The Epic of Azathoth



( Author: I saw that there were people confused by Raum/Eloah's gender. She/he doesn't have one. can be whatever they want because of her [shape-shifting] ability, but since I wanted her to be a woman, then she will remain one. I hope you understood ) )     


Far, far away from our protagonist, there was a small camp with some people grouped around a fire, and they all had something in common, their eyes were red from crying, their expressions were somber and fear was in their eyes.     

Fear of what exactly?     

Monsters, many of them... had invaded the town where they lived and killed their family, their wife/husband, daughter/son, brother/sister, and father/mother.     

They could do nothing but watch their family members being devoured alive, by these monsters.     

Sighing heavily, one of them asked, "What do we do now? We can't go on like this ~''     

"Yes, we need to find a way out of this situation ~'' Said a young man trying to boost everyone's morale.     

'' What can we do against these monsters? Didn't you see how easily they killed the soldiers who were destroying our tanks, or how the one in command survived a bomb right in the chest? He didn't suffer any damage, the bomb in the end only served to destroy a good part of the city," said a bald man.     

Saying nothing more, the group remained silent and each of them was disheartened by the situation.     

"Calm down, even if this happened, we can't just stay here, we have children in the group, we can't just stand here complaining and doing nothing," said a woman, trying to cheer them up.     

Lifting his head, a man with a scar on his chin said, "She's right, we can't panic now"     

" How can you not panic...when these things are out there devouring people! '' Said the bald man clenching his fist hard enough to make it bleed, trying to control himself not to scream, he didn't want the kids to wake up.     

'' He's right, there aren't many things we can do against these monsters '' Said an old man.     


'' Although there isn't much chance that we can win against these monsters, we still need to save these children ~'' said the woman.     

'' The only thing we can do to help them is to find a military base ~'' said the man with the scar.     

Everyone seemed to agree with him, the bald man said, ''How are we going to find a military base? We don't even know where we are and we don't even have that much food and water to last that long ''     

"Let's come up with a good plan so we don't follow unprepared ~''' Said the man with the scar.     


'' General!~ '' Shouted a young man entering the operating room, causing everyone to look at him. '' They have started to move! ~ ''     

Getting up from his chair, the General was an old man with an all-white beard, he shouted '' Everyone gets ready! Let's fight those monsters again! ''     

Acting on his orders, everyone inside the room began to move, alerting everyone in the base.     


Hidden from everyone was a small hill with a perfectly diagonally cut entrance, inside was a small fire burning very slowly while letting out small pops.     

It illuminated the cave enough that anyone could see who was inside.     

On a double bed, a man and a woman were lying on them.     

The man was lying on top of his big hair, he was using his arm to caress the back of the woman beside him, small drops of sweat were running down his well-defined body, with a small hickey and bite marks on his neck and chest.     

The woman next to him was all disheveled and red-faced, as she flashed a small smile of satisfaction as she hummed, she used her hand to make small circular motions on the man's chest.     

"We overdid it," the man said with a small smile on his face.     

Showing a nice smile, the woman said "Which part? the broken leg of the bed? the part where I bit him? Is my bottom all sore? I can barely feel my legs? or the fact that I can still feel your hot thing inside me?     


Daemon replied, "You weren't the one who said to do it harder or have to punish her."     

" That was in the heat of the moment, what would it hurt to be a little gentler? Eloah/Raum said with a pout.     

"Okay, I'll try to be gentler next time," Daemon replied.     

Being silent again, Eloah/Raum approached Master pressing her soft pillows against him, closing her eyes, but remembering something she opened her eyes and asked '' Master?     

''Hm?'' Daemon grumbled.     

Looking into his eyes, she asked '' I stopped to think, and every time we had sex you left your thing in or on my back ''.     

" Yes, why?" Daemon said.     

"Couldn't I end up getting pregnant," Eloah/Raum said, her tone sounding very strange, while her look was complicated.     

'' No, every time I left my seed inside you, I was given an option to get you pregnant I refused,'' Daemon replied, causing Eloah/Raum to look at him appreciatively.     

" Thank you that would be weird,'' Eloah/Raum said, letting out a sigh of relief.     

'' Ra ... Eloah, why did your name suddenly change?" asked Daemon.     

'' That? Eloah is my real name, in my world if someone finds out the real name of some demon, that person can give orders to the demon using only their real name,'' replied Eloah.     

'' Hm ... I understand,'' Daemon said, '' What is the name of your world?     

'' Runeterra '' Eloah replied.     

'' I've never heard of it ... Besides, where did you get that appearance from?'' Daemon asked, curiously.     

'' Oh ... I thought you would never ask, I think it would be fun, you have the Gate of Babylon and the Sword of Rupture, so I thought ... why not make me a version of it, he only wants a woman of course, so master, do you like it? asked Eloah.     

" Yes, I like it,'' replied Daemon.     

'' If Master wants another form I can change it to anyone,'' said Eloah, '' Anyone.''     


Eloah began to hum again. Starting to mold a black mass in my hand. Quickly taking the shape of a black cube with a white light inside the cube, this white light was able to illuminate the entire cave we were in.     

-250 MP     

I nodded my head in satisfaction.     

I created nine more of them, looked at Eloah who continued with her eyes closed while humming a song I didn't know.     

-2,250 MP     


"Eloah, I'm going to see what's down there," I told her.     

"I'll go with you," she replied. "Just let me get the panties."     

Getting up to get her panties, I stood up with her.     

Watching her go to pick up her panties on the floor in a funny way, more of my cum began to seep out of her, running down her legs.     

Finding my panties in the middle of our clothes, I put them on.     

Looking at Eloah, she was staring at her panties.     

"Is there something wrong with her?" I asked her.     

'' There's nothing wrong with it, but I don't want to get it dirty, there's still a lot of your stuff coming out,'' she said sighing.     

" There are several parties in the inventory and just grab another one,'' I answered her.     

Grabbing underwear and a shirt from the inventory, I held out my hand and said, ''Here take it.     

But this will get your clothes dirty," she said.     

'' I don't care, just take it," I replied to her.     


Taking my clothes, she put them on.     

Watching her get dressed, I started down the stairs.     

The first to enter was the cube, each one entering at a time.     

Following behind me, Eloah seemed to have difficulty walking.     

" Is it that hard?'' I asked curiously.     

'' Yes, I'm sorry, Master,'' she replied apologetically.     

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked her, frowning. "It was me who was very rude.''     

'' Well ... If it wasn't my fault, you should be downstairs by now,'' she replied.     

"Eloah... What did you see in your visions? I asked her seriously, considering that she has had [time domain] longer than me, it should be much easier for her to see many other possibilities.     

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