The Epic of Azathoth






Name: Eloah     

Title: ??     

Race: ????     

Level: ????     

Class: ???? N/A     

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral     


HP - ????     

MP - ????     


STR - ??     

VIT - ??     

DEX - ??     

INT - ??     

WIS - ??     

CHARM - ??     

LUCK - ??     



[ ??? ]     

[ ??? ]     

[ ??? ]     

[ ??? ]     



[ Secrets ]     

[ Time ]     

[ Domination ]     

[ Injury ]     

[ Lust ]     


Yes, Daemon couldn't see anything because his [ Observe ] is at a very low level.     

It's not like he was going to give up, there's still a way for me to see their ''Status'', that's what the [ Party ] was.     

'' Hey Daemon, did you like what you saw?'' Eloah asked proudly tossing her hair back.     

''No, I couldn't see anything because of the low level of [ Observe ]'' Daemon replied, using the party option '' I sent an invitation to [ party ], accept it''.     

Looking at the floating screen in front of her, Eloah accepted the request for the [ party ].     

Then Daemon used [ Observe ] on her for the second time.     



Name Eloah.     

Title: Demon of Secrets.     

Race: Primordial Demon.     

Level: 1800     

Class: N/A     

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral     


HP - 500.000     

MP - 1.000.000     


STR - 5.000     

VIT - 5.000     

DEX - 5.000     

INT - 10.000     

WIS - 10.000     

CHARM - 10     

LUCK - 100     



[ Time Manipulation ]     

[ Energy Manipulation ]     

[ Annihilation Maker ]     

[ Stealing ]     

[ Absorption ]     

[ Destroy Destiny     

[ Magic ]     

[ Summoning ]     

[ Change of Form ]     


[ Domains ]     

[ Secrets ]     

[ Domination ]     

[ Injury ]     

[ Lust ]     

[ Time ]     

Note: Eloah's status has been halved.     


; -;     

Isn't she very strong?     

Her "status" has still been halved, which means she has only half her power.     

And how did she get the Annihilation Maker?     


( Author: I forgot... Teehee )     


Going through all the HUD notifications, I started looking for a notification that said something about this.     

And I found it, a HUD, written in red.     

[ Due to the new Contract, you can choose a skill or a domain of Eloah and vise-versa ]     

[ Due to your inactivity, a skill/domain was randomly chosen]     

[ Domain: Luxuria ]     


'' Hey, Daemon, what did you think? Eloah asked cheerfully.     

Daemon replied, ''Currently, you are much stronger than me. Besides, I didn't think there was a way to share Abilities/Domains.     

"'Yeah, I hadn't seen it. I didn't realize it until we were done," Eloah said, shaking her feet in the water,"'I have your ability to create monsters, what about you?     

"Luxury domain," Daemon replied.     

"' I had forgotten that I had this domain if I remember correctly, I had gotten it by absorbing a part of [Agony] "' Eloah Pondered, recalling some old memories.     

''A demon-like you?" asked Daemon.     

'' Yes, one of the primordial demons" Daemon replied. She was really ... an annoying bitch."     

Being silent for a moment, Daemon asked '' Why did you absorb her?''     

'' Humph...Because that annoying bitch had killed one of my summoners when I was already tired of staying in the spirit realm" Eloah replied.     

''Was he that weak?'' asked Daemon.     

'Yes, of all my summoners, you are the only one who was able to summon me without dying from lack of mana and still managed to give me a physical form,' replied Eloah cheerfully.     


''Master, may I ask you why you hate humans so much?''     

"My hatred for these savages?" replied Daemon, with a cold look in his eyes.     

''Yes,'' she said.     

''In a nutshell, everything I loved, they took away from me, my relatives killed my parents just because of the money. Because of too much money, those bastards thought they had some right to it. So they decided to kill my parents and they succeeded in killing them. They thought that if it was easy to manipulate me, they would try to get custody of me so that they could keep the money that my parents sacrificed so much, if not for the letter they left for their trusted lawyer, those bastards would have gotten custody of me."     

'' Not satisfied with killing my parents, they made their children spread around the school that I had a lot of money, so the students and the hyenas called parents, set their eyes on me, wanting my money, making various excuses for it.     

Seeing the situation at school, the lawyer changed my school, but the same situation repeated itself for years, until I got tired of those hyenas, and stayed at home studying all the time. There was not a single person who tried to approach me with good intentions, everyone wanted my parents' money, always with the excuses "my parents need it", and to a friend, "Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla".     

''Then those who were not satisfied and started trying to visit me with excuses to try to take my money, they even tried to engage me in a marriage.''     

'' Then came the last straw, they hired half-baked murderer, after all, they could blame him and only him.     

They were sorry that I was not in my right mind at the time, so a person sneaked into my apartment with a gun. I had seen him on camera, so I hid and waited for an opportunity, I didn't have to wait long to take him by surprise.''     

