A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C97 Is This Love?

C97 Is This Love?

Is this love?    


Shen Qi was stunned, "Chen Chen?"    


A scream came from the other end of the phone, "You still remember me!"    


Shen Qi helplessly said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to not contact you guys. You also know about my family's situation."    


Chen Chen sighed and said, "I know, I know. We don't have the intention of watching you make a joke. Alright, are you coming to the school anniversary party?"    


Shen Qi immediately looked at Hee Yining.    


Hee Yining heard the voice on the phone and only nodded slightly.    


Shen Qi immediately said, "Okay, which day is the school anniversary?"    


After Chen Chen reported the date, they exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.    


Shen Qi looked at Hee Yining. "Can I really go?"    


"Of course. You are free." Hee Yining smiled. "I married a wife, not a puppet."    


Shen Qi smiled from the bottom of her heart. "Thank you, Hee Yining."    


"Let's go home." Hee Yining started the car and walked back with Shen Qi.    


Although neither of them spoke, the atmosphere was surprisingly good.    


Shen Qi looked at the scenery on the road and ran back. Cars and pedestrians seemed to be rushing home in a hurry.    


Home. This word was full of warmth and hope.    


Once upon a time, the word home was Shen Qi's nightmare.    


And now, she finally got rid of that nightmare. She could finally be like other ordinary people, and she could also yearn for the beauty of this word.    


Although this marriage was a coincidence, it was undeniable that Hee Yining had really given her a peaceful and peaceful world.    


In Jinghua Manor, she had enough freedom.    


For an emperor who held great power and controlled the lifeline of the economic empire, this was probably his way of showing goodwill.    


Shen Qi just looked at the scenery outside and let her thoughts run wild.    


But she did not notice that the speed of the car was decreasing bit by bit.    


Hee Yining drove tens of millions of supercars, but he drove at the same speed as QQ.    


Hee Yining suddenly did not want such a beautiful atmosphere to end just like that.    


For the first time, he felt that Fann Sheng Fan Li's home was really too close to Jinghua Manor.    


If possible, he hoped that this road would never end, and that he would continue to walk with her just like that.    


Hee Yining's slender fingers supported the steering wheel. When he saw Shen Qi leaning against the back of the chair, she had already fallen asleep.    


Hee Yining quietly reached out and gently held Shen Qi's fingers.    


Shen Qi's hands were so small and exquisite compared to Hee Yining's.    


Her small finger held in her palm, but it brought a strange sense of security.    


Hee Yining had never felt this way before.    


It was as if holding her hand was holding the entire world.    


This strange feeling made him feel strange and lost.    


At the same time, it also made him feel a little uneasy.    


He knew that as long as he let go of Shen Qi's finger, he would no longer feel uneasy.    


However, he also knew that he was unwilling to let go...    


His fingers tightened and tightened the grip on her little finger. A little bit...    


Shen Qi was still asleep. She let Hee Yining hold her fingers and did not respond at all.    


But even so, Hee Yining felt very satisfied.    


He could not help but ask himself, when did he start to look at her?    


Was it because of the heavy rain that day?    


Or was it when she fainted in front of me due to a high fever?    


Or was it when Mr. Mo's stupid look made me laugh?    


Was it the first time she revealed her true nature and laughed at me?    


Or was it when she stubbornly stood by my side and was willing to accompany me through all the obstacles?    


None of this was important.    


Because her every frown and smile had left a deep mark in my mind. Every scene was so vivid and vivid that I could not forget it.    


Was this feeling love?    


Is love really so wonderful?    


Whether this was love or not, he didn't want to let her go.    


Because, when he heard that she was in trouble, his heart really tightened.    


He had never been so worried about a person before.    


Now, there was finally this person...    


No matter how slow Hee Yining drove on this road, he still reached his doorstep in the end.    


The car slowly stopped. Hee Yining stopped the others from talking. He carefully picked up the sleeping Shen Qi like a prince carrying a princess and walked towards the bedroom.    


butler immediately understood everything when he saw the posture.    


Everyone quietly retreated and returned the space to them.    


Shen Qi quietly curled up in Hee Yining's arms like a kitten.    


Hee Yining's movements were very light.    


It was so gentle that Shen Qi could not feel any bump at all.    


When Shen Qi opened her eyes the next day, she did not come back to her senses for a moment.    


She remembered that she was in the car before she fell asleep. Why was she already at home when she opened her eyes?    


She turned her head and saw Hee Yining sleeping beside her without any surprise.    


Hee Yining had not woken up yet. This was the first time Shen Qi was looking at Hee Yining's sleeping face so openly.    


Even in his sleep, he was as noble and charming as a prince.    


It was like his facial features were carved, perfect and harmonious.    


His unique male charm was released to the fullest.    


Such a perfect man was currently sleeping beside him.    


Thinking about it, it was as if she was dreaming.    


