Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C837 Three Male Gods on the Same Stage

C837 Three Male Gods on the Same Stage

Because this banquet is jointly hosted by the Heavenly Palace, the Laiyue, and the Starry Night. Therefore, in the banquet hall... There were also quite a number of experiential areas.    


At this moment, Gong Mochen was standing on the stage, introducing the situation of the plane construction in Country F.    


A few years ago, Heavenly Palace Group's aircraft manufacturing business in Country F was becoming more and more mature. Although the planes in the Heavenly Palace could not monopolize the international market like the cars in Laiyue, it was still increasing the market share.    


This time, the Heavenly Palace Group sincerely invited the Xiyan Group for a very important cooperation.    


Gong Mochen said, "I'm very honored to be able to cooperate with Xiyan Group and start developing the first batch of fighter planes on my own..."    


On the big screen next to him was the aircraft manufacturing base in Country F.    


However, since it was the research and development of fighter jets, the second phase base was separated from the original civilian aircraft production base. It was an independent secret location.    


"We have reached an agreement with Country F's government that Country F's government will provide protection resources to prevent all military secrets from being leaked. " Therefore, base airspace will have interference devices and other satellites will not be able to capture aerial satellite images... "    


Gong Mochen continued his introduction. As the base was still in the construction stage, the outline of the factory and its surrounding environment were not a secret.    


It was an oasis in a desert. Under the aerial filming, it looked like green jade in the yellow sand.    


Gong Moyi looked at the screen. Her gaze was gradually attracted and her emotions were gradually affected.    


She had liked airplanes since she was young and also liked the faint herbal fragrance on her sister-in-law in the lobby.    


She promised the sister-in-law in the lobby that she would start learning TCM from the age of four.    


However, at this moment, she suddenly had another goal.    


She thought that the next time the teacher asked 'little friend, what do you want to do when you grow up', she would have a more complete answer.    


At this time, on the big screen was the video introduction of some of the domestic fighter jets. Gong Moyi watched it seriously and felt that some kind of spark was burning in her heart. Inexplicably, her entire body was heating up.    


She did not know that there was a pair of eyes looking at her from time to time. There was some probing in the depths of the eyes.    


Gong Mochen's introduction was more or less the same, and he invited the CEO of Xiyan Group to give a speech.    


Seeing his father go on stage, Xiyan Chi was very proud. He pulled Gong Moxuan and said: "Mr Xuan, look, my father!"    


His voice was a little loud. Gong Moyi could not help but turn her head and look at Xiyan Cheng, who was beside Xiyan Chi. She wanted to find something in common with the handsome man on stage from these two boys.    


On the stage, the man introduced, "Major General Bai Yihan, who is in charge of this project, is a brother. I hope that Xiyan Group and Heavenly Palace Group will have a pleasant cooperation in the future!"    


After that, Gong Lingye also walked up and shook hands with him. On the other side, a young major general in military uniform walked out.    


The three male gods were on the same stage. All of them were tall and straight, and their facial features were unique. They were very eye-catching.    


Gong Moyi looked at the badge on Major General Bai's shoulder and pursed her lips.    


She recorded down the pattern and prepared to go home and ask her father later. Was the Major General very powerful? How could he become a Major General?    


As she was thinking, the three people on the stage had already walked down together.    


Next, it was the performance of Starry Night.    


In the hall hall, the reporters were crazily taking pictures and flashing lights continuously.    


Today, several big shots in the country had appeared together. In such an occasion, any one of them would be the headlines of the financial industry.    


However, just now, when a reporter saw the photos of the three male gods in the same frame, he suddenly felt that it did not go against the entertainment headlines at all.    


However, this was only a thought. If she were to post it in the entertainment section, just because there was a major general on it, her career as a reporter would probably come to an end.    


According to the procedure of the banquet, at the beginning, it was all official introductions, but later on, it was free activities.    


After the introduction ended, Gong Lingye was thinking about his own daughter and came to the child's side with Soong Yiren.    


Gong Moyi's eyes lit up when she saw her father. She immediately ran over to Gong Lingye to hug him. "Father, raise it high!"    


On the side, Gong Moxuan also threw himself into Soong Yiren's arms. This typical devil in kindergarten was now obedient and cute. "Mommy, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!"    


Soong Yiren smiled and picked up her son. Because there were still many people at the moment, she did not have a biological son.    


However, Gong Moxuan did not comply. He moved his little face closer. "Just now, I wanted to think of my heart ache. I need to kiss to be good."    


Soong Yiren,... ""    


She moved closer and kissed her son on the cheek.    


Xiyan Chi, who was watching from the side, was dumbfounded. Was this still the Mr Xuan who had fought with him and feared nothing?    


On the other side, Gong Lingye lifted Gong Moyi up and threw her into the air.    


The girl smiled very happily. Her eyebrows were curved, and she looked like a little angel in fairy tales.    


After she had played enough, she let Gong Lingye put her down. Then she looked at her brother, who was silent beside her, and said to Gong Lingye. "Dad, just now big brother said that he also wants to lift it up high."    


Gong Lingye suspiciously looked at the indifferent Gong Moxiu and still carried him up. It was the same set meal as Gong Moyi.    


Gong Moxiu felt a little embarrassed, especially since there were other children around.    


A trace of awkwardness flashed across his face. He quickly calmed himself down and simply enjoyed the time between father and son.    


However, Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren still had things to do, so they told the children to go get their buffet later, then turned around and left.    


After the two of them left, Xiyan Chi put down the car he was playing with and was about to leave the children's area.    


His big brother asked from behind, "Little Che, where are you going?"    


Xiyan Chi turned his head. "Big brother, I'm going to find daddy to lift it up high!"    


Xiyan Cheng,... ""    


At the banquet hall, Gong Moyan was helping to greet the guests.    


She held her mother's arm in one hand and a glass of champagne in the other. She was greeting her uncles.    


As a girl from the Gong Family, she must have social etiquette.    


Today's occasion was the best time to train.    


"Is this Moyan?" The CEO of a certain company said to Moyan's mother, "The last time I saw Moyan was five years ago. At that time, I felt that Moyan was still a child. Now that she is so old, she is becoming more and more beautiful! Sigh, we are getting old! "    


"Thank you, Uncle Chen. Actually, I am also 16 years old!" Gong Moyan smiled.    


"Yes, time flies. I watched you grow up!"    




After walking around with her mother, the champagne in Gong Moyan's hands had also run out.    


She did not drink well, so she drank some juice and walked to the bathroom.    


Just as she walked to the corridor at the door of the bathroom, she heard two girls quarreling inside. Gong Moyan did not want to get involved in other people's gossip, but she waited for a while and did not stop.    


She had no choice but to walk over.    


However, just as she was about to open the door, a girl suddenly rushed out from inside. She was very fast and hit her hard.    


Gong Moyan, who was wearing a high heels today, lost her balance after being hit by this and fell backwards.    


She let out a low gasp and instinctively reached out to grab something. However, the door handle was still half a meter away from her and she grabbed nothing.    


However, the pain she expected did not come. She felt someone grab her waist, and then she crashed into a fresh and fresh embrace.    


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