Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian took it off and looked at it closely.    


"There's a new hint hidden under the banyan tree. Use the shovel I gave you to dig it out."    


Worried that Wen Tiantian wouldn't be able to find it, he even drew an arrow at the treasure trove.    


Wen Tiantian squatted down, amused, and took a small shovel from her backpack.    


The "prompts" weren't buried very deep, and it didn't take long for Wen Tiantian to dig them out.    


It was a small, simple box.    


And the note inside was actually made of sheepskin paper!    


Wen Tiantian untied the knot on the sheepskin scroll.    


After spreading it out, he saw that it was written as' Walk towards the thickest part of the roots, don't stop '.    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head and couldn't help but smile.    


Perhaps it was to let her recognize the thickest ones faster and more accurately.    


Ji Jingchen actually covered up all the other roots with mud.    


Other than this root, the rest of the roots were hidden in the soil.    


It looked like a circle of dirt had been buried in the banyan tree.    


How could she not understand such clear instructions?    


Wen Tiantian could not help but smile as she followed the roots. About 10 minutes later, she finally saw a lake.    


A gentle wind blew across the lake, causing it to sparkle. It was a very beautiful scene.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but walk over.    


Standing in front of the peaceful lake, even her heart had calmed down.    


Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.    


"You've finally found this place."    


Ji Jingchen's voice sounded. Soon after, Wen Tiantian realized that something seemed to have been stuffed into her hands.    


She only got a chance to open it after Ji Jingchen had hugged enough and let go.    


"Congratulations on completing the exploration. The reward is right in front of you."    


Wen Tiantian turned around and asked, "Is the reward you were talking about this lake?"    


"The lake is only for carrying." Ji Jingchen lowered his eyes and looked at her.    


Carrying them?    


But the note clearly said, "The reward is right in front of you"?    


Wen Tiantian looked at Ji Jingchen in confusion.    


"What else could it be if not this lake?"    


Hearing that, Ji Jingchen chuckled.    


He pointed at himself, "This is your reward."    


Wen Tiantian looked at him blankly. That's right, in front of her, besides that lake, there was also Ji Jingchen.    


How could she have forgotten that?    


Ji Jingchen bent down and carried Wen Tiantian.    


Before she could react to the 'reward', she was already picked up by Ji Jingchen.    


A standard princess hug.    


"You look really good today."    


Ji Jingchen hugged her and whispered into her ear.    


The warm breath on her ear made her blush.    


"The clothes were chosen by you. Are you praising your good eyesight?"    


She patted Ji Jingchen's shoulder, signaling him to let her down.    


But she was hugged even tighter by him.    


"He looks good, but he looks good in anything."    


Ji Jingchen said and walked into the lake.    


Wen Tiantian almost cried out in alarm when she saw this scene.    


"Don't tell me you want to carry me and jump into the lake …"    


Wen Tiantian looked at Ji Jingchen in shock, but he didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.    


If he continued forward, he would really enter the lake!    


Wen Tiantian closed her eyes in despair.    


The expected weightlessness did not occur.    


She opened her eyes in confusion and saw Ji Jingchen looking at her with a faint smile.    


"Don't be afraid."    


Ji Jingchen spat out the word.    


Only then did Wen Tiantian realize that they were already in the middle of the lake.    


Ji Jingchen carried her as if he was walking on the surface of a lake.    


"How did you do it?"    


A flash of surprise passed through her eyes.    


How could a person walk on water?    


Sensing Wen Tiantian's doubt, Ji Jingchen explained with a smile, "I have set up a hidden stake and am stepping on it. It's no different from walking on water."    


So it was like this!    


No wonder Ji Jingchen was able to walk on the surface of the water. It turned out that he had secretly arranged a hidden pile under the water.    


Wen Tiantian's face lit up in realization. "You've spent so much effort just to carry me around?"    


"As long as it can make you happy, I'm willing to do anything."    


Ji Jingchen's gentle voice sounded beside Wen Tiantian's ear.    


The feeling of being held in the palm of her hand made her feel as sweet as if she had drunk honey.    


Ji Jingchen carried Wen Tiantian and walked to the center of the lake.    


Only then did Wen Tiantian realize that there was a piece of land in the middle of the lake that stuck out of the water.    


Ji Jingchen put her down.    


She immediately saw the box on the ground.    


"This is … a treasure chest?"    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but mock him.    


Unexpectedly, Ji Jingchen nodded, "Open it and take a look?"    


She opened the treasure chest with ease.    


Inside the box was a small sapling, a carving knife and a stone tablet about a meter square.    


"Take out the spade."    


Ji Jingchen pointed at the backpack behind Wen Tiantian.    


Only then did she remember that her backpack was still on her back.    


"Here you go."    


Wen Tiantian passed the small shovel to Ji Jingchen, "What do you want it for?"    


"Planting trees."    


Hearing that, Wen Tiantian looked at Ji Jingchen doubtfully, "Planting trees?"    


She pointed at the sapling in the treasure box. "This one?"    


"Yes," Ji Jingchen nodded, "It will slowly grow up, and it will be here to forever witness our love."    


A trace of emotion flashed across Wen Tiantian's eyes when she heard Ji Jingchen's words.    


Witness their love.    


Even if they were a hundred years old, this tree would still continue their love.    


Eternal immortality.    


Wen Tiantian squatted down and together with Ji Jingchen, they planted the sapling in the ground.    


After the event was over, a stone tablet was set up beside them and their names were engraved upon it.    


"This is the inspiration I got from the Lovers Pillar," Ji Jingchen said with a hint of pride. "Not bad, right?"    


"Very good."    


Wen Tiantian nodded, showing her respect.    


Ji Jingchen helped her up.    


"Promise me you'll stay by my side no matter what happens."    


His eyes were extremely determined.    


It was as if he wanted to carve Wen Tiantian into his eyes.    


"I promise you."    


She had no reason not to.    


Ji Jingchen extended his arm and pulled Wen Tiantian into his arms.    


The morning sun entangled their shadows, inseparable.    


Just like them, they were destined to tangle with each other for the rest of their lives.    


They were bound to each other.    


More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye.    


Although there was no one on the island, Ji Jingchen and Wen Tiantian had many things to deal with.    


It was already his limit to be able to free up the uninhabited island for their honeymoon.    


One could imagine that there would be a lot of work waiting for them when they returned.    


They boarded the return cruise.    


Two days later, a streamlined black car stopped in front of the castle.    


Steward and cook who get the news    


He had been waiting at the door.    


The moment he saw Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen's cars, he immediately came over.    


"Sir, Miss."    


The butler and the cook bowed to them.    


It was only when Wen Tiantian saw them that she truly felt the urge to return.    


Familiarity and familiarity. This was the feeling of home.    


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