The Epic of Azathoth



( Author: Choose one of the images below ))     

( Image1 )     

( Image2 )     

' - thought     

" - said/answered/questioned     

[] - game / HUD     

() - game / HUD     



Sitting on a large rock was a man with his hair bound with two sticks that occasionally dropped drops of water, wearing only boxer briefs beside him was a woman with long golden hair wearing new boxer briefs and her long golden hair hid her twin peaks, while she the man was still talking about his past.     



''Long story short... even you don't know the reason why you don't like them,'' Eloah asked.     

'' That's right, so I stayed away from them,'' replied Daemon, taking a big bite of the wolf meat, then he took a big swig from the can of beer, '' That's delicious.     

"Yeah, it's not that bad," Eloah agreed. "Daemon, do you have any plans in mind?"     

"Plans? Daemon thought, "Just one for now, go to the city, get more supplies and especially the drinks."     

"Why more drinks? Eloah said, 'Don't you get tired of drinking so much booze?     

"No" He replied.     

'I never drank anything alcoholic before, so now I want to drink.'''     


Finished eating the whole piece of meat, they were already drinking the third can of beer.     

"Master, I never asked, but why were you using your mana manipulation constantly, even if every time you fail," Eloah asked.     

"I don't mind failing it's better if I fail, I don't want to make a new skill, I want to raise it to a higher level" Daemon replied, "The higher the level, the more mana weapons I can make, so I can fill my Babylon Gate with different types of weapons".     

Thinking for a moment she said, "But wouldn't that be too slow?"     

"It doesn't matter much if it takes too long, that's the easiest way for someone lazy like me," he replied.     

"You shouldn't be so lazy...we have all day to make you stronger," Eloah said.     

"Eloah, laziness is my religion, I can sleep anywhere. Besides, yesterday we had sex until dawn and today we had sex all day non-stop, maybe we can cut our sex off the list of things we could take a break from," Daemon replied with a debauched smile.     


( > Daemon's Pov. < )     


Putting on a sleeveless white shirt, that damn shirt was pretty tight. I was just wearing the shirt along with a boxer briefs, while leaving the sticks stuck in my hair, it really helped to have them, if it keeps bothering me like this I'm going to cut them in half.     

Behind me was Eloah wearing my loose white shirt, underneath she wore boxer briefs to cover her privates.     

And why is she looking at me so intensely?     

Huh? now she's looking at my butt? Is she going to molest me here?     

She won't, right?     

Wait... did I raise a flag?     

I hope not.     

Before she ends up raping me with her gaze, I want to take a look at those strange-looking apples.     

Along with my cubes that lit the way, I walked over to the tree with the strange-looking apples. As I walked up to it, I could feel its gaze becoming more intense.     

[ The gaze intensifies!!!]     

Ignoring that look, I used "Observe" on the apple.     

[Crystallized Apple]     

Rank - Mega Rare - A     

An apple that was crystallized over hundreds of years due to large amounts of mana in the air. Due to this, it evolved into a crystallized apple, containing a large amount of mana inside and containing the best flavor among other apples.     

Effect: +5,000 MP permanently.     


This is pretty broken in here, even more so if I can eat large quantities of them without any problem, after all, there are a few hundred here.     

Looking around, I can see several apple trees around me and each one was full of Candied Apples.     

Taking an apple, I took a bite, and sure enough, it was delicious, it felt like I was biting into caramelized sugar, while on the outside it had more consistency on the inside it was very soft, it even felt like I was biting into a marshmallow.     


+5,000 MP     


I feel like a Pay to Win player.     

Do I feel wrong?     

Not at all.     

[ The gaze intensifies!!!]     

That look came back...     

"Eloah, stop staring at my butt like that," Daemon said. "It's making me uncomfortable and only I can look at your butt like that intensely."     

"Are we really going to stop having sex?" she asked.     

"We're not going to stop, I was just taking it out on you," Daemon replied. "Besides, try one of those apples."     

Picking up a candied apple she took a bite and said "This is really delicious."     


Taking several candied apples, exactly twenty apples, if I am not wrong, I will gain 100,000 Mp just by consuming them.     

Why more Mp? Of course it is to make stronger monsters, the stronger they are, the more Mp I spend, the more abilities they have, the more Mp I spend to create them.     

The only problem in all this was that they were just puppets being controlled by me, without me around they won't know what to do, so I need something to make them more alive, just monsters with a single function that I want them to think of multiple possibilities.     

But how will I find something like that?     

Without thinking of any answers, I decided to ask Eloah, "Eloah, do you know of anything that can make my monsters more alive?     

"Something to make them more alive," pausing for a moment to think she said "Maybe global runes have that power, but that only exists in my home world."     

She shattered all my hopes.... 'Does Beatrice know something?     

' Does Beatrice know something?'     

( Yes )     

'Tell me'     


[A drop of Essence of Life]     

Rank - Mega rare - S     

A drop of the essence of life is capable of making anything come to life, even inanimate objects.     

Cost - 10,000,000 Credits.     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.