Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C967 I'll Leave My Future to You to Decide

C967 I'll Leave My Future to You to Decide

Her heart was filled with surprise, and her eyes were bright: "Mr Shangyu, so you want me to stay, right?"    


He did not speak, but closed his eyes, looking very quiet.    


Beiming Yubai looked at his hand that was held by him and the corners of her lips curled up bit by bit.    


God knows what kind of mood she had gone through these few days!    


From the initial sadness and sadness to the later realization, and to the final confirmation, her mood was like a roller coaster rising and falling.    


However, all her emotions were not as shocking as knowing his current situation.    


She had learned from her brother that Pei Shangyu's four brothers and mother had died because of poison, and Pei Shangyu himself had almost died because of it.    


After that, Pei Shangyu had committed suicide because of his mother's death!    


She could not imagine how he had attacked her. What had he been feeling at that time? What was in his heart?    


She was shocked, afraid, and angry. In the end, it turned into indescribable anger.    


He actually committed suicide?! How could he die?    


He clearly knew how much she liked him. Why should he die?!    


However, she ran over like a madman. When she heard the doctor mention the danger of death, and when she saw him lying on the hospital bed looking haggard, all her emotions turned into heartache.    


Her heart ached to death for him. Although she was angry, But at this moment, her only wish was that he was safe and sound.    


Pei Shangyu felt his consciousness gradually becoming chaotic. He had a dream.    


In the dream, the girl had been holding his hand. Although it was all dark, he could finally touch a little bit of warmth.    


What he wanted was never much. Just a little bit might be enough.    


It was rare for Pei Shangyu to sleep for a long time. When he woke up, it was already evening.    


Beiming Yubai was still at the head of the bed, quietly resting by his bed. It was the distance that he could reach if he got a little closer.    


Sensing that he had woken up, she immediately sat up straight and said to him, "Mr Shangyu, how do you feel? Are you hungry?"    


Mrs Zhang, who had been outside and did not disturb them just now, brought back hot porridge again and said, "I bought two servings. I wonder what kind of taste this lady likes?"    


Beiming Yubai smiled. "It's okay. I'm not picky about food."    


She took the bowl of porridge from Mrs Zhang and sat by the bed. She scooped a spoonful of porridge and tested the temperature by her mouth before handing it to Pei Shangyu's lips. "Mr Shangyu, it's time to eat dinner."    


Pei Shangyu's eyes fell on Beiming Yubai without blinking. He felt the fragrance by his lips. He opened his mouth and started to eat the spoon she handed over.    


Beiming Yubai quietly fed him and he ate bit by bit.    


The warm porridge slid down his throat and he felt the coldness in his body returning bit by bit.    


The words of the head nurse from that day seemed to ring in his ears again.    


She said that if no one in the world loved him, he should learn to love himself. He could not choose his birth, but he could decide his own life.    


But Chief Nurse Yu didn't know that he also had someone to love.    


The girl in front of him was truly in love with him.    


Beiming Yubai realized that when Pei Shangyu ate the last bite, his eyes suddenly turned red.    


He looked at her with red eyes. His Adam's apple rolled and his breathing trembled.    


When Mrs Zhang saw this scene, she silently left and closed the door.    


Beiming Yubai put the bowl to the side and was about to speak when the man in front of her suddenly leaned over and hugged her.    


She was startled and immediately went back to hug him.    


Pei Shangyu was trembling. His entire body was trembling violently and his tears soaked Beiming Yubai's shoulders.    


She patted his back gently and comforted him in a gentle voice, "Mr Shangyu, release everything you have. It will be good in the future. We will all be fine in the future!"    


Pei Shangyu's Adam's apple rolled, and he barely managed to make two syllables. "And white."    


Beiming Yubai's eyes also rolled out of tears, and her voice choked. "Yes, I am here."    


She did not take advantage of his emotional state to ask him anything. Instead, she kept telling him that she was beside him.    


After a long time, Pei Shangyu finally calmed down.    


His face was still pale, but there seemed to be some brilliance in his eyes. He was not as sad anymore.    


However, he was still not in good spirits. He fell asleep again.    


Beiming Yubai did not leave that night. She had already told her mother about Pei Shangyu's situation and Chiang Xiaoxi also agreed to let her accompany and protect him.    


After all, she watched Pei Shangyu grow up. Although this child did not like to talk, his heart was kind. Chiang Xiaoxi would always remember that when Beiming Shen came to take Beiming Yubai away for the first time, the boy was clearly only nine years old and was much shorter than her, but he blocked in front of her.    


That night, Beiming Yubai found another bed and placed it beside Pei Shangyu's bed.    


She could not sleep, so she held his hand and looked at him quietly.    


Later on, she did not know when she fell asleep, but she finally relaxed her nerves that had been tense for many days.    


The next morning, Beiming Yubai felt that someone was looking at her beside her. She opened her eyes and met Pei Shangyu's gaze.    


His expression was gentle and tender. He quietly looked at her as if he was hiding too many things that he wanted to say.    


She asked, " Mr Shangyu, do you want to say something to me?"    


Pei Shangyu blinked.    


It was still difficult for him to speak. He seemed to have called Beiming Yubai's name due to his excitement yesterday. Now, it was difficult for him to speak again.    


Beiming Yubai said, "It's alright. I will wait for you. When you are better, you can tell me slowly."    


He agreed.    


He had experienced all his emotions over the past few days, but he had no idea what to do.    


It was only when he saw her and felt her love and warmth that he understood that she had given him a second life.    


His first life, along with his biological mother's death, along with his suicide, was gone.    


Then, he gave him to her now.    


He would tell her all the truth, as for the choice, let her choose.    


Regardless of whether she was willing to continue loving him or decide to leave the terrifying and dirty him, he would accept it.    


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