The Epic of Azathoth

[ The dungeons are not too easy? or am I Op too? ] Final Part

[ The dungeons are not too easy? or am I Op too? ] Final Part

{I changed the issue of the Necromancer class before Daemon needed to level up, he needed 100,000 Exp for that, so I changed it, now all classes level up, gaining Exp needed. }     

{This is the third time of the day, maybe I am excited to write, even I don't know, I just thought of writing to speed things up, I had already delayed a lot because of the old mc personality, so I had to change my plans }     


[ Warning! ]     

Barrier ahead ] ]     

[ Do you want to open the Barrier to face the Area Chief?]     


Upon clicking "Y", the door that was sealed with smoke in front of Daemon began to disappear.     

Disappearing completely, they could see a large brown boar was lying inside.     

It was much larger than the other boars Apha1,2 and Omega1,2 had killed so far.     

( photo here )     

Apha1, Omega1 entered inside the boss area, followed by Apha2 and Omega2.     

As soon as Apha1 and Omega1 entered inside the boss area, they started circling the boss, Apha2 and Omega2 did the same, leaving the "Mega Boar" confused.     

/ Roar!!! /     

Entering inside the Boss area, Daemon and Eloah watched Apha1,2 and Omega1,2 fight perfectly in sync.     

Daemon and Eloah stood still just looking at them fighting in sync, looking at the way they were fighting, Eloah can't help but say. "How were they fighting so synchronously?''     

Watching their fight, Daemon can't help but be pleased with them, so he replied, "Thanks to their [Hive Mind System] abilities they can synchronize their thoughts and actions to follow the best course of action, they are [Supercomputers] made to kill more efficiently."     

Sighing mentally, Eloah looked at the fight that was almost over and said. "The way you think is seriously scary." Sighing once again, she said. "Even a demon would be afraid of you."     

Displaying a crooked smile, he replied, "Thank you?     

"That was not a compliment," she said.     

/ Bang! /     

Watching the great boar fall to the ground, almost dead, large amounts of blood poured out of its large mouth and snout with each breath it took.     

Standing behind him was Apha1,2 with his reddish blades they seemed to be boiling as he dripped blood. The four of them were on constant watch for any sign of him getting up.     

Although it was impossible, Apha1,2 had cut deeply into his tendons, so it was impossible for him to get back up.     

Before the Mega boar died, a golden gate opened above Daemon's head revealing the tip of a spear, in the blink of an eye, a large spear came out of the gate piercing the boar's gourd and dragging him back a bit.     

/ Oink! /     

+ 300,000 Exp!     

( Necromancer class Up! )     

( Necromancer class Up! )     

( Necromancer class Up! )     

( Necromancer class Up! )     

( Necromancer Class Up! )     

( Necromancer Class Up! )     

( Level Up! )     

( Level Up! )     

( +40 INT! )     

( +40 WIS! )     

( You won an ability! )     

( Dark Teleportation! )     

[ Dark Teleportation - Rank: Uncommon - Lv1(0%) Active ]     

Description: The necromancer shatters into a flock of black crows, moving wherever he wishes.     

Mp 300 per use.     


With a surprised look, he soon disappeared, while Daemon didn't expect him to get so much Exp and still be able to get up twice, he even got a new ability.     

Watching the Mega Boar disappear in particles, as soon as he disappeared, three doors opened in the back, just like the entrance to this boss, all the entrances had white smoke covering them.     

As soon as the boar's entire body disappeared into particles, he left behind a white card, 3 healing potions and his large tusks.     

Walking over to the loot, Daemon carded the healing potion and the large tusks, while looking at the card with a slight smile.     

[ Crafting Class Card ]     

A card containing a random crafting class.     

Usage: tear it open to gain a random class.     


Tearing the white card in his hand, he can't help but exhibit another slight smile.     

[ Alchemist! ]     

+1 INT and WIS each level.     

Available options: minor healing potion, minor mana potion, life regeneration potion, mana regeneration potion, and minor poison potion.     


Finished checking his winnings, Daemon looked ahead of him where the quartet stood in readiness in case anything came out of that door.     

Looking at those three doors, Daemon looked at his digital watch.     

Looking [ 4:40 ] Daemon looked at the three doors and decided he couldn't go in later.     

Opening his 'status', it was time for him to distribute his available points, he currently has 550 points.     

Spending all his points, his 'status' ended up looking like this.     


Name: Daemon Sultan     

Title: Blood Marquis     

Race 96% Human - 4% ????     

Level - 62 / XP - 0/120,000     

Primary Class: Blood Marquis     

Secondary Class Necromancer     

Crafting Class - Alchemist     

Alignment- Truly Neutral     


HP - 30.000 ( 3.000 per minute )     

MP - 440.900 ( 154.315 per minute )     

BP - 63.300     


STR - 610 + ( 20 ) = 630 + 500 = 1.130     

VIT - 600 + ( 20 ) = 620 + 500 = 1.120     

DEX - 30 + ( 20 ) +500 = 550     

INT - 80 + 275 = 355, + 500 = 855     

WIS - 60 + 275 = 335, + 500 = 835     

CHARM - 30 ( Arthur's mask ) + 500 = 530     

LUCK - 60 ( Arthur's mask ) +500 = 560     

Available points - 0     

Credits - 69.     


{Gains from Daemon, +10 in STR and VIT each level. he has a passive bonus from blood manipulation (20) + (500) from the necromancer/invocateur set. he was distributed equally 275 in INT and WIS. with that he gained +50% mana regeneration, he already had +(300), i think i am not forgetting anything, he also gained +40 in INT and WIS, if i am wrong let me know)     


Looking at his "status" Daemon couldn't help but be surprised, in such a short time he had gained so much strength.     

"You have done, a great job". said Daemon to his robots, "I hope you guys keep it up".     

"'Thank you very much sir, no matter what you wish, we will.' He answered them all at the same time with that robot voice, if they paid more attention you would see Daemon's shadow widening and swallowing them all.     

''ID: Escape.'' Saying this Daemon and Eloah were swallowed by a white light.     

Being taken back to the hall where their bed was. Eloah returned to her human form and threw herself on the bed.     

Watching Daemon, Eloah to him and said. ''So that was it? It wasn't too easy to do the dungeon?'' Saying this, she paused to play with her long hair, before asking. ''We'll do what now, more dungeons?''     

''I wanted to complete the whole boar/mega boar dungeon, that boss before was just a boss of the area, those doors lead to other places, but now I want to go to the nearest city'' he answered.     

''Go to the city?'' do what there? She asked.     

''I feel like I have to go there.'' He replied, straightening the long sleeve of his shirt.     

( Plot )     

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