Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C954 Xi Yancheng and Darknorth Met up with Mo

C954 Xi Yancheng and Darknorth Met up with Mo

Obviously, Gong Moyi was also surprised by him. With surprise in her eyes, she shouted at Beiming Yumo, "Give me your hand, come up!"    


Beiming Yumo restrained all his emotions and quickly grabbed the helicopter landing ladder.    


He climbed up quickly. When he reached the last level, he grabbed Gong Moyi's hand that was reaching for him.    


She pulled him in forcefully and he completely entered the cabin.    


The hanging ladder was put away and the plane began to rise.    


Only then did Beiming Yumo have the chance to look around.    


The pilot was a young man. He wore camouflage, had his back to him, and wore a helmet. No one could tell what he looked like.    


In the cabin, there was a local young man who seemed to be injured. He was leaning against the seat, motionless.    


Gong Moyi closed the cabin door and said to Beiming Yumo, "Injured?"    


He did not know how to face her. He just nodded and said, "Yes, the speedboat hit the reef."    


Gong Moyi nodded and said, "I will help you take a look."    


Then, she bent over and stretched out her hand towards him.    


He handed his hand over and she began to take his pulse.    


After a while, she frowned slightly. "There are some minor injuries in my body as well. It's best to do a proper checkup and rest for half a month after returning to the country. We lack medicine and medicine here. There is no medicine that can remove blood stasis in the body. "    


"Okay, thank you." Beiming Yumo nodded.    


Gong Moyi said and looked at his leg. "I am injured here. I will take care of it for you."    


After saying that, she took out the medical kit and quickly opened it. She started to treat his wound.    


After disinfecting and sprinkling the anti-inflammatory powder, Gong Moyi did it very naturally.    


Beiming Yumo looked at her and said, "The tsunami two days ago, are you alright?"    


Gong Moyi looked up, "I'm fine."    


"I asked the volunteer and said that you disappeared for two days. Were you trying to save people these two days?" Beiming Yumo asked again.    


Before Gong Moyi could answer, the pilot in front of them suddenly turned around and glanced at Beiming Yumo.    


Then, he said, "Moyi, help me twist the cap."    


Gong Moyi had just finished bandaging Beiming Yumo's wound. She said to him, "Wait for me."    


After saying that, she quickly walked to the driver's seat.    


She unscrewed the cap and handed it to Xiyan Cheng.    


He stretched out his hand, picked it up, and quickly drank a few mouthfuls before handing it back to her.    


She took it, put the mineral water aside, and returned it to Beiming Yumo.    


She continued the topic just now. "Yes, I have been saving people at sea for the past two days."    


"Oh yeah, the pilot was my brother since I was a kid, he saved me that day" "I joined their team in the past two days and started searching for him at sea," Gong Moyi said.    


When Beiming Yumo heard about the brother he had known since he was a child, he finally understood how Xiyan Cheng knew Gong Moyi's real name just now.    


He looked at Xiyan Cheng and could only see the back of his head.    


But he still said, "Big brother, thank you."    


Gong Moyi heard the way he addressed her and could not help but laugh. "Just call him Brother Cheng."    


In front, Xiyan Cheng said to Gong Moyi again, "Moyi, come over and help me take a look. Is there a bug behind my neck?"    


Gong Moyi was puzzled, but she still went over and took a closer look. She said, "Mr Cheng, there is no bug."    


"Yes, maybe my skin suddenly itched just now." Xiyan Cheng's expression did not change.    


Gong Moyi asked, "Should we go back and cheer?"    


"Yes." Xiyan Cheng said, "It's only enough to drive for half an hour. Sit beside me and pay attention to whether there is any signal for help below."    


Gong Moyi nodded, "Okay."    


She sat beside Xiyan Cheng and began to pay attention to the targets below.    


In the back row, Beiming Yumo looked at the two people in front of him with doubt in his eyes.    


Their familiarity and tacit understanding seemed to be deeper than anyone else's.    


Gong Moyi was in the front passenger seat, constantly paying attention to below until she found another distress signal.    


She directly reported the location. On the side, Xiyan Cheng did not hesitate at all and directly controlled the plane.    


Gong Moyi, who was beside him, asked him, "What parameters did you use to control the speed just now?"    


Xiyan Cheng explained to her and even specifically taught her how to operate it.    


The cockpit was not spacious to begin with. Gong Moyi leaned over and their arms were almost touching each other.    


Xiyan Cheng continued to guide her until Gong Moyi's eyes lit up and she said it clearly.    


Then, he raised his hand and gently rubbed her hair.    


Gong Moyi did not seem to feel that something was wrong. She even smiled at Xiyan Cheng.    


In the back row, Beiming Yumo's gaze fell on the two of them for a few seconds, then turned outside the window.    


Very quickly, Xiyan Cheng lowered the plane to a fixed height.    


Then, just like before, Gong Moyi lowered the elevator.    


When Beiming Yumo saw this scene, he felt the faint joy in his heart suddenly disappear. In the depths of his heart, he even felt an indescribable sense of loss.    


In fact, she was like this to any wounded person. She would not wait for him just because they knew each other.    


That person was pulled up by Gong Moyi and she went to treat her. Her expression was serious and serious.    


Beiming Yumo felt that there seemed to be something hard on his chest. It was so painful that it made his chest feel uncomfortable.    


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