The Epic of Azathoth



Sorry for the lack of the chapter.     

I couldn't think of anything to write this chapter, I'm currently forcing myself to write instead of doing it as a hobby.     

Or maybe that's it? Writer's block?     

I don't know...     


Daemon teleported himself to the exit, which was a simple wooden hut that led underground. As Daemon left the log cabin, he saw a black liquid like Venom approaching him.     

{ So... one of them has already started thinking about betraying me... }     

Looking at Daemon's arrival, they panicked thinking what monster might take over Daemon's body, but what a dumb thought....     

'' Sir, be careful! ''     

'' '' '' Don't let it get near him! ''     

Raising there hand the black liquid splashed over him, the people running after him started to panic because of it.     

Noticing the panicked expression on them, Daemon slowly asked in a cold tone. So... one of you thought about betraying me or maybe going after my wife...".     

Looking at all those people, Daemon asked again. "So, who did it? ''     

A man with a scar on his face approached and said respectfully. ''Sir, it was one of the new members. ''     


''Hmm... ''     

With a simple murmur, the thing in his hand began to move as if it spasmed stopping suddenly, it began to move again inside it came out a small white ball.     

With a thought the black goo disappeared, in his hand the small white ball continued with him, opening his mouth he said     

"Really, some of you had the idea to betray me or hurt my wife. Do you really think I would give you so much power without being able to take it back? Really? ''     

'' ''I don't care what you do, you can use this power for good or evil. The two don't matter much, but don't forget that I'm the one who gave you this power.... ''     

"That's all, get back to your business," Daemon said throwing the white ball to Pietro ( Man with a scar).     

= = =     


Looking at the small ball in his hand, Pietro saw a blue screen appear in front of him, this blue screen was not strange to any of the people who gained Daemon's upgrade, each of them had seen this screen before, even the children.     

= = =     

[ Attention!     

Break ???? to gain the "Skills" inside it.     


Aiming, Reloading, Firearms Mastery, Extorting, Stealing. ]     

Pietro looked at all this, shocked, pulled himself together and broke the white ball in his hand.     

As soon as he broke it, another blue screen appeared for him.     


Acquired skills: Stealing, Aiming, Mastery with firearm/container, Reloading and Extorting! ]     

Suddenly, Pietro felt a slight headache, but it passed quickly. Looking through his memories, he now has some knowledge about all the skills he has acquired, although he already had firearm mastery, Aiming and Reloading were even more knowledge about how to use them something he did not discard.     

Something that Pietro and the whole group knows is that they should collect all kinds of knowledge the more they know, the more efficient their skills will be.     

= = =     


With her eyelids fluttering slightly a woman with white hair that reached down to her round full buttocks, her jade skin a little red from the passionate night they had, her once smooth chest could now be considered a B-cup, needless to say she was quite happy about it. That woman is Valentina.     

Slowly opening her eyes, as soon as they opened fully her red eyes they looked up at the woman embracing her, she used her hands around her waist as she entwined their legs with hers.     

Even though she liked the feeling, she didn't swing that way.     

Any other woman would end up falling in love with the woman embracing her.     

Her face was extremely beautiful, her hair was long and waist-length and had a golden hue as if it were made of the purest gold. Her body is perfect with golden proportions. And for her body she also had several red tattoos. This woman is Eloah.     

Irma, wake up,'' said Valentina trying to wake up Eloah, even though they are not really sisters Valentina still calls her that because she is the oldest in the relationship. "Irma, wake up it's late!     

"Hmm." Grumbling Eloah opened her red eyes that were more like precious rubies.     

"What's wrong Tina? I'm pretty tired, tell me so I can go back to sleep.'' She replied, still a little groggy.     

With an internal sigh she replied wearily, "Sister, you shouldn't spend all night having sex. I know how addictive it can be, but still... it makes our relationship just about sex."     

I understand what Eloah meant," she said.     

"It's impossible to stop once we start, we both share a mastery of lust that makes everything we feel for each other stronger, even our sex becomes more addictive and intense, it's like a honey trap.'' Eloah replied, ''Once you too achieve this mastery you will understand us.     

Already knowing how addictive this pleasure was, she did not expect that it could become even more intense. If it did, she would not last more than three rounds, and always ended up passing out in the fourth round.     

Swallowing hard, she asked. "How addictive is this going to become?     

Eloah, smiling seductively, replied, "You are never satisfied. Tell me what you feel when we are having sex?     

Blushing at the sudden question, Valentina said. "Complete, as if all my problems would disappear.     

''I like when he is treats me so gently or even when he is more dominating it makes me want to be dominated by him...and that's why I asked him to dominate me, I even felt like it was my first time, when his thing hit my uterus.''     

"Well... I understand," Eloah replied, knowing how good that feeling felt.     

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