Lovely Substitute Bride



"Miss Wen, you're finally back."    


The steward looked at her nervously. Only when he saw that she wasn't hurt did he relax.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the passionate butler and kitchen maid in front of her and could not help but laugh along with Ali.    


"What is going on?"    


Will saw Wen Tiantian and turned and walked over to stand beside her, accusing the butler.    


"Tiantian, I just want to take back the inheritance left behind by my grandfather, but I found out that this place has already been demolished! A new house has been built, and my grandfather's castle is gone. "    


When the butler saw Wen Tiantian, he felt more confident.    


After hearing what Will had said, she turned around and said to him, "This is Mr Ji's castle, it's not your grandfather's."    


Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Wen Tiantian hurriedly raised her hand to stop them.    


"Stop arguing first. "Will, I'll explain this matter to you, and then you can decide for yourself. Let's go in first and talk about it later."    


Will looked at Wen Tiantian and finally nodded.    


"I believe you."    


The butler stood at the side with dissatisfaction. He had said it for several hours, but the other party didn't believe what he said?    


He couldn't help but let out a snort, and rolled his eyes at that person as he followed behind Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian walked in with the others. Looking at the familiar surroundings, the same as when she left, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.    


She turned around and asked the butler beside her: "Where's Ji Jingchen?"    


The butler replied in a low voice, "Mr Ji hasn't come back yet. We've already notified him. He probably got caught in something."    


Seeing Ji Jingchen is not here, I don't know why, but I relaxed a bit and walked in.    


Just as she sat down, the cook served her tea and smiled at her.    


"Miss Wen, how have you been recently?"    


"I'm fine, thank you."    


He turned the topic back to the castle.    


Will didn't say anything this time. He simply took out a photo and placed it in front of Wen Tiantian.    


"This ancient castle was left behind by my grandfather."    


Wen Tiantian looked down and saw that the black and white photo was indeed taken at the castle.    


However, if you looked carefully, you would find that there was a slight difference between the two and they were roughly the same.    


In front of the castle, there was a person leaning on a cane.    


The man was wearing a black suit and a top hat. He was looking at the camera with a very gentlemanly smile.    


Will continued, "This is my grandfather. Before he died, he told me to come back here and take back his castle. "    


As he spoke, he raised his head and glared at the butler in front of him.    


"But I didn't expect that my grandfather's castle had already been destroyed by someone, and even had their own building built on it."    


Looking at the castle, Will felt even more dissatisfied.    


When the butler heard her and was about to speak, Wen Tiantian stretched out her hand to stop him.    


She turned her head to look at Will, and the corner of her mouth curved into a faint smile.    


"Mr. Will, after your grandfather left this castle, it was destroyed by some radicals. At that time, it had already become a remnant wall. If you don't believe it, you can search the Internet and maybe even see the photos. "    


"It's been almost a hundred years since then. After that, the country's land reform was replanned and this place was also included."    


"Right now, the master of the castle, Ji Jingchen, also bought the remains of the castle a few years ago, so from a legal standpoint, he is indeed the master of this castle."    


Will's eyes widened.    


"How can we do this without the permission of the owner? Is that how you deal with other people's stuff in your country? "    


Butler was dissatisfied: "Did you get our consent when you invaded our country?"    


These words immediately caused the living room to quieten down.    


Although his family had not participated in that event, it was still his country.    


After a while, he slowly spoke to Wen Tiantian.    


"I apologize solemnly on behalf of my country for what happened that year."    


"But my grandfather told me to come take back this ancient castle before he died. "So, I'm sorry, but Mr Ji can't continue to live here. Please move him out of here as soon as possible."    




The butler stood up angrily, and the atmosphere in the hall once again became tense, as if there would be a fight at any time.    


At that moment, a tall figure suddenly walked into the room.    


As he walked in he said: "Mr. Will, in our country everything is very legal. You can't prove that the castle belongs to you with just a picture."    


"Moreover, the proof that I bought the castle and this land is still here, you have no right to take it back."    


The butler looked up in surprise as he heard the voice.    


"Sir, you've finally come."    


As if he had found his backbone, he quickly ran over and followed behind Ji Jingchen, saying, "Mr Ji, this person is unreasonable."    


Ji Jingchen raised his hand to stop him, then looked towards the living room.    


His gaze fell on Wen Tiantian.    


After looking at it for a few seconds, he retracted it back.    


When he looked at Will again, his gaze instantly became sharp.    


As Ji Jingchen walked over, he said, "Mr. Will, if you insist on taking back this castle in your own way, then we can only meet in court."    


Will looked at him, wide-eyed and incredulous.    


"How unreasonable!" You really don't know the rules! You've taken someone else's things, and yet you still act so righteously. "    


He stood up and was about to leave when he turned back to look at Wen Tiantian.    


"Tiantian, come with me, don't stay with some unreasonable people."    


Before Wen Tiantian could say anything, Ji Jingchen spoke first.    


"I'm sorry, but Miss Wen and I still have some things to say, so please leave alone."    


Unsatisfied, Will turned to see Wen Tiantian nodding back at him before turning to leave.    


"I will get this castle back, you thieves!"    


After which, he left.    


When he was gone, the steward waved his arms excitedly, as if he had won a battle.    


"Who's the real thief!" Who was the one who was being unreasonable!? "    


While he was still angry, Ji Jingchen had already put this matter aside.    


When he walked up to Wen Tiantian, his face was full of smiles as he looked at her.    


"Did you hear that he was going to take back the castle?"    


He looked very happy.    


Wen Tiantian didn't say anything. She didn't expect the smile on Ji Jingchen's face to grow even wider.    


"You care about me?"    


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