In Love With The Fake Bride

C76 They're All Idiots

C76 They're All Idiots

Although Chu Yaruo was angry, she did not lose her mind because she still had Old Madam Su to rely on.    


As long as Qiao Min won the competition this time, Shen Xining would divorce Su Ci and she would also be recognized by Old Madam Su. Marrying Su Ci was a piece of cake for her.    


Even though Shen Xining was an amateur player, she did not put him in her eyes at all.    


But letting her personally help Qiao Min was really too dangerous. After all, every designer's work would have their own special traces. What if Su Ci saw it?    


After thinking for a while, Chu Yaruo thought of a good idea.    


The next day, Chu Yaruo brought Shen Xining's favorite dessert to Su family.    


Just as they got off the car, they met Shen Xining who also got off the car.    


Chu Yaruo saw that Shen Xining was still wearing the clothes from yesterday and knew that Shen Xining must have stayed overnight with Su Ci last night.    


Thinking about it, Chu Yaruo could not help but clench the dessert box in her hands.    


"Yaruo, you, why are you here?" Shen Xining unconsciously tightened her skirt and looked at Chu Yaruo apologetically.    


Chu Yaruo did not reveal any traces and just acted as if she did not know anything, "I was resting today. I passed by the dessert shop that you liked and bought some for you."    


Shen Xining felt even more ashamed, "Thank you."    


"Do you still want me to say thank you?" Chu Yaruo held Shen Xining's arm, "I know you are not a professional, so I was worried that you would not understand. I specially came over to ask if you need my help."    


"No, it is okay. I can do it myself." Shen Xining did not dare to look at Chu Yaruo at all.    


She wanted to pull back her arm but Chu Yaruo tightly clenched it. Her five fingers almost penetrated through the fabric and embedded into her skin.    


She looked up at Chu Yaruo with pain but saw that Chu Yaruo was still smiling but she could not see through Chu Yaruo more and more.    


"Muxue, you don't have to be polite. Let's go in and eat while we talk."    


After Chu Yaruo said that, she did not give Shen Xining a chance to refute and enthusiastically pulled her into the room.    


Chu Yaruo swept a glance at the book on the table. With her sharp eyes, she saw Su Ci's handwriting on the book. The anger in her eyes burned but she could only clench her teeth and suppress it.    


"Muxue, you have already read so many books. Looks like you already have an idea? Can you tell me? I can also help you improve it. "    


Chu Yaruo's face was full of concern and Shen Xining stared at it for a long time but could not find any flaws.    


She pinched her red fingers and said, "Yaruo, you are the loser of the competition and the person in charge. We cannot touch. Even more so, we cannot discuss the competition. "    


Chu Yaruo did not mind. "You think too much. I am now off work. I am just helping you as a reference as your friend. Furthermore, I will not tell anyone."    


Shen Xining pursed her lips and looked at Chu Yaruo seriously.    


This glance made Chu Yaruo's heart tremble and she even felt that Shen Xining seemed to know what she was thinking.    


Chu Yaruo could only smile awkwardly, "Muxue, what happened to you? If you don't believe me, then don't say anymore. I also don't want to make things difficult for you."    


Chu Yaruo lowered her head in disappointment, as if her friend did not trust her and thus hurt her heart.    


Shen Xining's heart softened and she opened the drawing that she carried with her.    


"This, this is what I drew this morning. It is not complete yet."    


Chu Yaruo originally wanted to stand at a high place to guide Shen Xining's design but when she saw that Shen Xining's first draft had not yet been painted, there were already countless types of perfect gemstones and diamonds matching in her mind.    


Shen Xining's crown was based on the eyes. There were many myths about the eyes, mysterious and ever-changing. Coupled with diamonds and gemstones, it was a completely brilliant crown.    


Chu Yaruo stared at the drawing with jealousy and hatred. Why did she not think of these inspirations?    


Ever since she received the Newcomer Award, her work could no longer amaze the world. Now, a completely amateur Shen Xining could actually design such jewelry.    


In the future, where would she stand in the Su's Jewelry?    


"Yaruo? Yaruo? You, what's wrong with you? Is it not good?" Shen Xining asked carefully.    


Chu Yaruo put down the drawing and immediately praised, "Muxue, you are really too amazing. This crown is really too beautiful. I wonder what kind of diamonds or gems you are planning to use?"    


"I, I want to be the Barok style. After all, only the splendor of the crown can suppress the scene." Shen Xining explained.    


Chu Yaruo smiled and nodded, "Your train of thought is really too good, but I feel that this place can be changed appropriately. The main diamond is not big enough and cannot show the feeling of luxury."    


Shen Xining very seriously changed the work according to Chu Yaruo's opinion.    


"What about now?"    


"Very good. Muxue, you will definitely take first place."    


Chu Yaruo sneered in her heart.    


Shen Xining was going to be happy for someone else again.    


After Chu Yaruo and Shen Xining finished changing the work, they left Su family and she impatiently called Qiao Min.    


Qiao Min seemed to be still sleeping and her face was full of impatience, "Chu Yaruo, it is not even noon yet. You dare to disturb my beautiful sleep?"    


"Miss Qiao, I was in a hurry to find you because Muxue's works have already been designed." Chu Yaruo pretended to be anxious and spoke.    


"She is just a layman. How can she design it to look like that? As long as I take the thing that you designed to compete, won't I still be able to crush her?" Qiao Min did not take it to heart at all.    


Chu Yaruo could only say, "What if Third Master helps her? I heard that Third Master accompanied her at the company for the whole night. It seems like Third Master wants her to take first place. No matter how good my design is, it can't be better than one sentence from Third Master. "    


"Su Ci actually dared to help her like this!" Qiao Min raised her voice and her sleepiness turned into anger, "I will definitely not let Shen Muxue get what she wants! Quickly think of an idea for me!"    


"Miss Qiao, how can I think of a way? Unless Shen Muxue plagiarized it, she would definitely be disqualified from the competition in front of everyone. Even if Third Master wanted to help her, it would be impossible. But I... How would I know what she designed? "    


" Miss Qiao, I really can't do anything about this. Please let me go. "    


Chu Yaruo complained to the phone in distress and even begged Qiao Min.    


Qiao Min heard something fishy from Chu Yaruo and thought for a while. Then she scolded Chu Yaruo, "What a useless thing. I really don't know what my grandmother wanted you to help me with. I might as well do it myself!"    


After saying that, Qiao Min hung up amidst Chu Yaruo's aggrieved sobs.    


Chu Yaruo listened to the beeping sound of the phone and tears fell from her face. The corners of her mouth also revealed a mocking smile.    


Calculating, in less than a day, Qiao Min would go and look for Shen Xining to secretly draw.    


At that time, no matter who plagiarized it, it had nothing to do with her. She also did not need to take the risk of being discovered by Su Ci to do things for Qiao Min.    


"These two idiots, aren't they still being toyed with by me in the palm of my hand?"    


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