In Love With The Fake Bride

C79 Joke Her

C79 Joke Her

"Aunt Mei, are you sure that I chose this dress? What? Do you remember it was a long one?"    


Shen Xining stood in front of the mirror, clutching her chest and pulling her skirt. She could not remember that she had chosen such a dress.    


Aunt Mei's face was serious as she said seriously, "Assistant Chung and I saw it with our own eyes. We thought Young Madam wanted to change her style."    


"Young Madam, don't worry. This kind of dressing will definitely attract everyone's attention."    


Aunt Mei deliberately added.    


"Is that so?"    


Shen Xining began to regret choosing her dress randomly.    


She did not expect that just as she was thinking, a cold voice sounded from behind her.    


"Take it off."    


Shen Xining immediately turned around and looked at Su Ci in panic. Wasn't he socializing with Chu Yaruo?    


Aunt Mei and Chung Jin seemed to glance at each other. The two of them sensibly lowered their heads and left the room.    


Su Ci sized Shen Xining up. The white dress with bright pearl decorations made Shen Xining's skin glossy and glossy. Even the scar on her arm was stained with broken beauty.    


She actually wanted to dress like this to attend the celebration. Who would want to see her?    


"Aren't you going to take it off? You want me to do it?" Su Ci said angrily.    


Shen Xining was shocked and quickly pulled over her clothes to cover her chest. She then reached out a hand to unbutton the hidden button behind her collar.    


In the end, because she was too anxious, her hair was wrapped around the hidden button.    




Shen Xining bent her body sideways and the deep V collar immediately became faintly discernible. It was an enchanting scene.    


Su Ci's eyes burned and his gaze slowly fell from her face until he saw that the back of her hand was red and swollen. His eyes were filled with displeasure.    


He got up and walked to Shen Xining's back and unbutton her buttons.    


"The next time Qiao Min comes here, you don't need to let her in."    


"Yes." Shen Xining hid behind the screen with a red face and changed her clothes.    


She walked out of the screen and found that there was a scalding medicine on the table.    


"Sit down."    


Su Ci lowered his head and opened the ointment. He squeezed a little on the tip of his finger and lifted Shen Xining's hand with his other hand.    


The temperature of Shen Xining's palm rose rapidly. She felt that her hand was about to melt in Su Ci's palm. Even the wound on the back of her hand did not hurt that much.    


Just as he said that the wound did not hurt, Su Ci's ointment rubbed on the wound and it felt like there was salt on the pork trotters of a braised pig. It was hot and painful.    


Su Ci saw that Shen Xining was in so much pain that she kept moving, so he simply pulled her into his arms and tightly imprisoned her.    


Smelling the faint fragrance on Shen Xining's body, Su Ci felt as if sparks had been rubbed on his throat. It was coarse and deep.    


"Little stutter, is it still painful?"    


"It doesn't hurt."    


"[Then...]" Su Ci saw the blood dripping from her earlobe and became playful. He deliberately leaned against her face and spoke.    


... "" Shen Xining's body became hot. She curled up like a ball of fire.    


"Then... quickly draw the design drafts for me." Su Ci was serious.    


Shen Xining was drenched in cold water and respectfully stood up, "Yes, Third Master."    


Then, she ran towards the door.    


"Where are you going? This is your room."    


"Then..." Then why aren't you leaving yet?    


"I'm tired."    


After saying that, Su Ci laid on Shen Xining's bed and very naturally pulled over the blanket that she had just sunburned. The sunlight on it merged with the fragrance on her body, and it was so warm and comfortable that it made people sigh in relief.    


"Third Master?" Shen Xining saw that the person on the bed did not move and softly called out.    


Su Ci was silent.    


Only then did Shen Xining dare to quietly walk up. After making sure that Su Ci closed his eyes and fell asleep, she carefully took off his shoes, covered him with the blanket, and turned the light on the bed a little darker.    


When Shen Xining returned to the table and prepared to draw, she sent a message to him peacefully.    


Shen, quickly look at Chu Yaruo's Weibo! It's going crazy!    


Shen Xining clicked on Chu Yaruo's Weibo. The latest update was her selfie with the word good night.    


She clicked open the photo. It looked like a normal photo, but there was something unusual in the corner.    


It was the safe of the Dragon Phoenix Ring.    


