Lovely Substitute Bride



Soon, the family doctor was brought in.    


Ji Jingchen stood outside the door and didn't dare to go in.    


He was worried that if Wen Tiantian woke up and saw him, she would run away and resent him. He was even more worried that she would die.    


The butler looked at Ji Jingchen outside and whispered, "Sir, Miss will be fine."    


However, these words did not make Ji Jingchen's mood any better.    


After about ten minutes, the doctor finally came out.    


Ji Jingchen quickly stepped forward.    


"How is she?"    


"There aren't any major injuries on my body, but the bruises will take some time to disappear."    


As the doctor spoke, he carefully looked at Ji Jingchen.    


In fact, such a wound was far more severe than the one on his body.    


Wasn't this Miss Wen doted on by Ji Jingchen just now? How did something happen so quickly?    


She had some doubts in her heart, but she didn't dare to make any more guesses. She warned him about a few things before leaving.    


Ji Jingchen stood at the door. His normally straight back was slightly bent, as if he was being pressured.    


He still hadn't opened the door and entered. He didn't even know how to face Wen Tiantian.    


"Butler, go get the chef and ask her to help Tiantian apply the medicine."    




The butler took a look and was about to leave when he stopped again.    


"Sir, aren't you going in?"    


Ji Jingchen shook his head.    


"I'm not going. Also, help me call Dr Zhang over."    


Dr Zhang?    


The butler looked at him and nodded his head in the end. Then, he turned around and left.    


When he left, Ji Jingchen stood at the door and slowly sighed.    


His worried voice echoed in the empty corridor.    


He slowly raised his hand and placed it on the door. It was as if he could talk to the person inside that room that way.    


Ji Jingchen didn't move at all, his eyes were full of regret and pain.    


After struggling for a while, he finally said softly, "I'm sorry. I will never hurt you again."    


"I swear …"    


When Wen Tiantian woke up, every inch of her skin was filled with a slight stabbing pain.    


It was the result of Ji Jingchen's kiss.    


Other than that, he didn't feel any discomfort.    


She opened her eyes and felt her mouth go dry. The cook brought her water and carefully gave her two sips.    


"Miss Wen, are you alright?"    


Wen Tiantian shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, but found that her voice was hoarse.    


She looked around and asked in a low voice: "Where's Ji Jingchen?"    


"Sir ordered me to take care of you. He is in the study."    


Was he regretting that he still hadn't appeared?    


Wen Tiantian lowered her gaze, although she really didn't want to see Ji Jingchen at the moment …    


The kitchen maid looked at her and asked carefully, "Miss, just what is going on? Wasn't it fine before? "    


"There was an accident."    


The cook's eyes swept over the shocking kisses on her body.    


"Would you blame Mister?"    


Wen Tiantian was slightly taken aback.    


"I don't know either …"    


Although she clearly knew that Ji Jingchen was affected by his illness, Wen Tiantian still couldn't bear to let it go.    


When the kitchen maid saw Wen Tiantian's confused expression, her heart ached as well.    


She understood Wen Tiantian's feelings very well. She put her hand on the back of her hand.    


"If you want to blame him, I won't stop you."    


The cook's heart ached as she remembered Ji Jingchen standing by the door when she came in.    


How could Ji Jingchen not regret?    


Based on the amount of love he had for his young mistress, he probably couldn't wait for his death to apologize.    


The two of them had finally gotten together, so why did they have to suffer like this?    


In the study.    


Ji Jingchen stood by the window and looked at the layers of trees outside.    


Dr Zhang stood behind him. He pondered for a moment and said: "Since it is your decision then I will modify the treatment plan."    


With that, he quickly took his things and left.    


When the butler heard that Wen Tiantian had woken up, he excitedly came to inform Ji Jingchen.    


Noticing the doctor walking out, she said in a good mood, "What did you say, sir?"    


The doctor waved his hand.    


"It's fine if you said that, but it's not good if you don't know it."    


he said ambiguously, and went away.    


The butler was confused. He forced open the door of the study and saw Ji Jingchen still standing at the window.    


"Sir, the kitchen maid said that Miss has woken up, but she's not in good spirits."    


Ji Jingchen's gaze was unperturbed, and even his voice was very calm.    


"When will she recover?"    


"According to the doctor, you have a week off."    


Ji Jingchen nodded slightly. After pondering for a moment, he said, "You and the kitchen will take care of her for the next few days."    


The butler was surprised. "What about you, sir?"    


"You guys are enough."    


With that, he waved his hand without waiting for the butler to ask again.    


The butler looked at him suspiciously but had to leave.    


Could it be that Teacher was worried that Miss Wen would hate him?    


However, he had been avoiding meeting them. Any conflict could not be resolved.    


For most of the next few days, Ji Jingchen did not return to the castle.    


Even after Wen Tiantian had recovered and started to walk around the ancient castle, she still didn't see Ji Jingchen.    


Originally, according to Wen Tiantian's conjecture, Ji Jingchen would definitely lock her up again.    


But unexpectedly, he didn't react at all.    


Even if Wen Tiantian left the ancient castle, no one would stop her.    


Once she even tried to leave for an entire afternoon, but no one came to find her, not even Ji Jingchen.    


The abnormal situation made Wen Tiantian even more worried.    


She didn't believe that Ji Jingchen would suddenly improve after this incident.    


But even if she wanted to ask for an explanation, she couldn't find him.    


After a whole week, Wen Tiantian began to think about whether she should go directly to the company to stop Ji Jingchen.    


After the past few days, the dissatisfaction in her heart had gradually calmed down. On the contrary, she was even more worried about Ji Jingchen's abnormality.    


He didn't see anyone for a week, so he didn't know what he was like now.    


Just as he was thinking, the door behind him was suddenly opened.    


Wen Tiantian turned around and saw the butler standing at the door with a few bodyguards standing behind him.    


He calmly looked at Wen Tiantian with estrangement in his gaze.    


"Miss, please leave."    


Upon hearing these words, Wen Tiantian was instantly confused.    


"What?" Where do you want me to go? "    


"Leave the castle."    


Wen Tiantian looked at him in shock.    


"Butler, don't joke with me."    


The steward stood aside and shook his head, "I'm sorry, this is your order."    


"Impossible …" Wen Tiantian shook her head. Where's Ji Jingchen? "    


"I'm here."    


A voice sounded. Ji Jingchen, who hadn't seen Ji Jingchen in a week, walked in from the door.    


He looked at Wen Tiantian coldly.    


"Ji Jingchen, what's going on?" Wen Tiantian took two steps forward, but was stopped by her bodyguard.    


Ji Jingchen didn't answer her question at all and commanded coldly.    


"Throw her out."    


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