The Epic of Azathoth

[ 6/? ]Meeting People, Daemon Must Learn to Smile.

[ 6/? ]Meeting People, Daemon Must Learn to Smile.

I am frustrated and annoyed, with Daemon's armor, I don't know why but I got a grudge with that shit... so I will go back... use the other armor and make some changes to the whole set.     

If one of you had some better armor just leave it in the comments for me to see.     





( __ Pov.> Daemon__ )     

Looking at Simon's surprised expression, not stopping myself from laughing internally, there is nothing better than leaving people surprised, there is only one thing better than leaving people surprised and that is spending my time with Eloah.     

Cof, Cof, coughing internally, I felt like my face was burning, man.... this is what it feels like to feel shame?     

Apparently only Eloah noticed, she was sure to make fun of my face.     

Pulling myself together, I can't let these two see me like this.     

Looking at him, he is making the shocked face of Pikachu, while Marceline, has no idea what that means.     

But is it really that shocking?     

If I look in the store now, I will probably find many versions of Excalibur.     

Returning to his senses, he asked me, stammering, "Is this... real?     

"Yes, it's real, try lifting it without the ring.'' I answered him, taking the handle of Excalibur he tried to lift it off the bench but failed miserably, it didn't even move. ''Now use the ring.''     

Placing the ring on his index finger, he placed his hand on Excalibur.     

This time, he didn't have to put much force into lifting it.     

Lifting it easily, he looked at the blade of the sword before placing it back on the table.     

Looking at me, he asked, still not believing that the sword he just held was Excalibur: "Was this Excalibur? The Excalibur of the legends?''     

"Yes, according to my skill this is Excalibur, and the ring belonged to King Arthur," I answered him, [observe] you have never been wrong with me, so it was clear that this sword was Excalibur.     

''Is that why you wanted to know if we are really in Australia? After all, it doesn't make much sense for it to be here.'' Simon asked, it was something I had thought about before, what would Excalibur be doing here? Some kind of twist of fate?     

"Yes, I found it inside a cave carved into a rock." Answered Daemon without caring much about revealing where he lived, there is no way anyone could find the entrance to his cave, the entire region they occupied was hidden by optical camouflage.     

Taking the ring, I returned it to my finger. Taking Excalibur, I returned it to my inventory.     

Seeing me making those strange movements, Simon asked with his curiosity getting the better of him. "Where did you put it?     

''Magic.'' I said simply making him more curious, just a little more....     

''There is no such thing as magic.'' Answered Simon, he was ignoring all the evidence, besides I just needed to prove the existence of magic.     

''You wear a Magic Crown that gives you the power of ice and snow, while you have a book that exists since the Mesozoic Era that clearly shows that magic existed back then, not only that it also says there about the Elemental of Ice, you think there is no magic?'' I answered him by throwing facts in his face.     

/ Laughs /     

''Daemon is right Simon, even if he and I don't know much about this world, we are both sure that magic is coming back, slowly but surely it is coming back,'' Eloah said, trying to convince him     

"Even if you tell me that.     

"Look at this.'' Interrupting, a ball of fire appeared on top of mine, not only a ball of fire appeared in my hand, air, earth and water, all these were the elements that appeared on top of my palm. "Do you believe in magic now?     

Nodding her head like a headless chicken, Marceline looked at me with bright eyes and asked excitedly. "Teach me magic, I want to be like Simon."     

Looking at the little girl, well, I am terrible at dealing with children, how old is she exactly? How do I get out of this?     

I already know...     

"The older sister over there can teach you magic." I had a scapegoat and I threw all the responsibility on her.     

/ evil laugh in the background /     

Giving me a spiteful look, she replied, "I can teach you magic, but you need Simon's permission."     

Still, with astonishment on his face, Eloah and I know that he is not being skeptical about magic, but, yes, he is very confused about everything that is happening around him, until a year ago he was just an archaeologist and explorer, but then the world went to war, leaving everything in ruins and even more he lost the most important person in his life, his fiancée, Betty.     

"Simon, Simon." Snapping him out of his daze, Marceline asked excitedly. "Can I learn magic from them?     

"'Eh? Well... let's leave that for later.'' Simon replied.     

"More Simon...'' A grumpy Marceline inflated her cheeks.     

''Will she have any trouble learning magic?'' Simon asked, he wasn't the best magic connoisseur, but it had to be a hazard to learn magic, right?     

"Actually, no, the sooner she starts learning magic, the stronger she will be in the future, by then she will have a good foundation in magic." Answered Eloah, at her age magic was one of the things she spent the most time learning and absorbing knowledge from other people. "You can learn magic if you want to, from what I see from the Crown the curse of your life has been extended to a large margin.''     

"'I can learn too? The Crown Curse has extended my time by how much?'' He asked not knowing if that was a good thing or not.     

"Yes, you can live at most a millennium without using the Crown, but if you use it, you become almost immortal." Answered Eloah, immortality...     

"Immortal? Is it possible to become immortal?" he asked.     

''Yes, but, only your life will be prolonged, you can still be killed.'' Answering Eloah, she continued. "So, you want to learn magic?     

"'Yes, please teach us.' He asked politely, as Marceline jumped for joy.     


Seeing them calm down, I mentally smiled, the fish easily took the bait, now how should I get him to let me use him as a guinea pig?     

But not now, I still need to gain his trust.     

I'm a mean son of a bitch, aren't I?     

( Due to his acknowledgement of his flaw The alignment has been changed )     

( The alignment has been updated from Truly Neutral, to > Evil Neutral )     



Consider leaving your stones, I have a family of cockroaches to take care of...     

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