Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C384 Who Is the Head of the Family

C384 Who Is the Head of the Family

Aa Mian was still a little surprised. Why did that man suddenly compromise? Only when he arrived at the other side did he understand the reason.    


It turned out that it was a guard who forgot to feed that person just now and fed him another dose. This time, the dose was a little too large. It was also because the man was in good health that he did not suffer from a serious situation. However, he really could not bear it anymore.    


When he saw Aa Mian, his eyes were scarlet red and he yawned. "I'll speak! Big brother, I'll say anything!"    


Aa Mian sat down, but he was not in a hurry to find out the truth. "Why didn't you tell me before?"    


"Because my brother is in the master's hands!" The man rubbed the rope in pain, wanting to use the pain to slightly concentrate his energy.    


Unfortunately, he was so sleepy that he wanted to sleep. However, because he could not close his eyelids, he felt that his heart was being scratched by thousands of claws. He was in so much pain that every moment was torture.    


He really couldn't hold on any longer. He said anxiously: "Big brother, quickly ask. I told you, I only have one request. Let me have a good sleep!"    


Aa Mian sneered and said, "If we find out it's fake, you will suffer a thousand times more pain than this time!"    


"I swear, it's all true!" The man quickly said.    


"Who's the family head?" Aa Mian looked straight into the man's eyes. "What's his name? Where is his address?"    


The man shook his head. "I don't know his name. He never said that we all call him Master. His business is huge. I don't know exactly what it involves. I only know that he has a lot of factories in J Country. He's usually there too. "    


"Country?" At this moment, thousands of miles away, Pei Jun heard this name through the sharing scene with Aa Mian.    


I was fortunate enough to go to the country once. That place is not the desolate place you think it is!" The man tried hard to keep his spirits up as he said, "Because of the protection of the Prime Minister of J. Everyone thought that the country was locked up there, but in reality... What we know is only on the surface! I heard that the family head's business over there isn't the largest, but there are two largest families. I've also heard of it before. As for what exactly it is... "My brother doesn't know either."    


"So, you only know that your family head is in J Country, and that place is protected by the government, so ordinary people can't enter?" Aa Mian asked.    


The man said, "Yes, the last time I went, I only went to J Country's airport, and then I was blindfolded. Finally, I saw the family head."    


"What does your family head look like? How old is he?" Aa Mian asked again.    


The patriarch was carrying his body behind his back. But judging from his back, he should be around fifty years old now. He has a tall and sturdy body, and is about 180 meters tall." The man recalled: "Oh right, the family head still has a son. They call him 'young master'."    


"Just a son? Do you have a daughter?" Aa Mian asked, "Have you seen that young master?"    


"I have never seen the young master. I only heard the family head mention him." The man said, "The family head should only have this kind of child, but who knows? How could a man with such status and status not have a few wives and children?"    


Aa Mian continued to ask, "When did you go to J Country?"    


"Half a year ago, I protected a batch of goods from the head of the family, so I was taken over as a form of commendation." When the man said this, he instantly felt pain. "At that time, I thought it was a good job and even brought my younger brother over, but I didn't expect..."    


He looked at Aa Mian. "Big brother, I told you everything I know. Can you let me sleep?"    


Unexpectedly, Aa Mian asked, "What's your brother's name?"    


"His name is Zheng Xiaohui." The man said, "Unfortunately, when he went there, I never saw him again."    


"If we go there, we will help you find him." Aa Mian stood up and looked at the man's fingernailless hand. "Your perseverance impressed me. If we are sure what you said is true, we will save him. If not, you and him will live a life worse than death! "    


After he finished speaking, he let go of the man's eyelids. Just as he was about to untie the man, he realized that the man had fallen into a deep sleep the moment his eyelids were free.    


A thousand miles away, Gong Lingye frowned slightly.    


Indeed, he had never been to J Nation. It was a place that was almost forgotten by the entire world.    


The people of J Nation were all yellow people. They were also very close to Hua Nation and Ning Country. It was a Island Country, and they had been neutral for many years.    


Because they didn't have much resources, the land area wasn't large either. In addition, it did not have any territorial disputes, so it was a very low-profile country internationally.    


Everyone's impression of it had always been that the east side of it was a tourist spot, but because from the east coast to the inland 50 miles, there was a live volcano belt. Therefore, its interior was almost isolated.    


And Country J had always been unwilling to deal with other countries, so it was very troublesome to apply for visas. Therefore, even if it was tourists who went there, they would not be able to talk much.    


Gong Lingye opened the map and drew a circle around Country J. Then, he looked at the current business of Heavenly Palace seriously.    


Indeed, J Nation was completely blank.    


So, it seemed that it was necessary to go there and take a look.    


However, it was said that a thousand miles was not enough to suppress the local snake. That was the enemy's base camp. It was the enemy who was in the dark, while the enemy was in the light. Without knowing the opponent's trump card, he could not act rashly.    


This matter finally had a general direction. It was much better than not having any clues before.    


Because Beiming Xiao was the main suspect. Therefore, Gong Lingye also arranged people to lurk beside Beiming Xiao and his manager, paying attention to their movements at all times.    


The weather in April was neither hot nor cold, and soon it would be the weekend. Thinking of Hee Wanshuang's situation, Gong Lingye planned to organize a green party.    


In the morning, he finished dealing with an email and was about to contact Luo Tianqi and the others when he heard the secretary knock on the door. He came in and said, "President, Mr. Lieh Yuanchen from L Group came to see you. I said he didn't make an appointment. He said you would meet him..."    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows and Lieh Yuanchen came over. Was he here to show his friendliness?    


"Ask him to wait for me in the guest room." Gong Lingye said.    


When he went over, he saw that Lieh Yuanchen was not bringing a secretary, but Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Gong Lingye was a little puzzled, but he still let the secretary make tea. He sat down and said, "What business do the two of you have with me?"    


Lieh Yuanchen had been badly battered these two days. The pressure on his father's side and the company's share price, he almost had no room to breathe.    


Especially since the L Group had just moved into China this year, its foundation was not solid at all. So, if they did not handle it well, it was very likely that they had to withdraw from the Hua Country market in order to prevent losses.    


However, advancing into the Hua Country was a strategy that the L Group had planned for a few years. Once they withdrew, the losses would be huge. It was not impossible for the company's shareholders to account for this.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen could not remain calm when he saw Gong Lingye.    


The two of them were rivals in the business world. Now, there was actually such a layer of relationship because of Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Thinking about his sister being split in half, Lieh Yuanchen felt very uncomfortable in his heart.    


However, for the sake of Lieh Xiaoruan's happiness, he still prepared to speak.    


Who would have thought that before he could speak, Lieh Xiaoruan, who was beside him, immediately stood up and threw herself at Gong Lingye. "Big brother!"    


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