Lovely Substitute Bride



What Mrs Ruan said made Ji Jingchen clench his fists behind his back.    


He took a slow breath.    


"I was wrong, I regret it …"    


Mrs Ruan stood up and slowly said, "You should have said that to Wen Tiantian, not me. Mr Ji, you don't need to be obsessed with Ruan Family, nor do you have any delusions of finding Wen Tiantian here.    


Ji Jingchen wanted to say more, but Mrs Ruan raised her hand and waved it outwards.    


"Butler, send him out."    


Ji Jingchen gritted his teeth and remained silent for a while. Then he said, "If that's the case, I'll come back another day."    


Then he turned and left with the butler.    


After they left, Mrs Ruan took a sip of the tea on the table and left.    


Leaving the living room, he passed through the courtyard and arrived outside the Maple Forest's room.    


Before she had even entered the door, she saw Wen Tiantian sitting on a chair, looking as if she had lost her soul.    


She felt her heart ache as she walked in and whispered, "Did you hear what he said just now?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded, her eyes filled with tears.    


"He likes me. He says I'm his wife."    


"You believe it?"    


Mrs Ruan put her hand on the back of her hand.    


"Tell me, how many times has he said the same thing, and what did he say to you after that?"    


Wen Tiantian was stunned. She bit her lower lip, but didn't say anything.    


Seeing her hesitation, Mrs Ruan continued, "Even if it's not because of Ji Jingchen, don't you want revenge?"    


Wen Tiantian looked up at her.    


Mrs Ruan continued with a calm voice: "Jiang Yutian had burned the Morninglight Orphanage with his own hands. Principal Chen had lost a sea of fire and all the children had been displaced. They are still staying in the shelter."    


"And now, the wound on her face has been healed. Although she gave up on Ji Jingchen, she climbed up another tall branch. With her ability, she will marry into the Wu Clan in less than a month. "    


"Jiang Nianyao and Feng Jin have pushed you off the cliff and you haven't fallen yet."    


"The people from the Ji Family knew of your true identity, but they didn't mention it. "The scandal between you and Min Ann'ge is about the collaboration between Ji Yiyan and Jiang Nianyao."    


Her calm voice slowly narrated the events one by one. There was no sadness or joy, no anger.    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened as shock filled her mind.    


He didn't expect Mrs Ruan to investigate everything so clearly.    


Mrs Ruan continued, "Are you just going to let them get away scot-free?"    




Wen Tiantian's eyes flashed with determination.    


"But, I don't have the ability right now …"    


On the other hand, Mrs Ruan smiled slowly, her eyes exuding confidence and the dignity of someone who had been in a high position for a long time.    


"You do."    


She looked at Wen Tiantian and said, "You can call upon whatever you want from the Ruan Family."    


Wen Tiantian looked at her in shock, but her heart was filled with doubt.    




Mrs Ruan had rescued her and brought back Ruan Family to take good care of her. Now, she had even said that she could help her take revenge and give her everything regarding Ruan Family.    


But why would she do that?    


She frowned and looked at Mrs Ruan curiously.    


"May I ask why you are helping me?"    


Mrs Ruan was slightly moved.    


"Because I don't want you to get hurt."    


People of the Ruan Family had never been someone anyone could bully.    


Wen Tiantian had been out there for so long that she needed to let her know this.    


She had personally built up her confidence and ability.    


Night fell.    


Night gradually enveloped the Ruan Mansion in the center of the city.    


It was like a thin layer of gauze that gently covered its body, making it look like a beauty lying on her side.    


Several bodyguards checked the surroundings on time.    


It was already 3 in the morning, the time when a person's body was at its tightest. However, they did not loosen up.    


A few people had just walked over when a figure slowly walked out from the darkness and appeared in the area they had left.    


With the help of the moonlight, Ji Jingchen looked around at his surroundings. He recalled how he looked when he came in at noon today.    


He had already memorized the entire layout of the Ruan Mansion and had waited five days for today's visit.    


Ji Jingchen walked across the courtyard and soon arrived at a maple tree forest.    


Based on previous investigations, no one had lived in this Maple Forest a few days ago.    


But later on, this place became a place where no one was allowed to casually enter.    


Ji Jingchen remembered where he saw the two cups of tea at noon today, and his eyes became darker.    


He firmly believed that Wen Tiantian was here.    


After walking for a while and avoiding a few cameras and bodyguards, he finally arrived at the small house beside the Maple Forest.    


Inside the warm room, there was a light, and the warm yellow light coming from the window was warm and beautiful.    


Ji Jingchen's heartbeat accelerated. He vaguely felt something. After standing still for a while, he finally mustered up the courage to walk in.    


Pushing the door open, he even held his breath, as if he was afraid of scaring the person inside.    


The person in the room had already fallen asleep, except for the small light on the bedside lamp.    


Seeing this scene, Ji Jingchen was ecstatic and his actions became more careful.    


He knew that Wen Tiantian liked to turn on a small light when she was sleeping.    


Because she was afraid of the dark.    


Ji Jingchen took a deep breath and carefully walked in.    


In the dim light, she walked over to the bed.    


The moment he saw the person on the bed, it was as if the world had frozen.    


He stood by the bed, the corners of his mouth slowly lifted into a smile.    


Delight went straight to his eyes, soaking every cell in his body.    


He looked deeply at the man lying on the bed.    


He knew it.    


His baby.    


The love of his life.    


He definitely wouldn't leave.    


Wen Tiantian leaned against the pillow, her eyes slightly closed.    


The light fell on her face, and her long eyelashes cast a faint shadow under her eyelids.    


Ji Jingchen moved closer to her. Seeing the slight rise and fall of her chest due to her breathing, he felt an unprecedented calmness in his heart.    


He had never thought that the next time he saw Wen Tiantian, his heart would be so calm, filled with a faint joy that overflowed through his entire body.    


Just one look was enough to send him from hell to heaven, without any complicated flower petals or rotating stairs.    


The sudden joy made him almost unable to believe that the scene before his eyes was real.    


He couldn't help but stretch out his hand, making a childish gesture that he would have absolutely disdained before, and secretly pinched himself.    


Then he laughed contentedly.    


It was all because of this woman.    


He took a step forward and knelt on one knee beside the bed, looking at Wen Tiantian up close.    


She was asleep, oblivious to his gaze.    


Ji Jingchen finally leaned over after staring at her for a while. He lowered his head and kissed her lightly on her forehead.    


As if a soft feather had brushed past her, Wen Tiantian didn't notice at all.    


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