Lovely Substitute Bride



The shrill screams instantly quieted the surrounding area.    


Wen Tiantian's face turned even paler as she quickly turned her head to look ahead.    


The plane grinded against the ground with an unpleasant, harsh sound.    


It was like a stopper, and when the voice rang out, everyone quieted down at the same time.    


With an ear-piercing sound, the plane finally came to a stop.    


Everyone was still in a panicked state as they looked around their surroundings.    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened as all the strength in her body seemed to have been sucked out of her.    


She couldn't even stand straight and fell back in her chair.    


The surrounding people were still discussing.    


"Did we bump into each other?"    


"Is there a problem with this person?" Why is it in the middle? "    


"How can he dodge such a short distance?"    


Wen Tiantian watched their conversation as tears rolled down her cheeks.    


"Are you satisfied now?"    


she whispered.    


Min Ann'ge frowned. He didn't know why Ji Jingchen would suddenly appear at this moment and even blocked the front of the plane.    


That madman!    


"Tiantian …"    


He reached out his hand, wanting to place it on Wen Tiantian's shoulder, but she dodged his hand.    


Wen Tiantian stood up abruptly and walked out in panic.    


However, the two bodyguards stopped her once again.    


Wen Tiantian clenched her fists, her body trembling slightly.    


"Even now, you still won't let me go down?"    


Min Ann'ge looked at her embarrassedly for a while before he finally nodded.    


As soon as the two bodyguards stepped aside, Wen Tiantian dashed out.    


Her legs were weak and she almost fell to the ground several times.    


Min Ann'ge, who was following behind her, wanted to go up and stop her, but was avoided time and time again by Wen Tiantian.    


She made her way to the hatch and tried to open it.    


One of the passengers felt his heart ache as he reminded, "Miss, don't knock anymore. Unless the captain comes, this door won't open."    


However, Wen Tiantian turned a deaf ear.    


She kept patting it, turning to face the camera, and the captain behind her.    


"Open the door and let me down."    


"The one below is my lover!"    


Everyone around her looked at her and shook their heads.    


Wen Tiantian clapped her hands until they were red and swollen, but she did not stop.    


"Ji Jingchen is just injured, I'm going down to save him."    


Min Ann'ge stood behind him and looked at the collapsed body on the ground with a pained expression.    


He couldn't help but say, "Tiantian, don't be in such a hurry. There will be someone to deal with it soon."    


With that, he grabbed Wen Tiantian's hand and tried to pull her up.    


At this moment, a "pa" sound was heard.    


The cabin door slowly opened.    


"Let her go."    


A voice came from outside.    


When Wen Tiantian heard the voice, she was stunned for a moment before she slowly turned around.    


At the cabin door, a figure stood against the light.    


It was Ji Jingchen.    


His face was covered with dark clouds, and his eyes were dark and deep.    


When Min Ann'ge saw him, he immediately frowned and quickly used his strength to pull Wen Tiantian over.    


Ji Jingchen noticed the moment he moved.    


"Let her go!"    


He rushed over and punched Min Ann'ge in the face.    


Min Ann'ge was pushed back a few steps and fell onto the chair.    


Ji Jingchen's eyes were crimson red and cold.    


Min Ann'ge immediately shouted: "Stop him! Don't let him take Tiantian away! "    


The two bodyguards quickly stepped forward and stood between Ji Jingchen and Wen Tiantian.    


Ji Jingchen squinted his cold eyes and walked over.    


His gaze had been fixed on Wen Tiantian ever since.    


"Get out of the way."    


The two bodyguards didn't move.    


Ji Jingchen gritted his teeth like a god of death. From his temples to his lower jaw, a sharp line appeared.    


He moved his body and abruptly charged forward, throwing out a punch!    


The two bodyguards soon began fighting with him.    


In the narrow corridor, the sound of fists hitting flesh could be heard.    


The two bodyguards that Ruan Family had hired were not kind people, but Ji Jingchen seemed to be giving up his life.    


Each fist didn't leave any room for retreat.    


Under this kind of fighting style, even the two experienced bodyguards started to get a little scared.    


After knocking the last bodyguard to the ground with one punch, Ji Jingchen's fist was still covered in blood.    


His gaze was even colder, like a winter of ten thousand years of frost. Hidden in the darkness, there were a few traces of madness.    


He walked past the two bodyguards and stood directly in front of Wen Tiantian.    


"You can't take her."    


Min Ann'ge wanted to stop him.    


Ji Jingchen's gaze swept across and made him stop in fear.    


That pair of eyes made him doubt without a doubt that Ji Jingchen would kill him!    


Ji Jingchen walked up to Wen Tiantian and gently carried her up with his blood-stained hands.    


"Didn't I tell you not to run around?"    


he said softly, hugging Wen Tiantian tightly.    


Wen Tiantian tightly pulled on his clothes as she constantly inspected his body.    


"Ji Jingchen, are you hurt?"    


However, Ji Jingchen didn't seem to hear her voice at all.    


He lowered his head and kissed Wen Tiantian on the forehead before turning around with her.    


"I'll take you back now."    


Min Ann'ge quickly reacted when he saw Min Ann'ge was about to leave the plane.    


"You can't leave! Mrs Ruan will not let you off! "    


Ji Jingchen's footsteps paused as he stood at the entrance of the cabin.    


The light from outside fell on his body, causing his figure to grow even taller.    


He turned his head slightly, but did not look at Min Ann'ge.    


"Let her do it!"    


With these words, he turned around and decisively left with Wen Tiantian in his arms.    


The butler and the driver, who had just arrived at the airport, saw Ji Jingchen carrying Wen Tiantian the moment they came in.    


Outside the window, the plane had been forced to stop.    


They were shocked and hurriedly chased after him.    


"Sir, are you alright?"    


Ji Jingchen's expression was cold and hard. His arms were like steel as they tightly hugged Wen Tiantian.    


He got into the car.    


"Return to the castle."    


The butler looked at Wen Tiantian and whispered, "Should we inform Mrs Ruan …"    


If Sir were to bring Wen Tiantian back right now, she would definitely be completely enraged by Ruan Family.    


At that time …    


Ji Jingchen smiled sinisterly.    


"No need, this time, I won't give her the person."    


The butler looked at him in shock. He didn't know if Wen Tiantian's return would make Mr Ji's condition better or worsen …    


The carriage entered the castle and stopped in front of the entrance.    


Ji Jingchen didn't let go of Wen Tiantian even when they were in the car.    


The moment the car stopped, he carried the others and walked out.    


Wen Tiantian saw that the chef and the others were waiting at the door and pushed Ji Jingchen.    


"Let me down, I'll walk."    


However, Ji Jingchen didn't move at all. Instead, he hugged her even more tightly and walked inside with big strides.    


The cook saw her and came up to her.    


"Miss Wen, what's wrong with you? Are you alright? "    


Before Wen Tiantian could reply, Ji Jingchen took her away and carried her upstairs.    


In the room on the third floor, Wen Tiantian's bedroom still retained the same furnishings as before.    


Ji Jingchen put her on the bed, bowed and hugged her.    


He was slightly bent, like a child.    


"I'm sorry."    


he whispered.    


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