Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian looked around. Sure enough, she saw a few footprints in the corner. It didn't look like Ji Jingchen had left them behind.    


Wen Tiantian squatted down to take some measurements and turned around, "When you were investigating Jiang Nianyao, where was Jiang Yutian?"    


"Jiang Nianyao and Jiang Yutian seemed to have gotten into an argument and separated. Jiang Yutian is staying in the hotel now."    


"Where was she when Ji Jingchen was in trouble?"    


Zhong Lee was slightly surprised, "Miss Wen, you suspect Jiang Yutian? But didn't she and Jiang Nianyao work together? "    


"Any cooperation will be broken because of the benefits that we have at hand. If you miss her by even a little, even if there's a trace of doubt, you still have to figure it out."    


Wen Tiantian stood up, looked around and said, "Go find Jiang Yutian and take her to the castle. I want to ask her."    




Zhong Lee nodded and immediately left with his men.    


Wen Tiantian stayed behind and examined the scene once more, but did not find any clues.    


Ji Jingchen had received news that it was already accessible.    


Wen Tiantian took a deep breath and decided to check on Ji Jingchen first.    


When he saw Ji Jingchen again, he was still wearing his prison uniform. He was sitting on a chair, wearing a white shirt and a black vest.    


He leaned back slightly. He did not look like he was in a jail, but more like a model in a shop window.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the people sitting inside through the window and suddenly felt a little absent-minded.    


Ji Jingchen frowned when he saw Wen Tiantian standing outside.    


"Didn't I tell you to go back?" His tone was dissatisfied and angry.    


However, Wen Tiantian said calmly, "I will help you find the real culprit."    


"I don't need you!" Ji Jingchen said coldly.    


Wen Tiantian took a deep breath and looked at him silently.    


Ji Jingchen frowned impatiently and slightly lowered his tone.    


"This matter is not as simple as you think it is. Return to the Ruan Family, and do not interfere."    


However, Wen Tiantian insisted, "I'm not leaving, Ji Jingchen."    


Ji Jingchen's face darkened. He slammed his hand on the table, making a loud sound.    


"What else do you want? Didn't I tell you before? I'm tired of you, don't show up in front of me! "    


Wen Tiantian felt a burst of bitterness in her heart.    


Although she knew that Ji Jingchen did it for her own good, hearing those words again and again still made her heart ache.    


She shook her head firmly.    


"I won't leave, even if you are really tired. When you come out, I will leave."    


Ji Jingchen looked at her eyes, and pierced needles after needles into his heart. The small pieces of pain were hard to bear.    


"Are you a fool?" "He clenched his fists and shouted." I told you to leave, but you didn't! "    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head, purposely refusing to listen to him.    


"Ji Jingchen, I believe you won't do that."    


Ji Jingchen sneered.    


"You believe me? I don't even believe in myself! " "His gaze gradually turned cold." I did want to kill Jiang Nianyao before I saw her, but someone beat me to it. "    


Wen Tiantian shook her head as she remembered him leaving the castle in a rage.    


"But it didn't happen now, did it?"    


Ji Jingchen looked at her and held his breath.    


"Why did you …"    


So stupid...    


So stupid...    


At this time, wouldn't others try their best to pull away from him?    


Only this woman was like a moth to a flame.    


Really …    




But it was so adorable that he couldn't wait to rush out and hug her tightly.    


Teach him how not to love her?    


Wen Tiantian suppressed the bitterness in her eyes and looked down at Ji Jingchen.    


However, he carelessly missed Ji Jingchen's gentle gaze.    


"Ji Jingchen, can you carefully think about who exactly would frame you?"    


When she looked up again, Ji Jingchen had already lowered his gaze a lot.    


He could avoid Wen Tiantian's eyes.    


"Why are you doing this?"    


"I want to help you, and …"    


Wen Tiantian paused as a wry smile appeared on her face. "Didn't you say you were going to wait for that person?" "She should be back soon …"    


Ji Jingchen's expression changed. He frowned, covering the pain in his eyes.    


After a while, he finally compromised, "Tell the butler to go to a mental hospital in the suburbs and have a look at Ji Yuanwu."    


Ji Yuanwu?    


Is that the Old Master of the Ji Family?    


What has this got to do with anything?    


Besides, wasn't he already locked up in a mental hospital?    


Wen Tiantian looked at him doubtfully, but Ji Jingchen did not explain.    


He just said, "Let the butler and Zhong Lee go. Stay here and don't go anywhere else. it would be best to return to the Ruan Family and obediently stay there.    


"Mm …"    


Wen Tiantian agreed vaguely.    


When the visiting hours arrived, she had to stand up.    


Looking at Ji Jingchen in the window, Wen Tiantian took a deep breath slowly and put her hand on the glass in front of her.    


"I will save you, Ji Jingchen."    


The wrinkles on Ji Jingchen's forehead did not open up. He was just about to reprimand her, but when he saw Wen Tiantian, he swallowed his words back.    


He was quiet for a long time before finally nodding his head.    


"Be careful."    


The corners of Wen Tiantian's mouth curled up into a slight smile.    


"Are you concerned about me?"    


Ji Jingchen didn't say anything and looked away.    


Wen Tiantian smiled and said, "You're just worried about me."    


With that, she turned and walked out.    


After a few seconds, Ji Jingchen turned around and looked in the direction Wen Tiantian had left.    


He sat in a daze for a while. Then, he slowly raised his head and placed his hand on Wen Tiantian's arm through the glass.    


"When did I need you to help me …"    


The corner of his mouth curled up slightly.    


However, this feeling was not bad at all.    


After Wen Tiantian returned to the castle, she quickly found the butler.    


The butler waved his hands in fear when he heard her request.    


"No way, no way, even sir rarely goes to that place. Miss, you must not go again. "    


"Mister's condition will worsen. It has a lot to do with that place, so you can't go there alone."    


Wen Tiantian nodded and said, "That's why I asked you to come with me. Ji Jingchen said that this matter might be related to that place. Perhaps I should go and see Ji Jingchen's grandfather. "    


The butler frowned, still unwilling to agree.    


Wen Tiantian said bluntly, "Butler, I must go. Even if you don't accompany me, I will go alone."    


Hearing her words, the steward was frightened and quickly stood in front of her.    


"I really can't, that place is too terrible."    


He tried to persuade her, but Wen Tiantian refused to give up.    


After a while, he could only say, "If you really want to go, I'll go with you. At least I'll take care of you."    


With that, Wen Tiantian pulled him outside.    


The butler asked curiously as he walked, "The Old Master is currently locked up in a mental hospital. Why would he have anything to do with this?"    


Actually, Wen Tiantian also had the same thoughts as him.    


When she and Ji Jingchen went to the mental hospital that day, the images they saw would appear in her mind from time to time.    


No matter how he looked at Ji Yuanwu, he seemed to have gone completely crazy. Could it be that he could frame Ji Jingchen?    


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