The Epic of Azathoth

Years... The beginning of the Great of Avalon.. [ Part 1/? ]

Years... The beginning of the Great of Avalon.. [ Part 1/? ]

He (Daemon) was still resting on top of his girlfriend while his meat bar was still buried deep inside her.     

She gently and lovingly stroked the back of his neck while her other hand caressed his head.     

It didn't take long for him (Daemon) to calm down and pull away from her and roll onto his side pulling his girlfriend into his arms. Gently resting his head on her chest as he ran his fingers over her smooth shoulder.     

After a moment of silence where only the sound of slow steady breathing could be heard, Eloah lifts her head and comes face to face with him and says....     

"'Fuuu~ ... I know it's too late to say, but ... I love you. ''     

She then gave him a sweet smile and kissed his lips for a while.     

Stopping the kiss, he said     

"I... love you too."     

( Sounds of fireworks in the background )     

* ploc * * slurp * * slurp *     

Hearing the sound of his cock coming out of her pussy as his seeds mixed with her love juice, he thought it was very cute how embarrassed she was, but he hadn't said it out loud, she was embarrassed enough it was better not to let him anymore...     

With her head on his chest and a slight blush on her face she said     

"Enough came out of your seed.... you... maybe you wanted to get me pregnant?''     

Not answering immediately, he paused to think and then said...     

''No... having tiny versions of me running around is not a viable option. ''     

Stopping and pondering she smiled and said     

''Yes, just having one of you running loose is enough, now imagine another... the world would be lost.''     

''Yes, that would be a calamity. ''     

Still, with her head on her chest, she said     

''Again? ''     

He gave a smile and said...     

''Yes, I'm still not satisfied. ''     

Feeling something hard pressed against her cave, she said...     

''I know, I can feel someone quite excited down there. ''     

He gave her ass a light pinch and said     

''We have all night for that. ''     

Smiling seductively, she began kissing his collarbone, chest and abdomen as she moved to his cock and said seductively     

''Yes, the night is young. ''     

( +10 Affection with Eloah, The Demon of Secrets )     

( Congratulations, an Advantage has been gained! )     

( Friend of the Demons )     

[ Friends of Demons ]     

Increase affection and obedience with 'Demons' by 2x.     


Another year went by quickly and it wasn't too boring when he expected it to be.     

His relationship with her (Eloah) had improved greatly since that day when the days confessed their love for each other. Not only had their relationship improved, Simon and Marcy had also eventually grown closer to him and her. (Eloah)     

Something he and she often talked about was that Simon and Marcy had a good talent for practicing magic.     

Marcy and Simon were fast learners, everything Eloah taught them, they learned quickly.     

Not only that, he gave them some candied apples to increase the amount of magic they had.     

Did they have a slight fever because of the amount of magic they got? Yes, but they didn't seem to mind too much, even more, when they realized that their magic ended up increasing a little, they actually looked quite happy.     

To teach them magic, she explained some paths of magic that they could follow.     

The first of these was arcane magic.     

Arcane magic directly manipulates the magical energies of the world, allowing the conjurer to violate natural laws and alter reality. This type of magic is mastered through training, study, or a natural aptitude. Its effects are usually more impressive, destructive and fantastic - such as producing lightning bolts, metamorphosing creatures, transporting over long distances and creating illusory images.     

A magic he was not too fond of, after all, he would be connected with a deity, and this magic was divine magic.     

Divine magic comes from a powerful cause or spiritual entity - usually one of the great gods. Through devotion and obedience to this deity, a conjurer receives magical power in return. Divine magic almost always involves protection and healing.     

It may have its uses as protection and healing, but it is not too difficult for him or her to get his or her hands on a healing spell or even take the Restoration or Abjurer class.     

Rune casting... something even he had an interest in this magic, even the enchanter class would be useless if he had it.     

Rune magic consists of creating certain marks, symbols, which offer certain abilities over the being/place/object that was marked. For example, in a totally dark place, a vision rune can be used, so that its user becomes able to see perfectly. There are hundreds of existing runes and more can be created by the user, the only limit is imagination.     

And last but not least... Summoners, capable of creating anything from the smallest beasts to the most terrifying monsters, Summoners are a highly respected and feared type of wizard. Focused on the study of magical flora and fauna, Summoner material has proven to be very powerful for use in combat, being able to create terrifying beasts. But it also proves useful for other purposes, such as espionage, for example. A good Summoner is never left out of sight by his enemies.     

This was a great summary because there are many, many types of magic, she just gave a great summary about magic.     

She could go on for years and not be able to explain what exactly magic was to them.     

Something he realized was that he was not taking full advantage of his ability to "observe" and learned this when he curiously used "observe" on Simon and Marcy, he was a little shocked that a little girl could have such a broken ability.     

Not only that they also had a good amount of charm.     

Specifically Simon...     



Name: Marceline Abadeer.     

