Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C351 Are You Pregnant?

C351 Are You Pregnant?

Gong Lingye booked the entire hotel in advance for his own safety. Therefore, the activity area was filled with his own people.    


In the afternoon, everyone had their buffet here. At this moment, they were drinking and eating fruits.    


The children were tired of playing and had already fallen asleep. The elderly had already fallen asleep. Only a group of young people were left, chatting and drinking together in twos and threes.    


On the other side, there was a rather large swimming pool. Luo Tianqi and Li Huo were swimming inside. Wei Qianran was acting as the judge for the two of them.    


Beiming Mo held a glass of red wine in her hand and walked to the side of the pool to cheer Li Huo.    


She had just taken a sip when she saw Aa Mian walking over from the corner of her eye.    


When Aa Mian saw Beiming Mo, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He was actually five meters away from her and wanted to take a detour.    


Beiming Mo raised her eyebrows. She felt that if she did not tease him today, his life would become boring.    


She called out to him, "Aa Mian!"    


Aa Mian could only stop his footsteps and look at Beiming Mo questioningly.    


"Look, Tianqi is about to be caught by Li Huo. Why don't you go down and save your brother?" Beiming Mo said and drank the wine in the cup. She felt that her body was getting lighter and lighter, and her brain was getting lighter and lighter.    


Aa Mian looked at the side of the pool and did not say anything.    


This fellow is really stuffy! Beiming Mo was bored when she saw Xuanyuan Che, who had been talking to Gong Lingye about business, walk out.    


She slightly narrowed her eyes and deliberately teased Aa Mian. "You have such a good figure. It would be a waste not to go into the water and show off your muscles!"    


Aa Mian took half a step back. "My figure is not good..."    


Beiming Mo smiled. "If you are not good, then who is good?"    


Aa Mian lowered his head to look at his chest muscles and pursed his lips. It was very against his heart, "Mr. Xuanyuan..."    


Beiming Mo burst into laughter, as if she did not notice Xuanyuan Che's approach at all. "He is far worse than you..."    


Aa Mian,... ""    


On the other side, Wei Qianran, who was watching Luo Tianqi and Li Huo's fight, had already focused her attention on Beiming Mo. Her eyes lit up as she looked at Beiming Mo flirting with him. Seeing Aa Mian being teased until his face turned red, she could not help but smile and bend her waist.    


Someone was shouting at her by her ear. Just as she was about to ask, she felt that her foot had suddenly stepped on empty air. Then, her body lost balance in an instant. When she reacted again, her entire body had already completely crashed into the water!    


The depth of the water that she was at was two meters. The sudden drop of water, coupled with the fact that she could not swim, instantly caused her to feel fear and death enveloping her.    


On the other side, Beiming Mo heard the sound of water and turned her head to look. She discovered that Wei Qianran had fallen into the water. In the pool, Luo Tianqi and Li Huo were both on the other side of the pool.    


Wei Qianran obviously did not know how to swim. After falling into the water, she began to struggle with all her might.    


Beiming Mo's heart was startled and just as she was about to go and save someone, she felt a gust of wind by her side.    


Aa Mian had already rushed over and with a splash, he had already jumped into the water. In less than five seconds, he had already lifted Wei Qianran up.    


Everyone came back to their senses and rushed to the side of the pond. Aa Mian brought Wei Qianran to the shore and laid her flat on the ground.    


Because of the timely rescue, Wei Qianran only coughed a few times before she was fine. It was only because she was scared that she was still soft and did not move at the side of the pool.    


Beside her, Aa Mian directly used both hands to support the edge of the pool and jumped up.    


His T-shirt was soaked in water, drawing out tough muscle lines. His short hair was still dripping with water. He lowered his head and asked her, "Do you want to call a doctor?"    


Wei Qianran looked at the man's bronze-colored skin and tough facial features and felt her heartbeat inexplicably accelerate.    


Back then, when she and Beiming Mo were kidnapped, he was the first one to come over and save them. He even took care of the scene.    


Now, it was also the time when he pulled her out of death when she was most afraid.    


She still clearly remembered that when she was suffocating just now, his arm that was holding her was exceptionally strong. He brought her out of the bottom of the lake and gave her a new life!    


"I'm fine, there's no need to call the doctor." Wei Qianran reached out to Aa Mian and her heart was somewhat nervous. "I just can't walk anymore. Can you take me back to my room?"    


Aa Mian had always been a straight man of steel. When he heard her, he did not have any unnecessary thoughts. He bent over, picked Wei Qianran up, and walked towards the lobby.    


Beiming Mo raised the corners of her lips. That flower holding flower seemed to have extraordinary magic! It had worked so quickly?    


However, before he could sigh, he felt someone grab his wrist and the wine cup in his hand was taken away.    


She frowned and met Xuanyuan Che's cold eyes.    


Her hand twitched, but it didn't twitch.    


"What are you doing?" She was a bit unhappy.    


"Momo, come with me. I have something to say to you." Xuanyuan Che suppressed his anger and said.    


Just now, when he saw her tease Aa Mian again, he suddenly felt that his anger was not going well.    


Previously, she had deliberately teased Aa Mian. She clearly already had a physical relationship with him, yet she still went on a blind date. Today, not only did she dance with Pei Jun, she even chatted with Mother Pei like a family.    


Now, she continued teasing Aa Mian!    


So, to her, anyone could get close to her, but only he could not?    


Xuanyuan Che pulled Beiming Mo's wrist and strode forward.    


Beiming Mo was a little upset. She drank some wine and didn't have much strength. She wanted to break free but couldn't. It was as if she was willing to go with him!    


"Let go!" She shook her hand in annoyance and looked at the things on the dining table. She had an idea. "I'm hungry, I want to eat!"    


Xuanyuan Che heard her and let go of Beiming Mo a little. He went to the table with her.    


Beiming Mo took a mango mousse and ate slowly. Seeing that Xuanyuan Che did not have any intention of leaving, she decided to waste time with him. So, she took a plate and picked up a few pieces of the Polar Shell.    


He was quite patient. He waited by the side until she slowly poured some soy sauce and mustard.    


She ignored him. She also knew that because she drank some wine now, her thoughts might not be as clear as usual. So, she only cared about eating the polar shellfish.    


However, she did not know if it was because she drank too much. When she ate the second mouthful, Beiming Mo suddenly felt her stomach churn.    


She hurriedly covered her mouth and quickly ran to the bathroom.    


Xuanyuan Che saw this and his heart tightened. He also followed.    


Beiming Mo had already rushed into the bathroom and then vomited towards the sink.    


Beside her, Xuanyuan Che, who was about to remind her that she had accidentally barged into the men's washroom, saw this and did not say anything. Instead, he quickly looked around and heaved a sigh of relief.    


Fortunately, there were no men in the restroom.    


However, just as he heaved a sigh of relief, he heard the door open and a hotel staff member walk in.    


"Get out!" He stopped the person and Beiming Mo, who was vomiting.    


The man was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to have heard the noise inside. He looked embarrassed. "Brother, you really know how to play! You guys continue!" After saying that, he quickly walked away.    


Xuanyuan Che locked the door and turned his head. He saw that Beiming Mo had finally recovered. She then patted her chest as if she was relieving herself.    


He walked over. "Momo, are you alright?"    


She casually shook her head and quickly went to the washing table to rinse her mouth.    


He looked at her slightly pale face and his heart suddenly moved. He blurted out. "Momo, are you pregnant?"    


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