The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C149 Secret Meeting (2)

C149 Secret Meeting (2)

"You are so…predictable, Lord Sebastian. I'm amazed to see it in reality. It's very fascinating."    


"I'm glad you're fascinated by this, your highness. Please, help us."    


"Unfortunately, I already gave my word to Lady Natalia that I will not be helping you. She also asked me to pass you something. Steward, go fetch the letter on my desk."    


"Yes, your highness!"    


Temara turned back to the men and smiled wryly when she saw their downcast expressions. They looked like the world was ending, or rather, their world. The steward returned and gave the letter to Sebastian. He opened it and read out loud.    


[If you're reading this letter, Bastian, that means you've come to Princess Temara for help. This also means you must've exhausted all available options, like the king, right? Have you lost your mind? Is your level of belief in me so low that you will put your pride aside to beg for scraps? Coming to Berinda won't do you any good. You all could die. I cannot die! You know this! Why do you insist on grieving over someone who's not dead?! I. Am. Fine. There is something important I must find in Berinda and I will be back as soon as I find it. Instead of wasting your time on meaningless pursuit, why don't you try your best to make sure things are exactly the same way I left them?    


If you are not satisfied, give me a week. If I am not back safely after a week, then you will receive an invite from grandmother to come to Berinda. Till we meet again. Natalia.]    


Sebastian put the letter away and buried his face in his hands. Marvis took the letter and read it silently, digesting each word.    


"I said you were predictable but in this world, she's the only one who can predict you this well. I was sure you wouldn't consider me an option at all."    


"Why not? You're my fiance. If I came to you first, I'll feel guiltier and you'll feel burdened. I'm sorry for bothering you."    


"N-No, you're not bothering me at all. It's a bit dark and late but I welcome the company. You look rather exhausted. Perhaps you should just rest this night and return tomorrow."    


"Yes, your highness."    


The torch they lit wasn't enough to clear the perpetual darkness inside the cave. It only created a small hollow around them, leaving a creepy, slimy feeling on their skin as the darkness seemed to be embracing them. Her maid immediately got out her weapon but she sliced into it like air. Natalia did not stop moving.    


They finally reached a wall that seemed to be blocking the way forward. There was no way around it, above or beneath it. Natalia put her torch closer and saw that there were words etched on the wall. It was in the original Fae language.    


{Those that wish to proceed must abandon their mortal coils}    


She mumbled the words to herself a few times until she finally got it. She placed the torch lower and began drawing a magic circle on the floor.    


"I will proceed. You will guard my body and if I'm not back in a few hours, get the rest to rescue me and help me out of this pseudo hostage situation."    


"Yes, my lady."    


She completed the circle and activated it with a drop of blood. Her body fell, caught in time by her servant. She lay her in the circle, sitting beside her body, guarding it with her weapon.    


Natalia’s soul floated above her body, momentarily confused about the blue jewel that seemed to be embedded in her forehead. But after touching it, she realized it was Nataroth’s presence. She went straight through the wall, coming out of a garden. It was strange, especially since it looked too familiar.    


The jewel on her forehead vibrated and fell to the ground. It morphed from a jewel into a replica of her body yet she knew it was Nataroth.    


{Do you know where we are?}    


{I do not. I suppose this is an entrance to the spirit world. I'm surprised to see it somewhere like the Elven kingdom. The elves do not have very good relations with the spirits} Nataroth responded, floating forward. Natalia followed her until they chanced on a huge tree.    


Several rays of light focused down on them and as they looked closer, they discovered they were tiny spirits. They closely resembled fairies and elves but they didn't have any wings and they were small in size. They fit snugly in their palms, preening happily like birds.    


"What a pleasant surprise. This is a presence I have not sensed in centuries. It couldn't possibly be Nataroth, could it?"    


{Maowry. You're still alive}    


"Of course I am. You think it's that easy to get rid of me? Of course I'm not trying to insult you."    


Natalia had seen the Great spirit of wind, sylph several times but she couldn't compare to this Great Spirit. They had an abundant presence that encompassed the very air. They looked like an elf, spotting long tipped ears wrapped around with creeper vines. Their black eyes stared down curiously at them, their skin like the color of the earth. They bore a resemblance to Nataroth but even they couldn't compare to the Great Queen's beauty.    


Their dress was made of a thousand yellow leaves and the leaves constantly fell like it was autumn.    


"I thought you were dead when I didn't feel your presence. I'm glad you're alive, mother."    




{Natalia, this is the Great spirit Maowry. They are the original spirit and the lifeblood of the other spirits. They are one of my children. I thought I lost all my children but I didn't know Maowry was still alive. This just be the reason why they easily dissipated into nature. You preserved all our souls.}    


"Well, if we all died, this world will crumble. I worked hard, mother," They smiled. She reached down and downsized, hugging Nataroth.    


"It mustn't have been easy to find me. Why did you come here, mother?"    


{Actually, I was the one looking for you. I was hoping to find the bodies of the other original gods to resurrect them}    


"Why would you want to resurrect them? Mother, are you the one who suggested this? Do you not know it's a terrible idea?"    


{I am fully aware. However, this is necessary. I'm willing to take responsibility for what happens next. We need your help, Maowry}    


They frowned, sighing. A gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew all the leaves off their dress, leaving a plain white dress. The flowers and trees in the garden slowly disappeared, leaving barren ground.    


"I will gather their bodies but you must revive them here. I will also grant your physical body access to the spirit world, Natalia."    


{You know who I am?}    


"Sylph never fails to talk about you everyday. Mother, the guardians of the underworld won't easily release the fragments of their souls."    


{Leave the resurrection process to Natalia. She has already found a way.}    


"You reincarnated into a capable person. I'm glad," they smiled. The scenery slowly disappeared and Maowry started to dissipate.    


"I'll be seeing you soon, Mother, Natalia."    


Natalia opened her eyes and found that she was back in her body. Her servant was right beside her, guarding her body. She rose and the magic circle slowly dissipated. It wasn't exactly what she was looking for but she found something better.    


"We're done here. Let's leave."    


"We have…company, my lady," she said, pointing to a part of the cave. The dark cave was brightening up. It meant a large group of people were drawing closer. Natalia searched for places to hide, feeling the extra restrictions on her magic.    


"I'll have to draw another teleportation circle if we want to leave before they find us. Can you check who they are and what is going on?"    


"Yes, my lady."    


She put off her torch and crawled forward. The light was still far away but she was starting to hear the voices of several people. She drew closer, blending with the darkness. Eventually, the voices became clearer.    


"Does the cave feel a little darker tonight? It gives me an eerie feeling."    


"Shut up and don't creep everyone else out. We have to set the ritual up quickly before we run out of time."    


"Both of you can't seriously believe there is a monster living in these caves. Nothing can survive in this darkness!"    


Natalia found it painful how slow and hard it was to draw a teleportation portal. It was a simple thing with magic but without magic, it required intense concentration. Eventually, she finished and beckoned on her servant. As they got ready to leave, she heard a faint growl behind her.    


The two of them turned around and to their horror, found a giant tentacle monster staring back at them. The tentacles shot at them but were deflected by the servant's baldes. The tentacles were as dense as steel and seemed to be made of it as well with the way they sounded when they met the Mythril blade.    


"What was that sound? Go see if it was an intruder!" An authoritative voice echoed from afar. Natalia grabbed her servant and dove into the portal, closing it behind her.    


"Are you alright, my lady?"    


"That…was Princess Denitra's voice."    


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