Race: 75% Human / 25% Demon     

Title: N/A     

Level - 6 / Exp: 500 (90%)     

Class: Apprentice Magician     

Alignment: Good Neutral     

HP - 100 ( 10 Per second )     

MP - 400 ( 40 Per Second )     


STR - 10     

VIT - 10     

DEX - 10     

INT - 40     

WIS - 40     

CHARM - 100     

LUCK - 100     


[[Skill: Soul devouring, fire manipulation (sealed), ), Open/close, Bullet of force and mend.]]]     



Name: Simon Petrikov .     

Race: 100% Human     

Title: N/A     

Level: 10 / Exp: 500 (50%)     

Class: Apprentice Magician.     

Alignment: Good Neutral     

HP - 300 ( 30 Per second )     

MP - 1,000 ( 200 Per Second )     


STR - 30     

VIT - 30     

DEX - 17     

INT - 100     

WIS - 100     

CHARM - 100     

LUCK - 100     


Ability: Opening/closing, Bullet of force and mending ]]     


Buff - Your life has been extended by a millennium.     

Debuff - Madness.     


Soul Devourer... something he didn't expect a little girl to have, who would expect such a cute child to have something like that?     

Besides, she was also a demon... well, it didn't matter much if she was a demon no, plus now he knows that demons exist.     

Since they started learning magic, he took them to the weaker dungeons where they tested their acquired skills.     

Needless to say, they were both shocked to be introduced to "The Gamer", and yet when he took them to the dungeon, Marcy even wanted to bring some Slimes.     

According to her, they were cute...     

He refused, after all Slimes left materials that were used in alchemy and that was Slime Condensate.     

Something that all Slimes drop quite often. While the stronger and larger Slimes leave large amounts of them behind, they also leave behind Slime Secretions and the rarest of all... Slime Essence.     

Slime's dungeon, was a large magical forest, as he, Eloah, Simon and Marcy walked through the forest and found some interesting things, to say the least.     

Chicken, Berry, Chicken Egg, Carrot, Matsutake, Sweet Flower, Mint, Onion, Mushroom, Potato, Tomato, Radish and Cabbage.     

Needless to say, he repeated the dungeon many times just to get more of these ingredients, and with that, he made a great feast for everyone.     

But, Marcy kept asking for Slime, so he created a normal Slime, without making it look like a dark Slime, in the end he created a small blue Slime.     

With that Marcy couldn't stop jumping for joy all day.     

She (Eloah) always ended up giving them some lessons in magic and control over magic.     

While all this was going on, Simon wanted to go back to find Betty, something they saw no problem with, but before he left he (Daemon) handed her a black crown with a red jewel right in the middle of the crown.     

He mimicked all the abilities of the Magic Crown, created new abilities and made this new Crown from that one.     

[Ice and Snow Manipulation], [Calm] and [Restoration].     

[Manipulation of Ice and Snow] was self-explanatory, [Calm] put the person in a calm state while they were using the Crown, and [Restoration] was to Restore Simon's mental state.     

When he handed the new Crown to Simon.     

Simon didn't understand why he wanted to give him that Crown, so he explained to him all the usefulness of the Crown.     

Simon left behind all the books in his backpack and the Crown, which he (Daemon) had read almost all of, he would not leave behind some such good books as Human Anatomy.     

Besides Enchiridion the rest of the books dealt with the care of plants, trees and hordes of different kinds of care.     

Which he did not rule out.     

Taking Marcy with him (Simon) before they left, he asked if it was possible if he could bring more books.     

Not refusing, Simon took the backpack with him so that he could bring more books.     

He had ordered alpha1,2 and Omega1,2 accompanying them to keep them out of danger.     

And something very embarrassing happened to him a while ago, something Marcy said, saying that he would marry her when he grew up.     

Which he replied with "I'll think about it when you're older", as bad as he was, he still wouldn't go after a girl.     

Simon just thought it was a joke and let him go. Taking Marcy with him, Marcy took his teddy bear named "Hambo" and left the little blue Slime in the Garden of Eden.     

So from that day on, he started calling her Marcy.     

Then when they were exploring the now ruined world, as soon as Simon Marcy left, he and Eloah did a quickie inside the "ID" and after that he created mas Apha and Omega and their numbers came to a total of 8.     

They started grinding Exp in the boar dungeon, which was very easy for them to kill, he just killed the boss and moved on.     



Name: Apha, 1 to 8.     

Race: Robotic Monster ( Humanoid Robot )     

Class: Not available     

Level - 100 ( 1% )     

HP - 15.000     

MP - 5.000     

STR - 400     

VIT - 300     

DEX - 500     

INT - 100     

EIS - 100     

CHARM - 0     

LUCK - 0     


[[Abilities - Superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, energy blasts, optical cloaking, Hive Mind system, genius intelligence level, Master Fighter, ]]     


Name: Omega 1 to 8     

Robotic Monster ( Robot Dog )     

Class: Not available     

Level - 100 (0%)     

HP - 25.000     

MP - 2.500     

STR - 500     

VIT - 500     

DEX - 300     

INT - 50     

EIS - 50     

CHARM - 0     

LUCK - 0     


Abilities: superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, rip, tear, bite, optical camouflage, pack tactics, clear hearing and vision, Hive Mind system]]     


While Apha was more focused on speed and individual strength making them great swordsmen     

Omega was being the tank and DPS of the team, they were of great help during the boss fight.     

