President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C385 Care about Him

C385 Care about Him

Luo Jinyu turned the car around and came back. As soon as he entered, he saw a man holding her and taking pictures of her. His heart suddenly shrank. In the next second, he had already taken her back.    


Yang Chuchu suddenly smiled. Her smile was very happy and beautiful.    


Luo Jinyu directly carried her out of the restaurant and arrived at the elevator. He let go of his hand.    


"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Luo Jinyu looked at Yang Chuchu who kept giggling and asked with a frown.    


Yang Chuchu shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."    


"You're a female star who knows what's going on. Why don't you bring an assistant with you?" Luo Jinyu felt that she did not take his safety seriously.    


"Because you are the one I came to see. I do not want others to disturb us!" Yang Chuchu said honestly.    


Luo Jinyu's thin lips curled up. "I found that we are still not suitable. The age difference is too big. We cannot communicate and there is no topic to talk about."    


Yang Chuchu heard him say that it was not suitable. Did that mean that he rejected her?    


Her entire body seemed to have been electrocuted. She stood in a daze and lost all of her senses.    


"Luo Jinyu, are you really not going to consider me?" Yang Chuchu was extremely sad and upset because when a person was rejected by a person she liked, the entire world would collapse and even the sunlight would disappear.    


Luo Jinyu looked at her as if she had suffered a heavy blow and frowned.    


At this time, the elevator came!    


Many people rushed out of the elevator. Yang Chuyang stood at the door of the elevator. He lowered his head and let the people who came out hit her shoulder time and time again. She seemed to have lost her soul. She was pushed back step by step by them.    


Luo Jinyu had never seen anyone more dazed than her. She would not move away even if someone hit her.    


He could only pull her to his side again. He gathered her in his protective area and scolded softly, "Yang Chuchu, what are you doing?"    


Yang Chuchu could not even speak at this moment. She only felt extreme pain in her heart.    


When she looked up again, her eyes were full of tears. She just looked at Luo Jinyu with grief and grievance.    


Luo Jinyu felt like he had been punched by something in his heart. He was shocked.    


At the moment, there was no one in the elevator. There were only the two of them. Luo Jinyu saw the sadness in her eyes.    


He frowned. "Don't look at me like that!"    


Yang Chuchu could only lower her head again. When the elevator stopped on any floor, she walked out with her head down.    


Luo Jin. Luo Jin saw her leave and her body stiffened again. Her long legs moved and followed behind her.    


"Yang Chuchu..."    


"You go!" Yang Chuchu did not want to see him at this moment because she felt that she was too embarrassed.    


How could Luo Jinyu let her wander around alone?    


"I will send you back!"    


"No need. I'll drive back myself later!" Yang Chuchu's voice had a broken sound as she answered while sobbing.    


"I don't trust you alone!"    


"What's there to worry about? I'm not your friend. Didn't you say we weren't suitable?" Yang Chuchu stopped and turned around. She said with grievance and sadness.    


Luo Jinyu helplessly looked at her crying face and sighed, "Alright. I admit that you are really too young for me. When I am with you, I always have a feeling of guilt, just like how I brought my daughter..."    


"Do you have a daughter as big as me? I am not your daughter! " Yang Chuchu was about to go crazy. Why did this man always treat her as his daughter? This was definitely not the answer she wanted to hear.    


Luo Jinyu also felt that his thoughts were too ridiculous. He could not help but laugh at himself. You are right. You are not, but when we walk together, don't you feel weird?"    


"What's weird? I don't!" Yang Chuchu immediately looked at the two of them and answered seriously, "I feel safe with you. I don't need to hide and unrequited love anymore."    


Her words were straightforward and childish. Somehow, they touched Luo Jinyu's nerves. He suddenly had an idea to be nicer to this little thing.    


"Yang Chuchu, you have thought it through. You want to be with me." Luo Jinyu suddenly reached out and held her soft little hand tightly. He could not bear to let go.    


Yang Chuchu blinked her beautiful eyes and bit her lower lip. She answered. "Yes, I have thought about it very clearly. But don't say anything about me that we are not suitable for in the future. I feel uncomfortable hearing it."    


"Alright, let's go, I'll send you back!" Luo Jinyu was an iceberg boss, but he was suddenly touched by this cute little girl.    


Yang Chuchu was instantly as happy as a child. Her smile was sweet. "Can I call you by your name? I have read your name many times. Will you laugh at me?"    


"No!" Luo Jinyu stopped walking and turned around. He could not help but smile when he saw the innocent smile on the girl's face.    


"Luo Jinyu... your name is really nice!" Yang Chuchu was currently reciting his name like a fool.    


The two of them entered the elevator as if there was no one else around. They went downstairs and went all the way to the parking lot.    


"Where's your car?" Luo Jinyu asked.    


"I asked my assistant to bring me here." Yang Chuchu stuck out her tongue and said naughtily.    


"Did you lie to me just now?" Luo Jinyu's eyes narrowed slightly, carrying a trace of danger.    


Yang Chuchu said in panic, "You said we were not suitable. I was upset and did not want to see you again. That was why I said that. Actually, I asked my assistant to send me over. I did not want to drive. I just wanted to..."    


"I wanted to send you home. This plan of yours is not bad!" Luo Jinyu opened the door of his car. "Let's go in."    


Yang Chuchu bent down and sat in the car. When the lights came on, the two black cars in front and back turned on at the same time.    


Yang Chuyang was surprised. "You came with bodyguards?"    


"Yes, I bring bodyguards when I go out. I have encountered danger before!" After the car in front left, his car also drove out.    


"What kind of danger have you encountered?" Yang Chuchu's little heart was hanging up for him.    


"Someone wants to kidnap me! Luo Jinyu's voice was calm.    


"Are you hurt?" Yang Chuchu asked worriedly.    


Luo Jinyu shook his head. "I am not hurt. It was just a false alarm. But after that incident, I found out that my life seemed to be very valuable to others."    


"No wonder you rich people like to hire bodyguards. It seems that it's really dangerous!" Yang Chuchu only sat down in peace when she heard him say that it was fine.    


"Put on your seatbelt!" Luo Jinyu turned his head to look at her and reminded her in a deep voice.    


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