Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C359 Then I Beg You Let Me Save Him!

C359 Then I Beg You Let Me Save Him!

Gu Chiyun was trembling with anger, but when he saw his daughter's pitiful look, he tried his best to speak as calmly as possible. "He has already left. He left before you had your surgery the night before yesterday."    


However, Gu Tingxue did not feel disappointed. The guess in her heart became clearer and clearer.    


Gong Lingye had left. He must have gone to Dr. Tan's place. Then, everything would be right!    


But her father had been watching her. It was impossible for her to escape from the hospital and find Gong Lingye.    




She lowered her eyes and said, "Dad, can I leave the hospital now?"    


Gu Chiyun had asked the doctor before, so he answered directly, "The doctor said that he will be able to leave the hospital after two more days of observation."    


"Okay." Gu Tingxue answered meekly.    


She stayed quietly in the hospital for two days and did not mention Gong Lingye again.    


Until the day she was discharged from the hospital, Gu Chiyun carried her into a wheelchair and returned home with the help of a family surgeon.    


Another day passed. Gu Tingxue finally had the strength to stand up.    


Because the doctor had to go home at night. So in the middle of the night, there was only Gu Tingxue, her father, and a maid at home.    


In the darkness, Gu Tingxue opened her eyes. She pulled out the power of a heartbeat detection device in the room and then took off the contact lens on her body.    


When she got off the bed, she was still very weak.    


However, she still tried her best to hold on. Barefooted, she quietly went to the pharmacy at home.    


The pharmacy could only be opened with fingerprints. She pressed her thumb and finally opened the door.    


Gu Tingxue knew where the medicinal herbs were stored inside. Hence, she also knew where that kind of thing that made people unconscious was.    


Taking out a box from the drawer, she opened it and looked. Borrowing the moonlight from outside the window, she saw those wooden things. Gu Tingxue let out a sigh of relief and sniffed again. After confirming that it was not wrong, she quietly left the pharmacy.    


There was a window in the maid's room that was connected to the outside. So, she lit an incense stick and directly burned it on the window. She then took a fan and blew it in. Very quickly, the maid went straight into a deep sleep. She estimated that she would sleep for at least one more day. Night.    


After doing all this, Gu Tingxue returned to her room to catch her breath before going to her father's place again.    


The same method was because her father slept very lightly. Therefore, Gu Tingxue did not dare to use the fan. She could only use the fan to fan the smell of the medicine into her room. When Gu Chiyun should have fallen into a deep sleep, she dared to quietly walk into the room and light two sticks of incense for him.    


She had been wearing a mask the whole time. The mask had the smell of mint.    


Looking at her father who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Gu Tingxue's eyes instantly turned red.    


Her departure this time might be a farewell.    


In her memories, when her father protected her from a young age, the scenes replayed in front of her eyes. Her tears could not help but roll down.    


Without a doubt, he had been too good to her. He had never been willing to hit her. He had even rarely said anything serious about reprimanding her.    


However, he was the main culprit behind the death of the three men from the Gong Family.    


She felt sad and tormented in the middle. When she heard the doctor say that she might be able to save Gong Lingye, her heart was filled with joy and relief.    


Although she also wanted to see her mother, whom she had never met before, her mother's death was purely an accident. It could not be used as a reason for her father to take revenge on the Gong Family. Since her father's crime couldn't be made up for, Then, let her stop all of this!    


Only, from today onwards, it would be forever separated by the heavens.    


Gu Tingxue walked to Gu Chiyun's bed and her voice trembled. "Dad, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you anymore..."    


Tears fell down and fell onto Gu Chiyun's blanket. However, the man with gray sideburns did not notice it at all.    


Gu Tingxue gave him one last look and did not dare to delay in the room, so she turned around and left.    


She put on her shoes and socks and wrapped herself tightly. She only took 100 RMB and walked out of the room.    


It was very cold outside. She hailed a car by the roadside and went straight to Dr. Tan's research institute.    


The security guard at the door heard a knock on the door and woke up from his nap. When he saw Gu Tingxue, he was a little puzzled. "Miss..."    


"I am Gu Tingxue!." She looked at that person. "Tell your captain that I can save people and he will let me in!"    


When she spoke, her face was pale and her body was weak. She had almost used up all her willpower to not fall down.    


"Alright." The other party quickly came back after leaving and immediately opened the door. "Miss Gu, you came in the middle of the night... Miss Gu, are you alright?"    


Seeing Gu Tingxue's body soften and about to collapse, the security guards quickly supported her.    


Her voice was weak and seemed to be drowning in the wind at any time. "Bring me to see Dr. Tan, immediately!"    


The security did not dare to slow down either. He quickly carried her and ran inside.    


Dr. Tan was awakened in his sleep. When he saw that it was Gu Tingxue, he immediately understood everything.    


That day, his student called him. He knew that Gu Tingxue might be able to save Gong Lingye's life. He had planned to wait for Gong Lingye to wake up and tell him this news, but he did not expect Gu Tingxue to come by herself.    


"You can go down!" He said to the bodyguard, then placed Gu Tingxue on the hospital bed to help her breathe in oxygen.    


Gu Tingxue's breathing slowly calmed down. She looked at Dr. Tan with a burning gaze. "Dr. Tan, I can save Mr Ling Ye, right?"    


Dr. Tan did not hide anything and nodded. "From the information I obtained, the success rate should be more than 50%."    


"Then I beg you, let me save him!" Gu Tingxue said anxiously.    


"Miss Gu, I have seen your medical records. Your body is weak and your heart's blood making function is also very weak. If you forcefully save him, you might very well..." He did not continue to say the rest of the words but Gu Tingxue understood.    


"I only have these few months. I know it myself." Gu Tingxue's eyes were filled with tears. "But he has always been fine. How can I watch him die?"    


"Miss Gu, I am a doctor. I am unable to transfuse blood to another patient when one of the blood donors is in danger of dying." Dr. Tan was not moved. "Furthermore, it is based on the fact that there is not a 100% chance of treating the other party."    


"Dr. Tan, I beg of you!" Gu Tingxue pulled him back. "He has been so good to me for so many years. You see it in your eyes..."    


As she spoke, perhaps because of her emotional agitation, her breathing suddenly became uncomfortable again.    


Dr. Tan had been a doctor for many years and was used to seeing people. Life and death, but at this moment, there was no way he could remain unmoved.    


Gu Tingxue's health was not good since she was young. The doctor said that she could not live past 19 years old. However, she struggled on the line of life and death time and time again.    


Such an optimistic girl who loved life was willing to give up her life and save a man today.    


He helped her to calm down and compromised. "Okay, wait a moment. I will call Miss Yu. After all, she is Mr. Gong's family now. If she wants to perform the surgery, she needs the family's signature."    


Gu Tingxue quickly nodded.    


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