While they leveled up quickly, it took him a long time to level up, he needed 1,000,000 just to reach level 100.     



Name: Daemon Sultan     

Title: Blood Marquis     

Race: 95% Human - 5% ???     

Level - 100     

Exp - 0 / 1.200.000     

Primary Class: Blood Marquis     

Secondary Class: Summoner lv1     

Crafting Class: Cook     

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral     

HP - 49.000 ( 4.900 per minute )     

MP - 448.400 ( 156.900 per minute )     

BP - 63.000     

STR - 980 + (20) + 1.000 + 500 = 1.500     

VIT - 970 + (20) = 990 + 500 = 1,490     

DEX - 70 + (20) 90 + 500 = 590     

INT - 355 + 150 + 99 = 604 + 500 = 1,104     

WIS - 335 + 150 = 485 + 500 = 985     

CHARM - 530     

LUCK - 560     

Available points - 0     


He had become very strong in this time, it even seemed unbelievable how many "stats" he had gained.     

While resting after an intense activity, he received a communication from Apha1.     

Simon found some survivors and wondered if they could bring them to the base.     

He refused no more, but asked how many people were in that group.     

Two adult women, five men and four teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16, three girls and one boy.     

He let them come here, but he had set some rules for that group, but there was one problem: only his creation knew how to get to the base.     

Even Simon didn't know where they were and this was due to the large number of monsters he had created, all of them were small, exempt and able to create a large optical camouflage that surrounded the large forest where his base was located and that was why it was impossible to find it.     

Since it took a long time for them to reach him, he went to them himself. Knowing where his monsters were all the time, he opened a hole in space, before going there he let his armor appear completely.     

A large cloak covered him and the underside of his armor.     

The underside of the armor fit his body perfectly.     

Why did he need to go with his armor showing?     

To impose fear on them.     

He would not tolerate these insects showing any form of disrespect to him.     

As soon as he reached the other side, he managed to intimidate them, and before they could say anything he had Simon cover Marcy's ears and declared the rules.     

1 - No **** or harassment, if he knew of such a thing, he would kill the person.     

2 - If they were to have sex, avoid getting pregnant, otherwise they would be kicked out.     

3 - He would give them food, water, and a roof over their heads.     

4 - He would be above them all, he would be their God from now on.     

These were the only rules they had to follow, there were a few protests from the younger ones, but the man with the scar on his face made them stop, saying that everything the (Daemon) was offering was the best they could ask for.     

At least there are sensible people...     

Grabbing their things, everyone went into the hole caused by Yamato.     

Arriving at the entrance to the cave, these people were not going to live inside it, it was already crowded, so he chopped down trees around the cave and stacked them.     

Yamato was certainly the best axe of all time.     

All that wood would serve them to light a fire for themselves and maybe a possible shelter, he also had to test if he could get the resources inside the dungeons.     

Not letting him do it all, those people began to set up a small circular base with a large fire in the center.     

As they all finished the base, the armor he was wearing disappeared leaving everyone around him shocked, only Marcy and Simon were not shocked to see me.     

He could feel lustful glances directed at him, but he ignored them, not wanting to stress himself over something so pointless.     

Coming out of the cave, Eloah came to him and several glances were directed at her.     

Walking over to him, they kissed, making it clear that she already belongs to someone.     

Running to her, Marcy hugged her leg, after being away for so long.     

Taking Marcy in her arms, she hugged her back.     

After she hugged her, she entered with Marcy, he and Simon entered together, leaving everyone behind.     

Apha1,2 and Omega1,2 stayed behind to protect the entrance.     

Staying behind, they did not dare to enter the cave.     

They had already seen the power they demonstrated by killing hordes of mutants.     

As soon as they reached the hall, Simon left his large backpack on the floor and began to take out several books and many seeds.     

Taking all these books, he set them aside to read at another time.     

Asking what they had done when they ventured outside, Simon replied that "They had walked through many places and met a few people here and there, finding a large robot factory that he did not want to enter so as not to expose Marcy to danger, he and Marcy were also trained with magic and that had been very helpful in many situations and he did not find what he was looking for most, Betty.     

He took a good look at Simon, his hair and large beard were back to normal size, his icy blue skin was also back to normal, his long nose was back to what it was before, his teeth that looked like shark teeth were all back to normal, the only abnormal thing about him was that his hair and beards seemed to have turned permanently white.     

Soon evening came, and everyone ate dinner and went to sleep with full bellies.     

He had added one more skill to his list, and that was[Hair Manipulation] he couldn't stand his hair reaching his waist.     

And being the cheapest at only 100,000, when he has more time he will make a quick kill to get more credits.     

This was only the first year... of many that were to come.     

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