Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C193 You Play the Pole I Dance the Pole

C193 You Play the Pole I Dance the Pole

Xuanyuan Che was stunned, and Beiming Mo couldn't help but look over. Their eyes met, and both of them paused for a moment before moving away from each other.    


Soong Yiren knew the inside story and did not say anything. On the other side, Luo Tianqi said, "Shuang. You don't know, I'm afraid Che is also going to get married with the Wei Family's young miss!"    


Hee Wanshuang really did not know and could not help but turn her head. "Mr Che, when did you have a girlfriend?"    


Xuanyuan Che saw that everyone was looking at him. His tone was a little light. "It's just a family marriage."    


"Then it's true?" Hee Wanshuang thought for a while, "Do you like Miss Wei?"    


At this moment, Beiming Mo just happened to have another piece of cake to eat. She had a beautiful armor on her hand and her entire person looked delicate and fashionable.    


However, perhaps in front of a friend, she directly grabbed a strawberry and looked over with a gossipy expression.    


Xuanyuan Che did not know why, but he felt that it was a little eye-piercing for no reason.    


He said, "It doesn't matter if you like it or not. I've only seen it a few times."    


Beiming Mo remembered Xuanyuan Che's attitude back then. It seemed that this sentence was the most appropriate to describe it. That's right. This man was probably like this to everyone. Fortunately, she realized it early.    




She smiled. Back then, although she had the intention of diverting her energy to transfer her sadness, during that painful period when she lost her best friend, she had acted and acted. She had almost taken that pursuit for real.    


She had to pull herself out in time. The current him was no longer able to control her emotions.    


After everyone ate the cake, Luo Tianqi started to jeer. "Mr Ye successfully proposed today. How can he not drink? Come, come, come, let's not return until we are drunk!"    


"I have already prepared a room for you all." He asked the maid to bring the wine over. "It is too late at night. Stay here with me. I have just hired a new chef. His breakfast is quite good."    


"Mr Ye has prepared so well. It seems like he wants to make us drunk!" Luo Tianqi picked up a bottle of wine. "Come, come. Although we don't have many people, let's play a game!"    


"Play what?" Hee Wanshuang asked.    


"Yes, yes, yes." Luo Tianqi said, "We will prepare six lots. Two people who have drawn the same lot will form a group. Two groups will compete in PK. No matter what performance they perform, the remaining two people who have drawn the judge's lot and do not participate in the performance will decide the outcome. Those who have lost will drink!"    


"Luo Tianqi, this is the aftereffect of playing the drum and spreading flowers in kindergarten when you were young, right?" Hee Wanshuang said.    


Luo Tianqi raised his eyebrows. "Then you better pray with me. I can sing and dance, especially when it comes to jokes..."    


"Alright, alright, stop bragging. PK is PK!" Hee Wanshuang said.    


Gong Lingye also felt that it was okay, so he went to the study room to get pen and paper. He wrote six pieces of paper and folded them, letting everyone draw.    


In the first round, Soong Yiren and Hee Wanshuang drew one group, while Xuanyuan Che and Luo Tianqi drew the other group. Gong Lingye and Beiming Mo were the judges.    


"Sister-in-law, is the flame dance that has been very popular on the internet recently? Why don't we do that?" Hee Wanshuang asked.    


Soong Yiren had no idea what flame dance was. She thought for a while and asked, "Do you know Latin dance? I can dance male steps."    


"Okay!" Hee Wanshuang naturally knew how to do it. The two of them used their phones to turn on the music and directly started dancing.    


On the other side of the PvP arena, Luo Tianqi saw this and turned to look at Xuanyuan Che beside him. He said, "Che, Why don't you be a pole and I dance a pole dance?"    


Xuanyuan Che lifted his leg and kicked Luo Tianqi down.    


There was no need to judge the outcome of the battle. Furthermore, the judges were Gong Lingye and Beiming Mo. Naturally, Soong Yiren's group would win.    


Xuanyuan Che went down the stage, picked up his wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp.    


Beside him, Luo Tianqi also drank his wine and smiled. "Sigh, this time, brother mainly met pig teammates!"    


The atmosphere became lively all of a sudden. Gong Lingye even had people bring the guitar and violin over.    


In the second match, Soong Yiren and Luo Tianqi drew the referee, while Gong Lingye and Hee Wanshuang drew the same set. Opposite them were Beiming Mo and Xuanyuan Che.    


"This time it's interesting." Luo Tianqi said to Soong Yiren, "Let's see if your best friend will dance on Che's steel pipe."    


Beiming Mo also felt a little helpless. She turned around and asked the man beside her, "What are you performing for?"    


Xuanyuan Che was thinking when his phone rang.    


He picked it up and saw three words on it, "Wei Qianran."    


Beiming Mo saw the name on it because she was close to him.    


He apologized to her and walked to the side to answer the call.    


On the side, Luo Tianqi was afraid that the world would be in chaos. "Mr Ye, quickly start the performance. When Che comes back later, you will lose!"    


However, just as he finished speaking, he saw Beiming Mo pick up the guitar from the side. She sat on the rattan chair and tested the sound before starting to play.    


Luo Tianqi was stunned and looked at the woman in the middle.    


Beiming Mo's long hair was loose and large waves covered half of her face. Her eyes looked a little dreamy under the small lights around her.    


After the prelude ended, she began to sing, "You are sleeping soundly. I will quietly look at your appearance. Listening to your breathing and listening to your heartbeat, I suddenly want to tell you, thank you for bringing me the beauty in the past."    


Soong Yiren sat below the stage and started to beat the beat for Beiming Mo.    


"There are many setbacks in life. Your voice has given me a lot of support. I heard you talk about the future and laugh loudly. I suddenly want to wake you up and accompany me to the mountain to take a detour."    


After Xuanyuan Che received the phone call, he saw a scene like this.    


The girl sat under a tree that was dyed red by the autumn wind. She hugged her guitar and sang in a languid manner.    


Her voice seemed to be using some technique. It was a bit hoarse compared to her usual voice, and it was instantly dyed with the taste of vicissitudes. Her slender fingers cut across the strings and she sat in the flickering light, making people feel like they were in an unrealistic trance.    


"You are my treasure. I have always been moved and proud of you. No matter how tired and torturous your dream is, you still hold on tightly. "I will never let go of my true persistence."    


As the autumn wind blew, her long hair gently flew up as she continued to sing: "You are my treasure. I have always been touched and proud of you. No matter how chaotic the outside world is, you will continue to hug, the melody of life, the higher you sing... "    


At this moment, Xuanyuan Che felt that he had never met Beiming Mo before.    


Although she often appeared in his world two years ago, even though he had all of her contact information at that time, he had never felt that the girl in front of him was so far away.    


The girl he knew in the past might have always been wearing a mask, whether she was laughing or messing around, she was smart enough to scheme and entice him step by step. Enchanting and approaching, but never giving up her true heart.    


But now, he clearly saw that when she sang this song, her eyes were calm and serious.    


It was as if the person in her song was more important than anyone else.    


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