Shen Qi carefully extended her finger and gently drew Hee Yining's lips.    


His lips were thin and moist, full of a deep pink luster.    


A man possessing this kind of lip color made many men and women in the world jealous to death...    


Shen Qi felt that she had become greedy. Other than her lips, she also wanted to touch other organs to see if the other organs were as beautiful as she imagined...    


Without waiting for Shen Qi's finger to move, Hee Yining who was still sleeping suddenly opened his mouth and bit Shen Qi's finger.    


A numbing electric current instantly spread from his finger all over his body.    


Shen Qi was so embarrassed that she could not show her face.    


Was he already awake?    


Was he woken up by her?    


Hee Yining slowly opened his eyes.    


The gaze that was emitted from his pair of phoenix eyes when he woke up was simply a great killing weapon.    


Shen Qi felt that no woman in the world could resist such a gaze, right?    


It was simply intoxicating to the extreme...    


"Naughty." Hee Yining turned around and pressed Shen Qi under his body. "You disturbed me early in the morning. Do you want to test your husband's ability? "If this is your wish, then I will satisfy you!"    


Shen Qi's face instantly turned red. Her hands unnaturally supported Hee Yining's chest and she stuttered, "I... I did not... I did not... I didn't..."    


Hee Yining's slender neck drooped slightly. His messy black hair partially covered his eyes. His voice that had just risen in the morning was extremely magnetic. "Huh? Nothing? Nothing?"    


Shen Qi raised her head and looked at Hee Yining who was pressing on her body. She suddenly felt her heart was beating very fast.    


What should she do?    


She suddenly really wanted to take a bite of the current Hee Yining!    


It's really too charming!    


Shen Qi suddenly felt conflicted.    


She really wanted to eat the current Hee Yining.    


However, there was a voice in her heart reminding her that if something happened between her and Hee Yining, she was afraid that she would not be able to escape successfully after a year.    


What should I do? So conflicted!    


Hee Yining suddenly got off Shen Qi's body and flicked her forehead. "You don't have to look at me like that. If you want to have a relationship with me, you can do it at any time. But Qi, when you give all of you to me, you can't leave my side for the rest of your life. Do you understand? "    


Shen Qi was stunned. How do you know... "    


How did he know what was on my mind?    


Why did he dote on me so much?    


"Because I, Hee Yining, will never marry twice in this life." Although Hee Yining's voice was very soft, he said it very seriously.    


Shen Qi was really moved.    


Damn it, how could I not be moved?    


A very charming CEO had promised me so gently that she would never marry another woman in her lifetime. How many women in the world could resist such temptation?    


Furthermore, his heart has already been bewitched by him...    


But, am I really going to give my heart to him?    


Will I really not regret it?    


"Aren't you going to see your classmates today? Go pack up beautifully. As Second Young Madame Hee, you can't be surpassed by others!" Hee Yining looked at Shen Qi's stunned expression and really liked it to the bone. He reached out and pinched Shen Qi's nose, "Go home early."    


"Yes, sir." Shen Qi felt like sweet waves were rising in her heart. It was a sweet feeling that she had never felt before.    


Zhan Bo had never given her this kind of feeling before.    


Zhan Bo liked all kinds of outdoor activities. Most of his time was dedicated to outdoor activities, but he rarely had time to accompany her.    


Having been in love for so many years, the time they spent together was not even a tenth of the time he spent outdoors.    


Every time they met, they were always in a hurry.    


Although Hee Yining was also very busy with work, he gave himself a completely different experience.    


It turned out that no matter how busy a person was, they could still find time to spend together.    


After breakfast, Shen Qi dressed up beautifully and went out.    


Once Shen Qi left, Not long after, the maid came to report, "young master, Mrs. Shen is here. She wants to see second young madame."    


"Haha, interesting." Hee Yining narrowed his eyes and said, "Let her in and wait for me in the side hall."    


"Yes, young master." The maid left as soon as she received the order.    


After a while, Mrs. Shen came in crying and was led to the side hall.    


Mrs. Shen was very dissatisfied.    


She came to find Shen Qi, but Shen Qi actually let her wait for her in the side hall?    


She had never been treated like this in her life before!    


After a while, Shen Qi came. She must teach Shen Qi a lesson!    


Give her a good lesson!    


Mrs. Shen was cursing in her heart when Hee Yining walked over from outside.    


Mrs. Shen heard footsteps behind her and suddenly turned around. She was about to hit someone out of habit.    


But Mrs. Shen had just raised her hand and before she could land it, she suddenly realized that the person who came was not Shen Qi but Hee Yining.    


Mrs. Shen was shocked and forcefully changed her expression from ferocious to full of smiles.    


Her raised hand also changed from slapping to stroking her hair.    


"Yining, why are you here? Where's Qi?" Mrs. Shen played the role of a loving mother in time.    


How could Hee Yining miss her stiff expression and bad performance?    


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