Lovely Substitute Bride



Previously, Lauren used the name of gambling to take things from a lot of people on the cruise. Those who lost, they lost all their face due to him.    


Now that it was his turn to lose, he didn't expect to run away.    


"You want to run?!" Several people blocked his path.    


Lauren had no choice but to turn around and look at Ji Jingchen again.    


"My chips are already on the table. What else do you want?"    


Ji Jingchen swept his gaze, there was no trace of warmth in his eyes.    


"This shouldn't be enough, right?"    


It was the same thing, but the chips were constantly being doubled. The chips now had exceeded 200 million dollars!    


He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go back and get the money!"    


However, Ji Jingchen said, "I don't need the money, but as I said before, none of us can lack it."    




Lauren was so scared that he backed off and his face turned pale.    


Ji Jingchen had already stood up, holding Wen Tiantian's hand with a cold gaze.    


"Those who dare to look down on me will naturally pay the price."    


Then, ignoring Lauren's frightened expression, she turned around and left with Wen Tiantian.    


Several bodyguards appeared at the same time and grabbed Lauren.    


Lauren screamed out in fear, but he was unable to break free and was carried away.    


At this moment, Wen Tiantian still had lingering fear in her heart.    


Ji Jingchen took her away from the ball and walked to the corridor in front, facing the sea breeze.    


"Still afraid?" Ji Jingchen hugged Wen Tiantian's waist in amusement, "I said that it would be fine."    


Even so, Wen Tiantian was still a bit nervous.    


"I just think that gambling is too scary."    


A single thought could lead to nothing else.    


Wen Tiantian sighed. She really didn't understand why so many people were so keen on gambling.    


Her expression was all seen by Ji Jingchen.    


He led her back to the room and sat on his lap with her in his arms.    


"Put me down … Put me down …"    


Wen Tiantian's ears were red. She wanted to get up, but Ji Jingchen held her tighter.    


"Didn't you want to know why gambling is so hard to stop?"    


Hearing that, Wen Tiantian looked at Ji Jingchen in shock.    


How did he know what she was thinking?    


Ji Jingchen knew he guessed right the moment he saw her expression.    


"Everyone has their own obsession. A gambler's obsession is to gamble. They can spend a ton of money for a gamble and lose themselves in the process."    


Ji Jingchen's low voice quickly attracted Wen Tiantian's attention.    


She couldn't help but nod. "So they can give up everything for gambling."    


Ji Jingchen nodded slightly, agreeing with what she said.    


His fingers played with Wen Tiantian's, as if he were caressing a carefully crafted work of art.    


He couldn't let go of her.    


"Businessmen's obsession is to earn money, while celebrities' obsession is to become famous. When people are alive, more or less they have their own obsession. "    


Wen Tiantian nodded as she listened to Ji Jingchen.    


What he said was very reasonable, just like how she was stubborn about Morninglight Orphanage back then.    


For the orphanage, she actually stole the land deed.    


She had never thought that this matter would be so dangerous to her.    


Ji Jingchen pulled her into his embrace.    


His low, sexy voice rang in her ear. "And my obsession is you."    


"For you, I can give up everything."    


In that instant, Wen Tiantian felt as if her heart was soaking in a hot spring.    


His heart was filled with joy and warmth, spreading from his blood vessels all the way to his chest.    


She had heard a lot of romantic words from Ji Jingchen.    


But this single sentence not only made her feel moved, it also made her impulsive.    


The urge to spend the rest of his life with him.    


"I don't deserve you to be so kind to me."    


Wen Tiantian leaned on Ji Jingchen's shoulder.    


She could feel Ji Jingchen's surging love, causing her to not know how to repay him.    


"Don't be surprised," Ji Jingchen caressed her back, "My sweet is the best thing in the world."    


With a flushed face, Wen Tiantian withdrew from his embrace and sat beside him.    


"I might not be as good as you say …"    


Most of the time, she relied on him to draw warmth from him.    


Ji Jingchen looked at her, "Then tell me, where are you not doing well?"    




What was she supposed to say?    


Wen Tiantian blinked, not knowing what to say.    


Ji Jingchen smiled as if he got the answer: "Even you can't say it yourself?"    


"In my eyes, you are the most perfect."    


Wen Tiantian's cheeks were dyed with a layer of red.    


She turned around, not wanting to let Ji Jingchen see the smile that she couldn't conceal.    


Ji Jingchen didn't expose her and just asked: "Do you want to take a walk on the deck?"    


"To the deck?"    


Wen Tiantian turned her head to look at him, inquiring with a trace of curiosity in her eyes.    


Was it really appropriate for him to go to the deck so late at night? The sky was already dark, so he probably couldn't see anything.    


"The view on the deck is the most beautiful at this time."    


Wen Tiantian's eyes flashed with curiosity when she heard that.    


Her curiosity was piqued by Ji Jingchen.    


Thus, under Ji Jingchen's gaze, he nodded, "Then let's go to the deck together?"    




Ji Jingchen answered and then held Wen Tiantian's hand.    


The two of them arrived at the deck.    


The evening breeze brought with it a bit of cool water vapor.    


The smell of the sea assaulted him.    


Ji Jingchen held Wen Tiantian in his arms. The man's warm and firm chest was pressed tightly against hers, blocking most of the cold wind for her.    


"This scene made me think of the Titanic …"    


Wen Tiantian laughed out loud. She couldn't help but recall the classic "YoujumpIjump" in her mind.    


Ji Jingchen was infected by her lively laughter and the corner of his mouth slightly raised.    


"Don't worry, we won't be like them," Ji Jingchen gently kissed the ends of Wen Tiantian's hair. "We will live well and stay old until the end."    


Old age.    


Wen Tiantian turned around and looked at Ji Jingchen.    


The resplendent starlight fell on their heads, dyeing their black hair a silvery white.    


Although it was not that exaggerated, Wen Tiantian still felt that this scene was like a dream.    


"Look, our hair has turned white."    


Did this mean that they would continue to walk like this forever?    


Wen Tiantian reached out her hand, wanting to touch Ji Jingchen's hair, but the man grabbed her hand first and kissed her.    


The Ionian ring on her finger glittered in the starlight.    


"I found something."    




Ji Jingchen said with a chuckle, "I have good eyes."    


Wen Tiantian looked at him strangely, not knowing why Ji Jingchen suddenly praised her.    


"Because I chose Mrs Ji, the best person in the world."    


He lifted his hand to brush Wen Tiantian's hair from her forehead behind her ears and pressed a kiss onto her forehead.    


Wen Tiantian immediately blushed.    


So it turned out that he was praising her good eyesight because he was praising her in a different way.    


Who would talk like that …    


Embarrassed, Wen Tiantian turned away from his mocking gaze.    


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