Lovely Substitute Bride



Elder Peng laughed, "When you are well, come visit us more. I brought a few other good items, but they're a bit broken. "    


Wen Tiantian immediately knew what Elder Peng meant by "good stuff".    


Most likely, it was an antique that needed to be repaired.    


Her eyes lit up as she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, the moment I leave the hospital, I'll go visit the two elders."    


Ji Jingchen frowned.    




Wen Tiantian was stunned and slightly disappointed.    


Ji Jingchen said softly, "You are not alone now. You can't overwork yourself."    


"I know, don't worry."    


When Elder Peng and Elder Zhang heard this, they were even more surprised.    


"Tiantian, you …"    


Elder Zhang quickly asked, "Are you pregnant?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded, a gentle smile on her face.    


Elder Zhang's and Elder Peng's faces immediately lit up.    




The two of them rushed over, and they were even more agitated than Ji Jingchen. They knocked him away and surrounded Wen Tiantian.    


Wen Tiantian smiled.    


"It's true."    


Ji Jingchen stood aside and gnashed his teeth in anger.    


What's going on with these two people?    


Elder Peng and Elder Zhang were very happy as they carefully sized up Wen Tiantian's appearance.    


"It's okay, it's okay." It's okay, it's okay.    


"Make sure you have a healthy baby."    


"Oh right, my daughter-in-law is pregnant too. When the time comes, you can have a baby marriage." Elder Zhang said with a smile.    


When Ji Jingchen heard this, he finally couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward to pull Elder Zhang away.    


"You've already seen the person. Can you leave now?"    


Elder Peng and Elder Zhang were still dissatisfied, but seeing that Wen Tiantian was a little tired, they finally gave up.    


After saying a few words to Wen Tiantian and agreeing to meet again, they both left together.    


Wen Tiantian was lost in their descriptions of the broken antiques.    


Just by listening to their descriptions, one could imagine what kind of ancient and well-preserved antiques they were.    


"I really want to see it for myself."    


she said expectantly.    


Ji Jingchen looked at her quietly. Such a lively Wen Tiantian made him feel relaxed.    


He didn't want to experience the thrilling experience of the past two days again in his lifetime.    


"Then take good care of your body and try your best to recover as soon as possible. We'll go back later."    


Ji Jingchen said warmly, "Do you still want more fruits? Let me peel them for you."    


Wen Tiantian was a little moved, but she didn't want to trouble Ji Jingchen in this matter.    


"I'm actually fine. It shouldn't be a problem to peel off some fruits."    


What she meant was, Ji Jingchen wanted her to cut it herself.    


How could Ji Jingchen agree?    


Giving her a look that made her obediently stay, he personally peeled the apple for her.    


Wen Tiantian could only watch as he peeled the apple.    


It was as if he was doing something very important, and his expression was focused and serious.    


Ji Jingchen's hand was very stable. The peel that he cut off formed smoothly without breaking at all.    


His pair of long and slender hands were like a piece of art, but they were stained with the juice of an apple.    


This made Wen Tiantian feel slightly guilty.    


However, most of them were blissful.    


"Yes, have a taste?"    


Ji Jingchen passed the apple to Wen Tiantian, "I think this apple must be very sweet."    


Wen Tiantian took it from him as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, and immediately looked at him with a puzzled expression.    


"How did you know?"    


She took a bite. It was really sweet.    


Ji Jingchen raised his eyebrows and revealed a perfect smile, "I guessed it, is it really sweet?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded.    


"Can I have a try?"    


He looked at Wen Tiantian with a questioning look in his eyes.    


Wen Tiantian acknowledged, "Of course."    


She thought Ji Jingchen wanted to taste the apple in her hand.    


Unexpectedly, the other person leaned over and sucked on her lips.    


The touch of the tip of the tongue and lips was clear.    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened as she looked at him in disbelief.    


"It is indeed very sweet."    


Ji Jingchen smiled and looked at her with a face full of satisfaction.    


"Why did you kiss me secretly?"    


Wen Tiantian's face turned red. This kiss was too unexpected and caught her off guard. She was not prepared at all!    


Ji Jingchen looked at her innocently, "Didn't you agree?"    


"Where am I …"    


Before she could finish her sentence, Wen Tiantian suddenly remembered that when Ji Jingchen asked her if she could taste it, she did nod.    


So when he said "taste it," was it like this, to kiss her like this?    


She thought he just wanted a bite of the apple!    


"You remember now?"    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's sudden realization, Ji Jingchen smirked.    


Wen Tiantian glared at him, fuming as she began to gobble down apples.    


It was as if Ji Jingchen was the one in her hand.    


At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.    


It was a call from the bodyguard.    


Ji Jingchen hesitated for a moment and was about to hang up, but was stopped by Wen Tiantian. "Go and pick it up. If it's something important, then it's bad."    




Ji Jingchen walked out of the ward and opened the answer button.    


The bodyguard's voice came from the other side.    


"Sir, Wen Honghai has been locked up. "What should we do?"    


Ji Jingchen's gaze instantly turned cold.    


That's right, Wen Honghai did not run away, but was caught by him.    


However, there was no need for Wen Tiantian to worry about such things.    


"Ask him if he has an accomplice."    


Ji Jingchen's voice was as cold as ice, "If he doesn't say anything, then call him until he does."    


He would take back the suffering that Tiantian had received from Wen Honghai a thousand times over!    


After hanging up the phone, Ji Jingchen stayed calm in front of Wen Tiantian's ward for a while before he walked in.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian obediently resting on the sickbed, he couldn't help but let out a slight smile.    


As long as his Tiantian was fine, it was better than anything else.    




Wen Tiantian's injuries were not serious. She could be discharged in less than two days.    


Ji Jingchen took her back to the castle. The butler and the cook excitedly welcomed her.    


"Madam, you're finally back!"    


The cook wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She had been following him around in fear these days, but she couldn't help him at all.    


The butler was excited as well. "Madam, you want to have something to eat. I will prepare some for you with the cook."    


"There's no need to trouble yourself."    


Wen Tiantian said, embarrassed.    


She had eaten well enough in the hospital.    


"Go and make something sweet and delicious," Ji Jingchen embraced Wen Tiantian. "You just got discharged from the hospital, so you need to make up for it."    


Wen Tiantian was about to say something, but Ji Jingchen said first, "Even if you don't want to eat it, the child still has to eat it."    


When the kitchen maid and the housekeeper found out about the child, they didn't ask Wen Tiantian anymore and headed straight for the kitchen.    


Wen Tiantian looked at their backs and sighed helplessly. "I'm really not hungry."    


"Even if you're not hungry, you still have to eat."    


Ji Jingchen firmly imbued her with an idea, "Only if you keep up with the nutrition will your child be able to grow up."    


Wen Tiantian could only nod. "Then we can't eat too much …"    




Ji Jingchen agreed, "Oh yeah, you have dinner at home now. I have some matters to take care of, so I'll be a bit late."    


Wen Tiantian smiled as she bid him farewell.    


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