''After catching him by surprise, I disarmed him, then crushed his neck with my bare hands, on this day I killed a human for the first time. ''     

''I called David (lawyer) to explain the situation to him. Arriving at my apartment and seeing the body on the floor, he had no reaction to seeing that frozen body on the floor, he just walked over to me and asked if I was okay, to which I said yes.''     

''Saying all that so far, Daemon looked at Eloah, who was listening intently, and said ''There's still more. Do you wish to hear everything? ''     

'' Yes, please tell me more'' Eloah replied, taking Daemon's hand.     

''Fine, but let me have a cigarette first,'' Daemon replied, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his inventory. '''Would you like one?''     

Releasing Daemon's hand, Eloah took a cigarette and lit it with a black flame, while Daemon did the same, they took a drag together before letting the smoke out of their mouths.     


'' Cough. Where had I been? Oh, yes, I had killed that guy.''     

'' So after David checked to see if everything was okay with me, he called the police. The news that a man had entered a teenager's apartment with a gun, and the teenager killed him by crushing his neck, was reported on all the news channels. Annoyed that several reporters were coming to bother me, I hired a specialized moving press ''     

'' '' But it seemed that those parasites who called themselves my relatives started making a fuss by saying that it was because of David that I had killed that man.''     

'' I tried to go on with my life normally, but those parasites always appeared along with those reporters, and one day after killing that man they found out that he was drugged, but there I didn't care if he was drugged or not. already knowing that I couldn't go back to my normal life, after all, I liked the feeling of killing, I asked David if I could leave school.     

'' He let me leave school with no problem, as long as I graduated. Something that was not difficult, in one year I managed to graduate.''     

'' After I graduated, I entered the world of anime/manga, I liked them a lot and never got tired of them, it was a world where there were no parasites to bother me. and it was like that until I was 17, those bastards were already desperate one more year and I would inherit all my parents' money, by then their money was already reaching 500 million euros.     

'' So they, in sheer desperation, tried to set me up, but ... at that time I wasn't just watching anime, I had trained in various kinds of martial arts, I even learned to use a sword very badly I had broken my arm and could no longer use a sword.     

"So before they started coming after me, I went after him, killing them one by one. But there was a problem, a big fish was using them since they killed my parents. So the easiest way to get to him was to use his daughter. ''     

"Wait, didn't you die to a crazy woman?" asked Eloah, not understanding if he was so smart, why did he die like that?     

'' ''You shouldn't believe anything my other personality says '' Daemon replied finishing with his cigarette, taking one last drag he said '' ''That crazy woman never existed, she was the big fish's daughter that I used to catch for him ''     

"It wasn't too hard to get to him, really for a politician, his security was very weak." So, already prepared for that day, I killed everyone in his house, wife, daughter, son, mother, father and a child.''     

'' Escaping from his house, I had a big smile on my face when I left there. But a little adrenaline didn't stop me, I continued with my killing spree, killing everyone who took my parents from me, one by one, without an ounce of remorse on my face, I had killed them all, men, women, old people, children, and pregnant women.''     

'' All those parasites were dead, I made a river of blood that night. It wasn't until the next day that the police found the bodies, that the news ended up spreading all over the world. ''     


Taking another cigarette he lit it and offered one more to Eloah, taking the cigarette she lit it, taking a drag together Eloah asked '' So is it over then? ''     

''No, this news was for a whole month in the papers, seeing no further purpose in my existence, I left all my money to David before he put a bullet in my head.     

''Then I found myself in endless darkness,'' Daemon said, finishing his life story, ''I want a drink.     

'''Me too,'' Eloah replied, letting out a sigh, after hearing her master's story, she was quite impressed, how a single person can cause so much damage?     

'' Eloah... what kind of magic can you use?'' Daemon asked looking at Eloah.     

'' All of them '' She replied confused, not knowing what he was getting at.     

"Can you make ice?" Daemon asked,     

"Yes, I can," she replied, looking at him strangely.     


Looking at his master who was doing something with the Annihilation Maker, he created a box?     

'' Okay, put some ice in here,'' he said.     

Looking at her master tiredly, she just shrugged her shoulders and thought, ''It doesn't hurt to have one.     

Putting a lot of ice inside the box, she watched Daemon put several cans of Duff inside the box.     

'' It will take a while for them to get cold'' He said '' Then I will make wolf meat''.     


Swimming over to where he left his clothes, he picked up his boxer shorts and put them on, taking his shirt and Eloah's clothes, throwing the boxer shorts Eloah was wearing into the small lake.     

Walking over the rocks, he didn't want to get his boxer briefs wet, arriving there, he set up a small fire and let the pieces of meat hanging over the flames.     

Arriving with clean boxer briefs, Eloah left them on a rock near the fire.     

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