Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C161 Chu Mingyao's Olive Branch

C161 Chu Mingyao's Olive Branch

Gong Lingye opened the document. "Then let her continue to misunderstand."    


It was enough for him to have a clear conscience. For unrelated people, there was no need to waste his breath explaining.    


The day Soong Yiren received Soong Ziheng's passport, Gong Lingye also received the confirmation letter from Chu Mingyao.    


Number. In Chu Mingyao's office in the Haisheng building in Ningcheng, the assistant knocked on his office door. "Director Chu, Miss Su just called and said that she has finished filming. She will be back tonight."    


Chu Mingyao checked his luggage again and took out a contract from the side. "This is the publicity film I arranged for her. It will start filming the day after tomorrow. She will be filming with the filming crew tomorrow."    


"Okay, Director Chu." The assistant nodded and took the contract and left.    


At that moment, Chu Mingyao's special assistant came over and took his suitcase. The two of them went to the airport together.    


"The surprise I asked you to prepare for Miss Yu is ready for this trip to Hua Country?" Chu Mingyao asked.    


He said with great kindness: "Everything is ready. Director Chu, Miss Su's filming arrangements this time are also very tight. There is no phone or internet at the filming location. I guarantee that I will not disturb you. "    


Chu Mingyao nodded and leaned against the back seat to rest with his eyes closed in satisfaction.    


A few hours later, Chu Mingyao had already arrived at the streets of Imperial City.    


He did not call for his assistant. Instead, he walked alone on the streets of Imperial City. He seemed to have become lighter and lighter.    


The AI exchange meeting hosted by Heavenly Palace Group was the day after tomorrow. He deliberately came in advance for the date tomorrow. No, it should be called an invitation.    


Soong Yiren had been busy at the base these few days.    


It was just that this afternoon, there was a promotional activity for the Unique perfume, and she had to cooperate to attend.    


So after the promotional event ended, she had dinner with Beiming Mo. It was still a little early, and because there was a lighting show in Imperial City in the evening, it seemed to be a lot more lively.    


Just as Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo were queuing at an online ice cream shop, Soong Yiren suddenly saw a familiar figure.    


She grabbed Beiming Mo's arm and held her behind her as she said in a low voice: "Momo, I see Chu Mingyao. He's on the street. Look forward. At three o'clock."    


Beiming Mo's nerves also tensed up. She slightly shifted her gaze away from Soong Yiren's back and looked at the street. And so, she saw Chu Mingyao in a shirt and pants!    


It was this person who forced her to jump into the sea and go blind, separating her from her family! She really wished she could just go up and tear him apart!    


"Momo, he seems to have looked over." Soong Yiren once again blocked Beiming Mo, "You leave immediately, I will deal with it."    


"Yiyi, you are alone..." Beiming Mo was worried in her heart.    


"It is not the first time I have met him." Soong Yiren said, "Furthermore, I must create evidence that I am in Imperial City to avoid suspecting me after saving Ziheng."    


Beiming Mo hesitated for a moment but still replied, "Alright, I am nearby."    


She quickly turned around and very quickly blended into the line of people and disappeared.    


At the same time, Chu Mingyao turned his eyes and saw Soong Yiren.    


His eyes lit up, so he walked over.    


"Little classmate Yu." He smiled at her. "We meet again."    


Soong Yiren seemed to be surprised and said, "Director Chu, why are you here?"    


"I'm here for a business trip. I just arrived today. After checking in at the hotel, I went out for a walk." Chu Mingyao looked at Soong Yiren. He felt that it had not been long since they last met, and it seemed that the girl was even prettier than before. At this moment, she should have just come down from an activity and was still wearing light makeup. She wore a dark white dress, and her entire person looked pure and elegant.    


"Yes, I just had dinner with my colleagues. I came out to buy an ice cream." Soong Yiren smiled playfully. "Director Chu wouldn't be attending the AI social meeting, right?"    


Chu Mingyao smiled and took the initiative to line up. "Yes, this time there are two objectives. One is to participate in the social meeting, and the other is..."    


He paused. "I will tell you after eating ice cream."    


Soong Yiren smiled and then her expression suddenly became serious. "Miss Su did not come?"    


Chu Mingyao shook his head. His expression was still gentle, but there was a trace of impatience between his brows. He said, "She has an announcement. She is busy."    


"Yes." Soong Yiren nodded and maintained a certain distance from Chu Mingyao.    


The atmosphere seemed to become a little awkward all of a sudden until Chu Mingyao got in line and asked Soong Yiren: "Little classmate Yu, what kind of taste do you like?"    


Soong Yiren said, "Mango durian flavor. Thank you, Director Chu."    


For some reason, Chu Mingyao suddenly thought of Soong Yiren. She seemed to never eat mango.    


They took the ice cream and talked as they walked.    


"Little classmate, I saw you endorsing the Unique perfume." Chu Mingyao directly stated his purpose. "Coincidentally, the contract of the Haisheng's spokesperson in Ning Country has expired, so I want to invite you to be our spokesperson for the next year."    


Soong Yiren was stunned, and her heart could not help but burst into ridicule. However, her face showed that she was flattered. "Director Chu, I can't do it. Even the advertisement for the Unique perfume was shot very nervously..."    


"Little classmate Yu, don't push it away for now." Chu Mingyao smiled gently and said, "Aren't you interested in unmanned cars? Tomorrow at 10: 00 a.m., the special edition cars of Haisheng Group will be shipped over. When the time comes, I'll bring you to try the car! "    


Soong Yiren's eyes lit up when she heard that. "Is it different from the YR-07 model in the 4S store outside?"    


Chu Mingyao nodded. "There are some changes."    


Soong Yiren laughed coldly in her heart. It seemed that she really had to go to this Hong Gate Banquet with ulterior motives!    


The next morning, Soong Yiren arrived at the track that Chu Mingyao had booked as per her appointment. At the same time, Aa Mian had already brought more than a dozen people to Ning Country and started planning ahead of time.    


On the track, a black unmanned car was parked there quietly.    


Chu Mingyao walked to the front of the car and helped Soong Yiren open the door. He smiled at her and said, "Miss Yu, please."    


When Soong Yiren got into the car, Chu Mingyao also sat up and sat opposite Soong Yiren.    


Because there was no one driving, there was naturally no traditional steering wheel and so on, so the space in the car was very large. Both of them sat on sofas. Between them, there was also a white coffee table.    


Chu Mingyao pressed the start button, and suddenly, a pleasant piano sound rang out in the car. Along with the sound of the piano, beautiful lights and shadows slowly fell from the roof of the car. The car was filled with the shape of fresh flowers.    


Immediately after, the middle of the coffee table in front of Soong Yiren slowly opened. Then, an exquisite cake rose from the bottom.    


Flowers and cakes, for a moment, were exceptionally beautiful.    


Chu Mingyao sat in front of Soong Yiren and said with a smile, "Little classmate Yu, the last time you won first place in the robot competition, I was too busy to celebrate for you. Today, I will make up for it..."    


As he spoke, he casually changed his suit jacket to another seat. Suddenly, Soong Yiren saw a few big words on it.    


The contract of the Haisheng Group's spokesperson.    


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