Lovely Substitute Bride



When Wen Tiantian heard this, she immediately walked out, but all she saw was Ji Jingchen's back as he got on the car and left.    


Thinking of the killing intent in Ji Jingchen's tone, she went back to her car fearfully.    


"Hurry, follow them."    


The driver stepped on the throttle and immediately caught up.    


Ji Jingchen's car did not enter the city, but drove along the outer ring road towards another place.    


After about half an hour, the car finally stopped.    


Wen Tiantian quickly got out of the car and quietly followed him.    


Ji Jingchen and co. came to the entrance of an underground car park, while the others were left outside.    


Only Ji Jingchen walked in alone.    


Wen Tiantian looked outside and carefully avoided the few people at the door before following him in.    


The empty underground parking lot was dimly lit, as if it had been abandoned.    


The floor was covered with dust, and only a few small windows could let in light.    


Wen Tiantian looked around and did not see Ji Jingchen, so she could only continue walking inside.    


After walking for a short while, he saw a figure standing not too far away.    


The light from the window fell on him, casting long shadows.    


Ji Jingchen lowered his head slightly.    


His hands and chest were covered in blood!    


At his feet was a man lying on the ground. A dagger was stabbed into his chest, and blood was continuously flowing out from the wound.    


Wen Tiantian's mind rumbled as she hurriedly ran over.    


Ji Jingchen heard the footsteps and turned around. When he saw Wen Tiantian, he frowned.    


"Why are you here?"    


Wen Tiantian didn't hear his question. All of her attention had been snatched away by the people on the ground.    


"Jiang Nianyao?"    


Her eyes widened.    


The man on the ground lay rigid, his eyes closed. He had become a dead man.    


But no matter what, she wouldn't be wrong. The person in front of her was Jiang Nianyao!    


Ji Jingchen noticed her gaze and was about to say something when a burst of noise came from outside.    


Wen Tiantian turned to look and saw a few people rushing in from the outside.    


The few people walking in front wore uniforms. It was the police.    


Ji Jingchen's men chased behind them and wanted to stop them, but a few policemen had already rushed in front of Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen.    


When they saw Jiang Nianyao and Ji Jingchen, who were covered in blood, on the ground, they stopped in their tracks.    


He quickly took out his gun and pointed it at Ji Jingchen.    


"Don't move!"    


Zhong Lee and a few people behind him looked over in shock when they saw this sudden change.    


Compared to their panic, Ji Jingchen stood calmly on the spot.    


His hands and chest were stained with blood.    


"She was dead before I came."    


However, when they saw the current scene, the policemen did not listen to his explanation at all.    


"You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be presented as evidence. Please do not resist, or you may be charged with resisting arrest."    


After saying that, a few police officers came over and wanted to take Ji Jingchen away.    


Ji Jingchen didn't move but turned around to look at Wen Tiantian.    


He said to Zhong Lee, "Send her back to the Ruan Family."    


Looking at the person still lying on the ground, even Zhong Lee, who was extremely calm, couldn't react in time.    


Startled, he quickly nodded his head.    


"Yes, President Ji."    


After saying that, a few police officers brought Ji Jingchen out and prepared to leave.    


Only then did Wen Tiantian react. She quickly took a few steps forward and stood in front of the policemen.    


"There must be some kind of misunderstanding? You can't take him away until we get to the bottom of this. "    


The police officer said in dissatisfaction, "Miss, please do not obstruct our work. Otherwise, we will arrest you as well!"    


How could Wen Tiantian just watch as Ji Jingchen was taken away?    


She stood motionlessly in front of him.    


"There must be a misunderstanding? You can't take them away now. "    


Ji Jingchen looked at her calmly.    


"Go back and wait for me, I'll be fine, don't run around for the next few days."    


He didn't look like he'd been caught by the police at all. On the contrary, he was calmer than everyone else present.    


With that, he followed the policemen and left from the other side, avoiding Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian stood on the spot and watched Ji Jingchen's back as he was taken away. She frowned but still couldn't figure it out.    


At this time, Zhong Lee walked over and said anxiously, "Miss Wen, what happened just now? "It's really …"    


He did not continue.    


Wen Tiantian frowned.    


"When I came in, it was just like what you guys saw. I don't know what happened either. You tell me, you know. "    


Zhong Lee frowned, his expression was bad.    


"We found Jiang Nianyao's hiding place. We were going to call the police, but Mister said he wanted to see her first and left us outside. Who would've thought …"    


"Although you are usually a strict man, and many people who have offended him have ended up miserably, no one has died …"    


If it was the past, he would definitely not believe it. But now, due to Ji Jingchen's unstable condition, he caused others to worry.    


What's more, Jiang Nianyao had tried to murder Wen Tiantian before, and then burned down an important museum.    


With Ji Jingchen's current condition, it was very likely that he would really kill her …    


This was what Zhong Lee was worried about.    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips and walked outside quickly. As she walked, she asked, "How did those policemen get here?" Did you call the police? "    


Zhong Lee shook his head.    


"We didn't call the police, but the police came over within a few minutes. I asked the others, but no one called them."    


Wen Tiantian halted her steps and saw that Ji Jingchen had already got into the police car.    


The noise of the siren made her feel flustered.    


She closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down.    


"Someone set up a trap to send Ji Jingchen to jail."    


Hearing that, Zhong Lee was shocked.    


If Ji Jingchen really didn't kill anyone, then the only possibility was that he was framed.    


The police came at such a coincidental time that one couldn't help but be suspicious.    


Wen Tiantian turned around and asked, "Who else knows that you've found Jiang Nianyao?"    


Zhong Lee thought about it.    


"Those who know are all Sir's men. They won't leak it out."    


"There must be more."    


Wen Tiantian turned around and looked at the people who came here with Ji Jingchen.    


However, there were no clues that could be seen right now.    


"Zhong Lee, you go back to the company first. If this news reached Ji Family's ears, they would definitely seize the opportunity to make their move. I'll make a trip back to the castle. "    


Zhong Lee nodded. He couldn't help but follow Wen Tiantian's instructions and quickly got on the car to leave.    


Wen Tiantian turned around and got on Ruan Family's carriage, and took a deep breath.    


The words he had heard in the castle echoed in his ears again.    


No matter if it was the motive or the time, Ji Jingchen was the only suspect.    


Did he really kill Jiang Nianyao?    


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