Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C813 Divide the Property

C813 Divide the Property

The room was very quiet. Lieh Yuanchen looked at his father, who had aged a lot, and too many scenes flashed through his mind.    


When he was young, he wanted to obtain his father's recognition time and time again, but he was disappointed time and time again.    


When he was in school, the school held a parent-child sports event. Other children had fathers, but he only had his mother to accompany him. He never won a competition.    


When he grew up, teenagers who had just started to love each other would have girls they liked. As a father, he would follow up on the education of his children in certain areas, but he didn't. The only things he taught him were those small videos.    


After that, their lives would only be filled with quarrels.    


Finally, it would be fixed at that time in his wedding room, where Lieh Cheng'an threw an urn at him...    


There were too many things that left traces in their lives time and time again. In the end, it became an irreparable chasm between father and son.    


He had long given up. He was exhausted and in despair. He no longer had any expectations and did not want to have anything to do with the person in front of him.    


Therefore, Lieh Yuanchen looked at Lieh Cheng'an. His eyes were calm, as if he was talking about something else. "Shuang and I are together now. She and I originally had a child. But because I did something wrong, her child is gone. It is very likely that she will not have any fertility in the future. "    


Lieh Yuanchen emphasized each word. "I will not marry anyone else. Therefore, I may not have a son for the rest of my life."    


When Lieh Cheng'an heard this, he felt as if he had received a huge blow and fell onto his office chair.    


Was this really karma? He looked at Lieh Yuanchen standing at the door. He felt as if all his hard work in the past few decades had been emptied.    


No, he couldn't accept such an outcome. He had to think about it carefully...    


Lieh Yuanchen ignored Lieh Cheng'an's current state and turned around to leave.    


In the study, Lieh Cheng'an's breathing was rapid and he almost fainted several times. Finally, he relied on his strong willpower to pull his reason back.    


At this time, his phone rang. It was his assistant who called. "Chairman, may I ask if you need to invite a lawyer over tomorrow? Do you need to change it?"    


Lieh Cheng'an answered heavily, "No need."    


"Okay, Chairman." The assistant replied.    


Lieh Cheng'an hung up the phone and sat on the leather chair. He seemed to be smiling and crying.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not want to bother with the people in the living room, so he turned around and went to his previous room.    


When he reached the door, he found that his room had changed.    


Although the furniture inside was almost all there, it was no longer the original layout. Even the curtains had been changed.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at this scene and smiled coldly. He didn't even bother to enter. He turned around and wanted to go out and stay in the hotel.    


At this moment, Anna rushed in with Joel in her arms.    


Anna apologized to Lieh Yuanchen, "Young Master, I'm sorry. It's Joe who likes to run around. He shouldn't have put toys in your room!"    


She quickly went in and took a few toys out.    


Lieh Yuanchen just looked at them and curled his lips.    


If it wasn't for Lieh Cheng'an finding out about cancer, they would have stayed in this room forever.    


There were so many rooms in the Lieh Family, so there was a sense of accomplishment in staying in this room?    




He turned around and was about to leave when his pants were pulled by someone.    


Lieh Yuanchen turned his head and saw Joe pulling his pants. He was holding a toy car in his hand, and a pair of large, light brown eyes were looking at him.    


"Big brother." Joe did not know about the war between adults. He just smiled at Lieh Yuanchen and waved the car in his hand. "Let's play together, okay?"    


Lieh Yuanchen frowned. To be honest, he did not like this child.    


It was because of this child, no, it should be because of Anna, and those women outside Lieh Cheng'an that the estrangement between his parents became deeper and deeper.    


Or perhaps, the root cause of everything was the marriage more than 30 years ago.    


However, the child did not let go of his pants and was not even older than him. The height of his legs looked small and soft, making one not know how to refuse.    


Anna took Joel's hand away from Lieh Yuanchen's pants and said to Joel, "Don't hold your brother's hand. Your brother has something to do. Mommy will play with Joel, okay?"    


"Joe wants your brother." The child insisted and looked like he was about to cry.    


Lieh Yuanchen saw this scene and bent over, lifting the child up with one hand. "Do you want to play?"    


He carried the child and walked out with big steps. "Then let's play downstairs."    


Joe instantly beamed. "Sure, Big Brother."    


The next day, Lieh Cheng'an's lawyer arrived as promised and went straight to Lieh Cheng'an's study.    


About an hour later, the study opened and Lieh Cheng'an let Lieh Yuanchen and the others in.    


In the room, there were only Lieh Cheng'an, Lieh Yuanchen, Anna and Joel, as well as three lawyers.    


One of the lawyers said, "In order to avoid any disputes regarding inheritance in a few months, Mr. Lieh Cheng'an is willing to announce the contents of the will in advance. Next, on behalf of Mr. Lieh Cheng'an, I will read the will. "    


Anna's heart suddenly rose. She hugged Joel and her eyes locked onto the lawyer.    


The lawyer started to read, "All the real estate, investments, securities, and shares under Mr. Lieh Cheng'an's name belong to the eldest son, Lieh Yuanchen."    


As soon as he finished speaking, Anna's face changed drastically, and she trembled all over.    


The lawyer continued, "Mr. Lieh Cheng'an's savings, including the period of life and the regular period, all the assets in and out of the country, 60% of them belong to the eldest son, Lieh Yuanchen, 35% belongs to the second son, Joe, and 5% belongs to Miss Anna."    


Lieh Yuanchen knew that there were no girls in Lieh Cheng'an's dictionary.    


Even though Lieh Cheng'an did not know that Lieh Xiaoruan was not his blood, he did not plan to leave anything for Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Lieh Yuanchen had also heard that there were more than one woman outside Lieh Cheng'an. There were also two who gave birth to children. However, those women were pregnant with girls. Lieh Cheng'an had long since seen that they were girls, so he gave them money and sent them away.    


Now, the only descendants he considered were him and Joe.    


When the lawyer finished reading, Ann's expression was extremely ugly.    


According to Country G's law, the portion of savings that Joel inherited could only be withdrawn after he was 18 years old.    


As for her 5%, although it was not a small amount, compared to Lieh Yuanchen's, it was like the difference between heaven and earth!    


Her eyes were red. At this moment, her appearance had been tainted by herself, making her look like she couldn't bear to part with Lieh Cheng'an.    


Unfortunately, who was Lieh Cheng'an? In his dictionary, there had never been love, only benefits.    


He looked for Anna, but he wanted her to be young, so he could play with her. At the same time, he also considered the idea of having a few more heirs.    


And now, Anna no longer had any value, but for the sake of giving birth to a son for him, it was more or less worth it.    


At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was strangely quiet. Lieh Cheng'an opened his mouth first. "Yuanchen, you stay here. The rest of you can go out for a while."    


Lieh Cheng'an only spoke after everyone had left. "Do you know why I am assigned this way?"    


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