In Love With The Fake Bride

C63 Support You

C63 Support You

Shen Xining was so upset that she couldn't even eat breakfast.    


After getting up, she took out the gift she had brought for Su Ling from her suitcase and went to Su Ling's room.    


Not long later, Aunt Mei also came in and saw that Shen Xining had already helped Su Ling wipe her body and changed into clean clothes. She immediately felt that this Young Madam was a very clingy person.    


If it was another woman who became the Su family's Young Madam, why would she personally wipe Su Ling's body? Not to mention that she had done it so meticulously.    


"Young Madam, Madam said that she will leave these matters to us in the future."    


Shen Xining shook her head. "It's fine. It should be done."    


Aunt Mei saw a new Paris Shadow Crystal Ball on the table and her eyes were more appreciative of Shen Xining.    


Thinking that Su Yina reminded her to remind Shen Xining, she pretended to lower her head and organize her things and started to talk with Shen Xining.    


"Young Madam, this necklace you are wearing must be more beautiful than the previous wife."    


"Former wife?" Shen Xining was stunned and touched the necklace on her neck.    


Wasn't Former wife Su Ci's biological mother?    


This... Could this be a legacy of his mother?    


Aunt Mei saw that Shen Xining did not know anything and faintly smiled. " Third Master was afraid that he would be too embarrassed to say it. This necklace was designed by him when he was young. He insisted that the old master would make it for him and wait for it to be prepared and given to the former wife. Who knew... Usually, he was a treasure. Today, I saw Young Madam wearing it and I knew that you were not ordinary to him. "    


" Aunt Mei, no. " Shen Xining sighed," He even gave it to Yaruo. He gave her something. "    


"Young Madam, the gift to Miss Chu is just money in Third Master's eyes, but the thing on your neck is definitely not measured by money. That is what Third Master wants to give to the former madam."    


"But... that, that..." Shen Xining wanted to talk about the ring but she was unable to say it out loud.    


Aunt Mei saw through her and reminded, "Young Madam, the news outside says that the wind is the rain and no one has really seen it before. Until the last moment, it is not a fixed number."    


Shen Xining heard it and was a little confused. Chu Yaruo had clearly admitted that she should keep the precious things behind to wear. Other than the ring of the Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, she could not think of anything else that was precious.    


After thinking about it, she felt that Aunt Mei was the same as Su Yina. She must have comforted her in this way for her own good.    


She smiled, "Aunt Mei, I, I'm fine."    


Aunt Mei supported her forehead. Madam, was this Young Madam really stupid or too pure?    


Aunt Mei had always had a solemn image, but now she did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Young Madam, I have to remind you of this necklace. Although it is unique, it also has a flaw. I remember that Third Master said that the small box will always break by itself."    


Shen Xining immediately took it off when she heard that, "Then I, I will not wear it anymore. It is too, too dangerous."    


"If you don't wear it, Third Master will probably be unhappy."    


That's right.    


Shen Xining looked at the small box and suddenly smiled, "I, I have an idea."    


Shen Xining found a piece of paper and then drew and wiped it. Finally, she raised the paper and showed it to Aunt Mei.    


"Aunt Mei, look!" She explained, "As long as you change the link to a small button, not only can you take it off by yourself, but you can also fill the small box with whatever you want."    


Aunt Mei did not understand these jewelry, but she could see that Shen Xining drew very beautifully and changed it very nimbly. This way, this unchanging necklace could be changed at will.    


"Young Madam, you can tell Third Master."    


"Forget it, I, I am not professional." Shen Xining sighed again.    


"But sometimes talent is destined."    


Su Yina's voice sounded from outside the door.    


Shen Xining immediately got up and looked at her happily, "Mom, why are you here?"    


"Obediently, Mom's information network is much better than yours. Mrs. Xia was a veteran in the jewelry industry. Most of her friends were like this. If Mrs. Xia is satisfied, it means that the jewelry of Su's will stand firmly in her circle."    


After Su Yina explained, Shen Xining finally understood why Su Ci still let the professional Chu Yaruo design Mrs. Xia's ring in the end.    




"Mom, that ring... No!" Shen Xining immediately stood up.    


Su Yina pulled Shen Xining out and said, "I heard Aunt Mei say that in terms of professionalism, Chu Yaruo is indeed right. There has never been a problem with the broken arm of the ring. But Mom still believes you. Be good."    


"Let's go. Today mother will support you and let you, Young Madam, be steady."    




Shen Xining looked at Su Yina in confusion.    




Su Yina changed into a pure white dress and followed Shen Xining to the jewelry building of the Su's branch.    


The Su's was an old business with a wide range of businesses. It had a place in every industry. Only the Su's Jewelry was founded by Su Ci's father when he was still alive.    


In order to allow the Su's Jewelry to rise to a higher level, Su Ci had been working in this jewelry building for a period of time.    


When Shen Xining entered the jewelry building, she couldn't help but be impressed by Su Ci's father's romance.    


The entire building was like a delicate bracelet, interlocked, but it also represented different elements.    


There was love, there were details.    


Whether it was sunlight or moonlight, every ray of light that fell would be refracted by the cutting surface of the building, emitting a beautiful luster.    


"So beautiful."    


"Not only you, when I first came in... I was also stunned for a long time. Actually, this was built for his mother by Su Ci's father. Su Ci's mother liked to collect some cheap jewelry, and the madame always disliked that she was not presentable. That's why Su Ci's father created this jewelry building and wanted to give her the best jewelry in the world."    


"Mom, you..."    


Why was Su Yina not angry at all?    


When Wang Jialan entered the Shen family, whenever she saw something related to her mother, she would break it into pieces or hide it.    


She would never be so generous to Su Yina.    


"What's there to be angry about? Su Ci's parents are still alive, and I already know them. They are a loving couple, but unfortunately..."    


Su Yina thought of something and frowned. A trace of displeasure flashed across her face.    


Shen Xining did not dare to ask any further. She pointed to the elevator that had opened the door. "The elevator is here."    


Su Yina calmed her emotions and turned her head to smile at Shen Xining. She then pulled her hand tightly, "Good boy, I immediately feel that you are suitable for Su Ci. No matter what happens, don't leave Su Ci behind, okay?"    


Shen Xining did not understand, but she still nodded.    


The elevator arrived with a ding sound. After walking out, it was a meeting room on the top floor with a wide view. Standing outside the door, one could see the city's Jiang Jing.    


Under the cover of the surrounding greenery, it covered the rigidity and heaviness of the work building, making this place very lively.    


Shen Xining took a deep breath and just as she stood still, she heard a scream from the meeting room.    


"Ah! How could it be like this?"    


Wasn't, wasn't this Mrs. Xia's voice?    


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