Shen, the Internet is saying that Third Master wants to divorce you and marry Chu Yaruo. What is going on?    


I don't know.    


After a moment of silence, he sent a message to comfort her.    


Don't think too much. The key is to pass the competition.    


Thank you.    


After replying, Shen Xining picked up the pen, but her mind was blank. She softly got up and squatted by the bed. With her hands supporting her cheeks, she stared at the sleeping Su Ci.    


Her exquisite face was less cold under the silence. The shadow under the warm lamp perfectly softened Su Ci's face.    


Su Ci was really a good-looking person.    


"You really gave her the ring?"    




"Sigh, forget it. Anyway, I'm used to being laughed at. "    


Shen Xining sighed and rubbed her chest. She knew that Su Ci liked Chu Yaruo so much and even gave Chu Yaruo a family heirloom. Her heart was lifeless and especially uncomfortable.    


She went back to the table. The painting was drawn until late at night and she fell asleep on the table.    


At this time, a figure approached her and picked her up and placed her on the bed. Then, she covered herself with the blanket and continued sleeping.    


Shen Xining slept until late in the morning and only opened her eyes when she was woken up by the knocking on the door.    


"Third Master, you still have a meeting this morning. Have you woken up?" Chung Jin sounded a little anxious.    


But... what meeting? What Third Master?    


Shen Xining immediately raised her head and met Su Ci's meaningful gaze.    


Su Ci tilted his body, one hand supporting his cheek, and the other two fingers pressing against her forehead.    


"You're awake? Let go."    


Let go?    




Shen Xining followed her hand down and found that she was tightly holding onto Su Ci's belt. She immediately pulled back as if her hand was hot.    


Su Ci got up and casually tidied up the wrinkled shirt on his body, then looked at Shen Xining.    


"What a poor sleeping posture."    


... ""    


It was not like she went to bed to sleep on her own.    


If she disliked it, she could totally carry Chu Yaruo to sleep. She did not look like she was sleeping the same way.    


Thinking about it, she felt a little wronged and could not help but lower her head.    


Su Ci held the door handle and said lightly, "What are you thinking about again?"    


Shen Xining immediately covered her head. Why was Su Ci always able to see through her thoughts?    


Su Ci left with a hidden smile.    


Outside the door, Chung Jin was so anxious that his forehead was covered in sweat, "Third Master Ye, you will never wake up late."    


"Don't be a busybody."    




The day before the competition, Shen Xining went to the Su's Jewelry to rehearse for the competition. The other competitors behind her immediately stared at her and discussed animatedly.    


Qiao Min stood up from the side and blocked her way.    


"Shen Muxue, I really didn't expect you to be so thick-skinned. You didn't even get the ring given to your daughter-in-law by the Su family. What qualifications do you have to enter the Su's?"    


Shen Xining stood in front of everyone and felt as if thousands of arrows were piercing her heart. She wanted to quietly pass the competition, but because of Qiao Min's words, everyone knew that she was the unpresentable wife of the Su family.    


Qiao Min stood proudly in front of Shen Xining and pushed her hard.    


"Luckily my grandmother is smart and made a military order with you. If you lose this competition, you can only obediently get out of the Su family's gate! I advise you to save some dignity for yourself and give up the competition in advance."    


In an instant, Qiao Min's words stirred up a thousand waves.    


"So the Su family doesn't like her that much. They really did think of a way to chase her away."    


"No wonder Third Master is so close to Miss Chu. If I were a man, I would also like a beautiful, gentle, and capable woman like Miss Chu."    


"She is a person without any foundation in design. How could she win the competition? Let's wait and see how she will make a joke of herself."    


"The competition hasn't even started yet, and you already know who wins and who loses?"    


Suddenly, An Xin rushed out and blocked Shen Xining in front of her, refuting the whispers of the crowd.    


"It's you again? Look at you, you are neither male nor female. Don't tell me the two of you have really become good sisters? Hahaha..." Qiao Min looked at An Xin and Shen Xining mockingly.    


Shen Xining looked at An Xin defending her humiliation and could not help but clench her fists," I, I will not give up the competition! "    


"At that time, don't cry on the stage. Hmph."    


Qiao Min snorted in satisfaction. She had already taken the initiative to make the crown that Shen Muxue had designed. Tomorrow, she would also let Shen Muxue have a taste of being humiliated in public!    


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