Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C983 The Hoe That Was Used to Poach People Started to Swing!

C983 The Hoe That Was Used to Poach People Started to Swing!

"Yumo, today is a great day!" Gong Moyi said and handed the water to Beiming Yumo.    


He looked at her and suddenly extended his arm.    


Gong Moyi was caught off guard and was hugged by Beiming Yumo. She was stunned and heard his voice was a little fast and had some unstable breathing after exercising. "If I can get the trophy, I will give it to you."    


Gong Moyi was stunned. She kept feeling that he was a little too fast and unstable after he opened his mouth and said, "If I can get the trophy, I will give it to you. At this moment, Beiming Yumo felt something was wrong.    


Furthermore, why did he get the trophy and want to give it to her?    


She was just about to ask when Beiming Yumo let go of her.    


He opened the bottle of mineral water she gave him and drank it in big gulps.    


Gong Moyi restrained her doubts and waited for Beiming Yumo to finish drinking before saying with a smile, "So tomorrow you will have to compete with me, Second Elder Brother."    


Beiming Yumo nodded and turned to look at Gong Moxuan who was slowly walking over. Their eyes met and Beiming Yumo quickly took back his gaze and said, "I will try to surpass him and get the biggest trophy."    


Gong Moyi was amused. "Sure, I will cheer for the two of you!"    


Gong Moxuan, on the other hand, had sharp ears. When he heard Beiming Yumo's words, he raised his eyebrows and said to Lieh Muwan, "Little Night, don't worry. The trophy I gave you will definitely be the champion!"    


Beiming Yumo did not say anything. He just watched the fourth group's competition with them.    


Time suddenly passed. Gong Moyi looked at her watch.    


It was already 5: 30. There was still no news from Xiyan Cheng. She was worried that she would not be able to go back to school in a while. She was afraid that the matter of Xiyan Cheng going easy would be exposed.    


Beside her, Beiming Yumo noticed her movements and asked, "You are going back?"    


Gong Moyi waved the walkie-talkie in her hand. "I have no choice. I still have to use a card. Although I sneaked out, I still have to do something about my face."    


Beiming Yumo looked forward and pursed his lips. The petal moved. "Do you want me to drive you back?"    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "I'm afraid it's a little late. It's the peak hour after work and there's a traffic jam."    


"Then I..." Before Beiming Yumo could finish speaking, Gong Moyi's phone rang.    


She picked it up and answered the call. Soon after, the corners of her lips lifted. "Okay, it's over here. Mr Cheng, I will go and find you immediately."    


She put away her phone and said to her companion. "Mr Cheng is here. I'll take the helicopter back."    


"Oh, I want to take the helicopter too!" Lieh Muwan looked envious.    


"Brother, drive the car to the effect of a helicopter later!" Gong Moxuan pinched Lieh Muwan's face.    


"Mmm, okay!" Lieh Muwan immediately said.    


Beiming Yumo looked at Gong Moyi's back as she was about to leave. He could not control the thought in his mind.    


He quickly caught up with her and asked, "Moyi, let me ask you something."    


Gong Moyi turned her head, "Hmm?"    


"Are you dating Brother Cheng?" Beiming Yumo asked.    


Gong Moyi was slightly stunned.    


In her short moment of doubt, Beiming Yumo felt that the surroundings seemed to have quieted down. Time also became extremely slow, and it held his breath bit by bit.    


Then he heard Gong Moyi say: "No, I don't want to fall in love so early."    


Beiming Yumo felt the invisible hand holding his breath loosen a little bit. The oxygen entered his chest, fresh and full of hope.    


He didn't even notice that he was smiling. " "Okay, I got it."    


Gong Moyi looked at him doubtfully and a guess suddenly emerged in her heart.    


Could it be that he was interested in her?    


But very quickly, Gong Moyi dispelled this idea.    


After all, Beiming Yumo had already known about the grudges between the Gong Family and the Beiming Family. He also knew their identities. He had always been a serious person, so how could he have other feelings for her?    


She smiled at him. "I'm leaving. Tomorrow is the night of the competition. I'll cheer you on when the time comes! Bye bye!"    


"Goodbye." Beiming Yumo nodded and watched Gong Moyi leave.    


In the distant sky, a helicopter slowly landed. Beiming Yumo could only see a small black dot stop there. After a while, it rose into the air again and left.    


With the helicopter, Gong Moyi's return to the school was not very efficient. She pretended to be covered in dust as she went to the training room. She handed in her timer and returned to the dormitory.    


The next day was the day of the Asian University's final competition.    


The final competition this time was more difficult. It was eight o'clock at night and it was already dark, so it was a test of the contestant's ability.    


Because there were too few competitions at night like this, the venue had made all kinds of preparations in advance.    


Gong Moyi took Xiyan Cheng's car out as usual. This time, there was a special viewing platform. The viewing area was brightly lit. On the distant track, street lights lit up one after another, decorating the entire winding track into a beautiful belt of light.    


All the contestants were in position. Lieh Muwan was a little nervous. She held Gong Moyi's hand and said, "Sister Moyi, I just read on the thread that the race tonight is very dangerous. Do you think they will be okay?"    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "It's fine. Don't worry. They know what to do and the safety of the car is also very good."    


Although she said that, her eyelids twitched for no reason.    


Gong Moyi never believed in evil. Although she was nervous, she did not take it seriously.    


With the gunshot, all the contestants set off. The sound of the engine was heard. The lights and street lights of the racing cars made the whole track look more dreamy.    


Gong Moyi saw with a glance that Gong Moxuan's driving skills were very good. He had already gotten first place in the first round.    


Every move he made was smooth and smooth, and his entire aura was fully unleashed, as if he was the undisputed king of the race track.    


She couldn't help but curl her lips. Indeed, it was her own Second Elder Brother. Usually, he didn't seem to be serious, but he was actually crafty and evil. Her opponent probably didn't expect Gong Moxuan to get first place in the group competition. Wasn't he hiding his true strength?    


And behind Gong Moxuan, Beiming Yumo did not have enough experience. When he set off, his performance was not the best, so he had been pacing back and forth between four and five.    


However, Gong Moyi had a premonition that Beiming Yumo should be able to rush up when he reached the back.    


Next to her, Xiyan Cheng peeled off the outer packaging of the chocolate and directly fed it to Gong Moyi's lips.    


Gong Moyi lowered her eyes. When she saw the chocolate, she was surprised. "Mr Cheng, when did you buy it?"    


"It was at the end of today's training." Xiyan Cheng fed it to Gong Moyi.    


Gong Moyi smiled. "It's already past eight o'clock. I won't become fat like this?"    


"It's fine. I like being fatter too." Xiyan Cheng said.    


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