rashly for the time being.    


Everything that happened this morning had been predicted by Aa Mian and him.    


However, he hadn't expected that Gu Chiyun would also soak the cruise in gasoline. Therefore, although they delayed his explosion by a few seconds, Furthermore, the explosion didn't start with the entire ship exploding. Instead, with Gu Chiyun as the core, it gradually exploded.    


Therefore, they were given time to escape. However, they were still severely affected by the explosion's power.    


After they fell into the water, he and Aa Mian decided to use the same tactic and followed the currents to search for J Nation.    


However, since he had made the decision to go to J Nation at the last minute, it was an absolute secret. Plus, he really couldn't let everyone go together. Therefore, Gong Lingye only brought Aa Mian with him.    


However, he did not expect the sea defense there to be so tight. When they passed through the water, Aa Mian was shot.    


At that time, Aa Mian's underwater thrusters were a little broken. The current was rapid, and there was no way to return. Therefore, Gong Lingye exchanged the thrusters with him and asked Aa Mian to return immediately to wait for rescue.    


Although Aa Mian was unwilling, Gong Lingye directly pulled the injured him onto the good thruster. He let it take Aa Mian through the current and return to the border of Hua Country.    


Gong Lingye, on the other hand, used the propeller that could not be activated and barely passed through the ocean current and crossed the coastline of Country J.    


His body was heavy to the point that it was uncomfortable, but Gong Lingye still didn't stop his footsteps.    


This place might not be safe, he had to at least go to the city.    


After walking for an unknown amount of time with heavy steps, there were finally some lights in the distance.    


Gong Lingye put on the hat of Wei Yi on his head, covering half of his face.    


In his impression, Country J had always been lagging behind. It did not have a lot of industries and resources.    


The residents around the coastline mainly relied on fishing to make a living. As for the inland ones, they mainly relied on agriculture.    


Finally, a resting courtyard appeared in front of them. Obviously, this was a place for ordinary residents to rest.    


Gong Lingye walked over and found a corner. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to recover his strength.    


He knew that Pei Jun would bring people to search the sea, so Soong Yiren would also get news that he was fine.    


However, it was estimated that they would have to wait until dawn before they could find a chance to call them.    


After leaning against the wall and resting for a few hours, Gong Lingye felt a little better.    


Although he had lost too much blood and his body had not recovered to its peak condition, However, he loved to exercise and exercise since he was young. His physique was much stronger than Soong Yiren's.    


The clothes he wore were dry waterproof clothing and it was also very good to keep warm. After he went ashore, only his hair was a little moist, so he did not have to catch a cold.    


This was the first time he had sized up the city since dawn.    


The people here had skin darker than Hua Country's, and their facial features were exactly the same.    


As a result, when he walked, he deliberately withdrew his aura. It was not easy for others to notice that he was different.    


The people in Border Town were obviously fishermen. Gong Lingye walked around and found that there were not many restaurants.    


He walked into a house, ordered breakfast, and took out an international currency from his pocket.    


However, the boss shook her head and said a string of dialects that he did not understand.    


Faced with such a country, Gong Lingye felt a little helpless. He took off his hat and gestured to the lady boss, indicating that he was a foreigner and did not have any local currency.    


However, when the woman in front of him saw his face, her eyes widened.    


She looked at him for a while before she reacted. She turned around and said something to the waiter, then pulled Gong Lingye into the store and poured him water enthusiastically.    


He roughly guessed something and nodded at the waiter with a smile.    


Then, he saw the Lady Boss accept money from other customers while looking at him from time to time, as if she wanted to stick her eyes on him.    


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