In Love With The Fake Bride

C508 There Were Two Questions in total

C508 There Were Two Questions in total

Ye Huiqian thought Shen Xining and An Xin would think about it for a long time. She did not expect that these two would be able to live up to their expectations and actually agreed to her suggestion immediately.    


It seemed that she was not wrong about the person. Shen Xining and An Xin indeed had some ability. She hoped that the two of them would not disappoint her.    


Ye Huiqian saw the situation and said calmly, "Since that is the case, then we will leave first and wait for the good news from the two of you."    


"Take care." Su Ci's voice was cold and did not have the slightest intention to keep them.    


Ye Huiqian was slightly stunned but she did not say anything. She turned around with a smile and found that Min Su actually did not move. This made her slightly embarrassed and could only turn around and pull Min Su away.    


Min Su reluctantly followed behind Ye Huiqian.    


When Ye Huiqian walked to the door, she stopped her footsteps and turned to Su Ci and said. " I heard that there are a lot of imitations of jewelry in Jingshi. You did such a thing under the nose of Lord Third. Isn't it too much of an impact on the market?"    


"It will all end very soon." He looked at Ye Huiqian calmly.    


Ye Huiqian knew that everything was under Su Ci's control. It was pointless to say more. She smiled and left Su Ci's office.    


She watched the office close tightly and said with some dissatisfaction, "What does this Min Su mean?"    


"Director Ye wants to nurture her and she is also a jewelry designer. However, her works are few and there is no particularly outstanding design. So those who know her only think of her as the young lady of Min family."    


Su Ci combed his suit and slowly sat down.    


An Xin winked at Shen Xining and carefully said, "Third Master, you know it very well."    


"Director Ye said so." Su Ci said without changing his expression.    


An Xin and Shen Xining felt that it was very strange. Why did Ye Huiqian say these things for Su Ci to hear? There shouldn't be a mother who would say this to her daughter, right?    


Su Ci saw that the two of them did not understand and explained, "Director Ye was only worried that I had some thoughts about Miss Min, so she directly exposed her daughter's shortcomings."    


"Ah?" Shen Xining exclaimed in a low voice, "It, it can still be like this?"    


"Not only that, Miss Min had offended you with her words just now and Director Ye deliberately spoke in agreement. It was to make me express my stance in front of Miss Min to dispel the thoughts that Miss Min should not have. Otherwise, Director Ye would not have immediately apologized to you after the incident. Speaking of which, she had really put in a lot of effort. " Su Ci analyzed.    


"So that's how it is. No wonder I feel that Director Ye seems to have changed into another person. Her words are harsh and mean." An Xin spoke in surprise.    


"But Director Ye is good. She is so smart. You have just come to Jingshi and you have already discovered a lot of problems. Just now, when she left, she exposed our urgent need with a single word."    


Shen Xining was talking about Qiao Xiujie secretly colluding with some small companies to plagiarize and make counterfeits. This had completely disrupted the current market.    


Su Ci slightly frowned and said in a deep voice, "Director Ye has given me two tests. The first one is the matter of your press conference making counterfeits. The second one is that she wants to test my ability and let me deal with Qiao Xiujie."    


Shen Xining became nervous when she heard that.    


An Xin was more straightforward, so she said directly, "This means that Director Ye is really not simple. She actually gave us a problem all of a sudden and then waved her hand and left."    


"Relax." Shen Xining secretly pointed at Su Ci, reminding him to be at ease.    


Easy immediately felt like she said something wrong and could only close her mouth.    


"I think she is not just doing it for herself. I have seen the people from the Su's who are interested in cooperating recently. Min Corporation is one of them. She tested you all for her own Shangmei Jewelry. She tested me for her husband's Min Corporation. "    


Su Ci said it very firmly, indicating that he was very certain of Ye Huiqian's goal.    


Shen Xining quietly listened and her eyes could not help but fall on the cup Ye Huiqian drank just now. She did not know why but she was a little absent-minded, as if she had felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity from the moment she saw Ye Huiqian.    


"Shen, Shen? What is wrong with you?" She called out to Shen Xining a few times before calling her soul back.    


Shen Xining returned to the divine way. "Ah? It's fine. I'm just thinking about what we should do."    


"Shen, don't worry. If something happens, you can just push all the responsibility onto me. After all, this is trouble caused by my sister. I can't implicate you." She promised.    


Shen Xining grabbed her. "What nonsense are you talking about? We are, we are friends!"    


"Shen." Elegant and touched, she grabbed Shen Xining's hand.    


Su Ci looked at the scene in front of him and coughed lightly.    


"What is it? Am I invisible?"    


"Third Master San, I'm sorry. I was just a little excited." An Xin quickly let go of Shen Xining's hand," Shen is yours, yours, I won't snatch it! "    


"Let's get down to business." Su Ci patted the sofa beside him and motioned for Shen Xining to sit down and rest.    


After Shen Xining sat down, she indicated that she was fine. "Can I say something?"    




Su Ci took a new cup and poured Shen Xining a cup of warm water. His movements and tone were very gentle.    


Shen Xining held the cup and said, "Let's return it. It's better to deal with Qiao Xiujie first."    


"Shen, are you sure? Shouldn't our matter be more urgent right now?" An Xin said worriedly.    


"No, we're just in the limelight, that's all." Shen Xining explained.    


When An Xin heard that, she remembered what Shen Xining had said to her in the office. Although there were people who doubted her creation this time, however, it did not affect her current status as a jewelry designer. On the contrary, the value of her design was still growing crazily.    


That also meant that the Su's Jewelry didn't lose out because of her report.    


"I understand." An Xin smiled and said, "Actually, we are not in a hurry at all."    


Su Ci also nodded. "The matter of An Xin continuing to ferment will not bring us any losses. On the contrary, it is more like sensationalism. This will only cause trouble for her personal matters. But if we can solve Qiao Xiujie's problem while everyone is focusing on this matter, I believe that this matter will gradually calm down."    


Shen Xining smiled and said, "Yes, yes, that's what I mean."    


An Xin gave a thumbs up to Shen Xining, "Shen, you are really becoming smarter and smarter."    


"No, actually, I am just suggesting that we talk about it. I am still worried that you guys will not agree." Shen Xining spoke in embarrassment.    


"How is that possible? What you are talking about now is the best way. We just need to do our best to find evidence of Qiao Xiujie and those small companies, and we will be able to catch all of them in one fell swoop." He smiled peacefully.    


Shen Xining, on the other hand, felt troubled. She looked at Su Ci.    


"Third Master, how should we find evidence?"    


"Wait a minute." Su Ci got up and walked to the desk. He opened the drawer and took out a leather bag. "Take a look."    


Shen Xining and An Xin immediately walked to the desk and opened the leather bag.    


They found there were some accounts and photos in the leather bag. The photos showed Qiao Xiujie meeting with the managers of small companies. It was obvious that they were drinking and friends.    


An Xin pushed Shen Xining and said, "Shen, look. Next time we catch evidence, we should take photos like this."    


"Got it." Shen Xining muttered.    


But even if they had these things, they could not prove that Qiao Xiujie was the mastermind behind these people.    


Could it be that Su Ci had other plans?    


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